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Erleben Sie die neuesten und besten Filme und TV-Sendungen des Jahres 2011.
Katharina Wallner is the owner of a long-established business for film videos. After the will of her disinherited landlord Heinz Ortner she should now close the lovingly run shop. So far, she was able to withstand Ortner's harassment, but the dreamy old lady is annoyed at the end. Her sister Hannah, surprisingly returning from South America, encourages Katharina to do something about the homeowner. When Ortner lies dead in the stairwell the next morning, Katharina comes over a terrible suspicion.
Meine Schwester (2011 )
Ike, a Nigerian immigrant, has a great job, cool friends and the love of his beautiful American girlfriend, Nikki. But his world is turned upside down when he is surprised by a visitor from home. Ify, the wife he left behind.
Unwanted Guest (2011 )
- Frei
Beate Uhse was a German pilot and entrepreneur. The only female stunt pilot in Germany in the 1930s, after World War II she started the first sex shop in the world. The company she started, Beate Uhse AG, is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, and is the world leader in sales of sexual aids. The company also started a television channel on the Premiere network of television channels.
Beate Uhse - das Recht auf Liebe (2011 )
The phone call from Sybille was usual. Her family didn't even know that this call just started their last fine day...
The Last Fine Day (2011 )
Thomas, a Danish gay man, is unable to adopt in his home country. He visits a friend in Brazil to explore the possibility of bringing home a child. Eventually he meets Maria, a poor woman who is willing to give away the child she is carrying in exchange for money. As he waits for the child, Thomas takes care of Maria, and their relationship develops in a way he did not expect
Rosa Morena (2011 )
- Frei
Die reiche Elizabeth Hunter hat sich nach einem Leben in Saus und Braus in einem ruhigen Vorort von Sydney zur Ruhe gesetzt und erwartet nun ihre ausgewanderten Kinder an ihrem Sterbebett. Der Sohn Basil, welcher sich einen Namen als Schauspieler gemacht hat und in London einen hohen Bekanntheitsgrad genießt, sich jedoch zuletzt immer stärker durchkämpfen musste, um seinen guten Ruf aufrecht zu erhalten. Die Tochter Dorothy, welche vor langer Zeit in den französischen Adel eingeheiratet hat, mittlerweile aber eine mittellose Hausfrau ist, die mit dem Verlauf ihres Lebens nicht zufrieden zu sein scheint. Gemeinsam versuchen die beiden erwachsenen Kinder nun ihre wahrscheinlich schwerste Aufgabe zu meistern, nämlich ihrer entfremdeten Mutter ein friedliches Ableben zu ermöglichen und sich mit dieser auszusöhnen. Doch schon bald erinnert Mrs. Hunter ihre Sprösslinge wieder daran, warum sie vor all den Jahren vor ihr geflohen sind…
Im Auge des Sturms (2011 )
Ditte, älteste Tochter der dänischen Bäckerfamilie Rheinwald, führt eine erfolgreiche Galerie in Kopenhagen. Als ihr ein Job in New York angeboten wird, scheint für sie und ihren Freund Peter ein lang gehegter Traum in Erfüllung zu gehen. Doch der anstehende Umzug in den Big Apple wird von einer familiären Krise überschattet. Dittes Vater Rikard ist schwer erkrankt und sorgt sich um den Fortbestand des seit drei Generationen bestehenden Familienbetriebes. Dittes inniges, liebevolles Verhältnis zu ihrem Vater wird nun auf eine harte Probe gestellt: Soll sie ihren eigenen Lebenstraum verwirklichen oder sich den Wünschen ihres Vaters beugen und die Leitung der traditionsreichen Bäckerei übernehmen? Als sich Rikards Zustand zunehmend verschlechtert und Peter ungeduldig auf eine endgültige Entscheidung drängt, muss Ditte ihr bisher so unkompliziert verlaufenes Leben und ihre Zukunftspläne völlig neu überdenken...
Eine Familie (2011 )
One morning, Bafiokadié and his sister Téné, two African children, leave their village. The only thing on their mind is to find their lost blue bird before the day is over. But they will find much more along their way: they encounter their deceased grand-parents, they fight the soul of the forest and learn from the chief of pleasure. Everyone tells them a story about life and death. At the end of their long journey, the brother and sister enter the Kingdom of the Future and meet some yet-to-be born children. Delighted with this discovery, they eventually return home.
Blue Bird (2011 )
- Frei
Ein Busunfall löschte im Jahr 1977 das komplette High School Basketball-Team der Kleinstadt Rockwell aus. Dem Rest des malerischen Ortes bescherte das tragische Ereignis jedoch Unsterblichkeit: Seit vielen Jahren gibt es in Rockwell keine Todesfälle mehr, die Bewohner altern nicht und kennen keine Krankheiten. Die Zeit steht still, nichts verändert sich. Diese scheinbare Idylle findet jedoch ein jähes Ende, als der mysteriöse Neuankömmling Hawk Kodiak mitsamt einem Basketball auftaucht.
Frozen Moment - Unsterblichkeit ist endlich (2011 )
In Lorient, einer Stadt in der Bretagne, schließen 17 Mädchen eines Gymnasiums einen ungewöhnlichen Pakt: Entgegen allen Widrigkeiten und dem Unverständnis von Eltern, Lehrern und den jungen Vätern zum Trotz werden Camille und ihre Freundinnen gleichzeitig schwanger.
