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Erleben Sie die neuesten und besten Filme und TV-Sendungen des Jahres 2003.
- Frei
Marty, an anti-social realist, and Harry, a passionate ideologist, are two young writers who have come to Hollywood to make it as successful screenwriters.
Final Draft (2003 )
The batty sandwich seller and wannabe pimp Andy Ommsen finally gets his chance in the red light district. A reckless underworld-boss hires him to guard the beautiful go-go-dance Anica. Unfortunately, this collides with Andy's second job, which is to show the c-grade actor Timo how to behave as a real pimp.
Der letzte Lude (2003 )
In October 1989, the part of the West Berlin borough of Kreuzberg called SO 36, had been largely shut off by the Wall from the rest of the city for 28 years. A lethargic sub-culture of students, artists, bohemians and barflys had flourished among crumbling buildings. Part of that microcosm is barkeeper Frank, semi-formally called 'Herr Lehmann' by friends and patrons. He hangs out drinking, sports utter disregard for anything beyond SO 36 and lazily pursues an affair with cook Katrin. His lifestyle is gradually disturbed, when his parents show up for a visit, things go awry with Katrin and his best friend Karl starts to act strange. Meanwhile, political turmoil mounts on the other side of the Wall.
Berlin Blues (2003 )
When an Italian man comes out of the closet, it affects both his life and his crazy family.
Mambo Italiano (2003 )
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Eine herrlich komische Episodenkomödie über 4 mehr oder weniger entspannte Marbella-Urlauber. Ashley und Emily sind zwei total gestresste Karrieristen, die aus Versehen in Marbellas bekanntestem Nudisten-Club absteigen und dort auch noch auf Ashleys Boss treffen ... Dave und Tina sind ein Paar aus der Arbeiterklasse, das sich als "Verlierer" fühlt. Ihr Hotel ist überbucht und auf der Suche nach einer neuen Unterkunft lernen sie den "Timeshare-König" Greg Dubois kennen ... Die militante Tierschützerin und überzeugte Vegetarierin Sophie hat es sich zum Ziel gemacht, eine Ziege zu retten, die einer spanischen Fiesta zum Opfer fallen soll. Am Flughafen trifft sie auf den "Baggertypen" Bradley ... Der alternde Auftragskiller Ronnie hat in Marbella seinen letzten Job zu erledigen. Mit dem Geld will er seine Prostata-Operation bezahlen.
Sommer, Sonne, Auftragskiller (2003 )
Hollywood comedian/actor Pauly Shore loses everything: his house, nobody in Hollywood wants to represent him, he moves back home with his mom and is now parking cars at the Comedy Store. Then one night when he's up in his mom's loft, a dead famous comedian appears who tells Pauly to kill himself cause he'll go down as a comedic genius who died before his time. Pauly then fakes his own death, and the media goes crazy.
Pauly Shore Is Dead (2003 )
Der junge Jude Momo lebt Ende der 50er Jahre mit seinem depressiven Vater im jüdischen Viertel von Paris. Weil die Mutter sie verlassen hat, besorgt der ernste Momo den Haushalt und gönnt sich mit Besuchen bei den Prostituierten seines Viertels den einzigen Ausbruch aus dem Alltagstrott. Als Momos Vater Selbstmord begeht, ist Momo plötzlich ganz auf sich allein gestellt. Er hat nur einen Freund — einen einzigen — und das ist Monsieur Ibrahim der Lebensmittelhändler aus der Rue Bleue. Aber die Dinge sind nicht so, wie sie scheinen: Denn die Rue Bleue ist nicht blau, Monsieur Ibrahim ist kein Araber und das Leben ist nicht zwangsläufig ein Trauerspiel …
Monsieur Ibrahim und die Blumen des Koran (2003 )
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Im Gefolge populärer Formate wie "Popstars" bewarben sich über 1000 Kandidaten um einen der sieben Plätze in der neu zu gründenden Band "Mutter sucht Schrauben". Das Besondere: Alle Hoffnungsfrohen sind Behinderte, die ohne Scheu und Berechnung ihr Bestes geben, um in die Formation aufgenommen zu werden. Und wie es sich für so ein Projekt gehört, agieren auch hinter den Kulissen fast ausschließlich Behinderte - in diesem Fall Bewohner des Tiele-Winckler-Heims in Berlin-Lichtenrade.
Freakstars 3000 (2003 )
João Vuvu, lives alone in a house that requires regeneration but due to being alone he is unable to do the work. On his son's release from prison and João's ensuing deception triggers a series of somber events.
Kommen und Gehen (2003 )
Erik ist Schriftsteller und hat die letzten Jahre in der Stadt gelebt. Als er in sein Heimatdorf zurückkehrt um nach seiner verschwundenen Schwester Sussie zu suchen, muss er feststellen, dass seine alten Freunde sich nur wenig entwickelt haben, sondern immer mehr verfallen. Ausserdem will ihm niemand bei der Suche helfen.
Slim Susie (2003 )
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The priest Hannes Jagermüller struggles to keep his flock under control in the idyllic village of St. Gilgen on Lake Wolfgang. His arch-rival, the mayor Oskar Lindner, is planning to build a ski resort with a hotel on the "magical" wedding meadow.
Hochwürden wird Papa (2003 )
Künstler Colin leidet an Liebeskummer dritten Grades. Neuen Lebensmut sucht der Brite im verschlafenen US-Kaff Hope Springs in New England. Tatsächlich gelingt es der quirligen Krankenpflegerin Mandy den Trauerkloß auf andere Gedanken zu bringen. Da kreuzt auf einmal Colins Ex-Flamme auf: Die biestige Vera will ihn zurück.
Hope Springs - Die Liebe deines Lebens (2003 )
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Julianna is a struggling actress in a dead end relationship with Danny, a fireman who no longer lights her fire. When she decides to leave him and go "find herself" she ends up falling in love with an egotistical director, Michael, who can barely fit her in between Pilates classes.
Fish Without a Bicycle (2003 )
A comic strip writer in NYC, still grieving over the death of a friend in 9/11, gets his publisher to agree to a limited run of "Justice", a comic book about an ordinary person who is a hero.
Justice (2003 )
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A comedy directed by Peter Weck.
Drei unter einer Decke (2003 )
A group of teenagers living in a housing project in the outskirts of Paris rehearse a scene from Marivaux's play of the same name. Krimo is determined not to take part, but after developing feelings for Lydia, he quickly assumes the main role and love interest in the play.
Games of Love and Chance (2003 )
Heema finds out that he has a brother. He accepts him in his life because he needs him to paint an exact copy of an expensive painting , that he plans to steal and smuggle to Thailand.
Thieves in Thailand (2003 )
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" Finally find yourself a man!" Nina ignores her grandmother 's request - and unexpectedly falls in love with Hannes , whose wedding she is supposed to organize ...
Nur Anfänger heiraten (2003 )
18-year-old school boy Helmut falls in love with fellow pupil Britta. He starts working for a Peace movement to get to know Britta. Britta, however, suddenly moves to San Francisco to live with her father and whilst there, finds a new boyfriend. Helmut studies, literature and politics in his home town and have a relationship with another girl from his former school, now studying medicine at the same university but they break up after having an affair with her roommate. Helmut begins a lot of short affairs with different women but still searches for his first girl.
Learning to Lie (2003 )
A comic, biting and revelatory documentary following a small group of prankster activists as they gain worldwide notoriety for impersonating the World Trade Organization (WTO) on television and at business conferences around the world.
The Yes Men (2003 )
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La dolce vita! Except life is anything but sweet for Jan (Kai Wiesinger), whose attempts to modernize an old luxury hotel in Italy are thwarted by the local competition’s mafia-like methods. Fortunately, help is at hand in the shapely form of Maria (Liane Forestieri), a German-Italian who originally came to fetch her young son. Together, they get the job done and, this being a romantic comedy, fall in love just as marketing director Susanne, who also happens to be Jans’ girlfriend, arrives to inspect the work. Her suspicions are soon aroused.
Seven Weeks In Italy (2003 )
Die beiden Köche Don und Santano schlagen sich seit Jahren gemeinsam durchs Leben. Don ist ein Genie am Herd und besessen vom Kochen, aber ein hoffnungsloser Chaot. Er arbeitet im Schatten Santanos, der als Chefkoch mehr Verantwortung zeigt. Don ist seit einem magischen Geschmackserlebnis mit seiner “La Zoupa” auf der Suche nach dem perfekten Rezept für jene fantastische Suppe, die ihm nur einmal richtig gelungen ist. Seine Arbeit und die Liebe zu seiner Freundin Jules leiden zunehmend unter dieser fixen Idee. Eines Tages verletzt sich Santano unerwartet und überlässt Don die Küche. Für den wird der Abend zur Chance seines Lebens, als ein Restaurantkritiker im Restaurant auftaucht. Unter den Gästen ist aber auch seine Freundin Jules, der er an diesem Abend eigentlich ein epochales Geburtstagsessen bescheren wollte.
Das Maß der Dinge (2003 )
MA 2412 - Die Staatsdiener (2003 )
Antwerp, at the beginning of June. On a sunny Friday, eight people dream of having a different life. There's wind and music, police and paranoia, gossip and fighting. There's an old virus, an astrayed frisbee, a dead horse, and a mysterious person called Windman. In the evening there's a party …
Any Way the Wind Blows (2003 )
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At seventeen, girls are all about looking good, dressing right and making out with the cutest boys. Or they're like Luka, who's an ace in boxing and couldn't care less about her looks or her appeal to boys. When she breaks a schoolmate's nose, her parents send her off to boarding school to acquire some ladylike manners. There she's mistaken for Frankie, a boy who hasn't shown up, and takes on his identity. With her boxing skills, she instantly wins over her three roommates Chico, Toby and Jo, and strikes up a particularly close friendship with Chico. Her uncompromising honesty and loyalty to her new friends, however, soon get her into trouble with the headmistress and her nephew, the school bully.
Girl's Life, Boy's World (2003 )
This film follows the crisscrossed fortunes of, among others, a rock musician, a flight attendant, a dog walker with an alarming penchant for over-the-counter medication, and a cab driver, who doesn’t really care about his life spiralling out of control, as long as he can sit in his old Renault 12.
The Magic Gloves (2003 )
“Anlatacaklarım var! Vaaz vermek değil niyetim, duyduğumu söylemek. Söylemeye değer şeyler duyuyorum zira. Belki hayatı daha yaşanır kılmak için ya da belki sade, ama sade anlatmak için... Sen anlat dedi Tanrı bana, anlaşılsın diye değil, hiçbir mükafat istemeden anlat... Çünkü bir mükafattır artık bir anlatıcıya doğru düzgün anlaşılmak! Sen anlat dedi... Sen sade anlat! Umudu hatırlatsın diye umutsuzluğu, çareye yol açsın diye çaresizliği anlat... Ders verme dedi kimseye, çünkü hoca denmez öğrenmesini bitirene. Çırakları olan bir çıraktır usta, olsa olsa... Sen anlat dedi bana Tanrı, sen sade anlat.... “ Yılmaz Erdoğan, “Bana Bir Şeyhler Oluyor” oyununun kahramanı Hilmi Duran’a söylettiği bu sözlerle, yazar olarak neden böyle bir oyun yazmak zorunda kaldığını açıklamakla kalmıyor, aynı zamanda kahramanının da kimliğini ele veriyor.
Bana Bir Şeyhler Oluyor (2003 )
The director films the street where he lives in St. Petersburg, for a whole year, documenting the changes caused by the celebration of its 300th anniversary.
Hush! (2003 )
An African student stranded in Paris after losing his government grant discovers a bag of drugs and money while working as a parking garage attendant.
Moi et mon blanc (2003 )
Das Jahr 1890: Bibelprofessor Russell Carlisle hat ein neues Buch, "Die sich verändernden Zeiten", geschrieben. Als jedoch Dr. Norris Anderson anmerkt, dass das, was Carlisle geschrieben hat, zukünftige Generationen ernsthaft beeinträchtigen könnte, hält Carlisle das für eine absurde Idee seines Kollegen. Aber Anderson hat ein Geheimnis: Mit Hilfe der Aufzeichnungen seines verstorbenen Vaters, hat er eine Zeitmaschine entwickelt und schickt Carlisle schließlich über 100 Jahre in die Zukunft, um ihm einen Ausblick auf die Zukunft der Menschheit zu geben, in der der Glaube an Gott allenfalls noch eine untergeordnete Rolle zu scheinen spielt. Carisle ist, angekommen im 21 Jahrhundert, überwältigt vom technologischen Fortschritt der Menschheit, und es kommt zu einigen Missverständnissen. Doch die Oberflächlichkeit der Menschen der Zukunft und die damit einhergehende Abkehr vom Glauben lassen ihn umdenken...
Die Zeitreise (2003 )
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Groundbreaking psychiatrist and author Elisabeth Kübler-Ross dedicated her career to working with the incurably ill. In this intimate documentary filmed near the end of her life, Kübler-Ross relates her life story, from childhood to her final years. Friends, family members and colleagues weigh in with insightful observations and share their memories of this remarkable woman whose innovative concepts helped spawn the field of thanatology.
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross: Facing Death (2003 )
Time travel is one of mankind's favorite fantasies. But what if it were possible to build a real time machine? To travel into the future, or the past? Scientists are now teetering on making that impossible dream, reality.
The World's First Time Machine (2003 )