17 Mädchen (2011 )
Am 7. Juli 1944, nur wenige Tage nach der amerikanischen Invasion von Saipan, führt Captain Sakae Oba den größten japanischen Kamikaze-Angriff des Krieges im Pazifik. Auf wundersame Weise überlebt er die Attacke, die insgesamt 4300 japanische Leben fordert. Mit den wenigen Überlebenden und unterstützt von sympathisierenden Zivilisten zieht sich Oba in den Dschungel zurück, wovon aus er Guerilla-Attacken gegen den Feind steuert. Selbst nach der Aufgabe Japans im August 1945 kämpft er seinen Krieg weiter.
Codename Fox - Die letzte Schlacht im Pazifik (2011 )
Simon lebt mit seinen Eltern am Rande Göteborgs. Während Simons Vater ein handfester Arbeiter ist, ist Simon ein Bücherwurm. In der Schule freundet sich Simon mit dem handwerklich begabten Isak an, Sohn des reichen Buchhändlers Ruben Lentov. Isaks Familie ist aus Nazi-Deutschland geflohen und hat in Schweden eine neue Heimat gefunden. Verbunden durch das Gefühl, anders zu sein, werden die Jungen enge Freunde. Vor dem Hintergrund des aufziehenden Zweiten Weltkriegs und der Schrecken der Judenverfolgung verflechten sich die Schicksale ihrer Familien über Jahrzehnte hinweg. Erst spät erfährt Simon, dass er adoptiert wurde. Nach dem Krieg macht er sich auf die Suche nach seinem Ursprung – eine Reise, die ihn verändern wird.
Simon (2011 )
Hamburg boy Leo Vandenbroek is not amused when his mother, ER surgeon Pia, drags him to a godforsaken Bavarian village for her 'long overdue relaxing holiday'. In fact she rented from local doctor Peter Huber because he's married to Maria, who she learned in her recently deceased father's testament to be her illegitimate half-sister. Leo, who misses his daddy since Pia's career ruined her marriage, instantly bonds with Peter, and ultimately even becomes the glue to reconcile him with his father Karl, who is embittered since his wife's fatal disease.
A Summer in the Mountains (2011 )
Switzerland, 1955. The young orphan Max is sent as a foster child and contracted to work for the Bösiger family who lives on a farm. His foster parents treat him like a workhorse while their son seizes every opportunity to humiliate him. Playing the accordion is the one thing that is entirely his. But when the new teacher stands up for Max, it only makes a bad situation much worse. The only thing preserving his will to survive is his friendship with Berteli, who was also taken on to work at the farm. Max dreams of Argentina with her: a fantasy world, where allegedly even hayforks are made of silver.
The Foster Boy (2011 )
Germany, Baltic Sea coast, May 1945, a few days before the end of World War II. A small Soviet patrol arrives at an isolated house where an elderly baroness gives shelter to a group of orphan girls and a boy who is determined to continue the fight.
4 Days in May (2011 )
Frank and Simone have fulfilled a dream and live with their two children in a row house in the suburbs. They are a happy couple, until the day Frank is diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. The family is suddenly confronted with death.
Stopped on Track (2011 )
Ebbo and Vera Velten have spent the better part of the past twenty years living in different African countries. Ebbo is the manager of a sleeping sickness programme. His work is fulfilling. Vera, however, feels increasingly lost in Yaounde’s ex-pat community. She can’t bear the separation from her 14-year-old daughter, Helen, who is attending boarding school in Germany. Ebbo must give up his life in Africa or he risks losing the woman he loves. But his fear of returning to a land now remote to him increases with each passing day. Years later. Alex Nzila, a young French doctor of Congolese origin, travels to Cameroon to evaluate a development project. It’s been a long time since he set foot on this continent, but, instead of finding new prospects, he encounters a destructive, lost man. Like a phantom, Ebbo slips away from his evaluator.
Sleeping Sickness (2011 )
- Frei
Two misfit males, one man-child, one boy, find each other, building a small cabin in the woods to create a new life. Their daily struggle for survival creates a strong bond between them until the hut is destroyed and one of the boys carted off. The former psychiatric patient is told that his friend was just a figment of his imagination, but this provokes him to fight back and prove the boy's existence.
Hut in the Woods (2011 )
Ari and Oona go to the same school. Lolita-like Ari, is blonde, pouting and lives in a world of bright colours, frustrated by her mother still treating her as a child, while arty Oona dresses in black and is treated as an adult by her artist father. When Oona’s father commits suicide after his wife has an affair with his brother Lukas, Oona starts to self-harm, but finds and unlikely friendship with Ari. Ari’s enthusiasm for exerting her sexuality rebounds when she starts an affair with Oona’s uncle, who has recently moved in with Oona’s mother.
Lollipop Monster (2011 )
- Frei
Der erfolgreiche Strafverteidiger Louis (Vincent Perez) bereitet sich gerade auf die Verteidigung eines Mörders vor, als er erfährt, dass seine Ehefrau Billie (Valeria Golino) an Krebs erkrankt ist. Für ihre beiden Töchter, Manon und Fleur, die wohl schlimmste Nachricht, die sie je erhalten haben. Billies Freundin Maria (Elsa Zylberstein), eine bekannte Schauspielerin, kümmert sich rührend um Billie und will ihr wieder Lebensmut geben. Gleichzeitig muss Maria mit ihrem eigenen Schicksal kämpfen, denn sie versucht verzweifelt mir ihrem sehr viel jüngeren Mann Samuel ein Kind zu bekommen. Billies Krankenschwester Alice (Cécile de France) fühlt sich eingeengt von der ewig gleichen Routine ihres Lebens.
Der Kuss des Schmetterlings (2011 )
Das junge Teenager-Mädchen Ashley befindet sich auf einem düsteren Pfad: Sie ist drogenabhänig und lässt sich von ihrem kriminellen Freund Travis zu einem Raubüberfall überreden. Dieser geht schief und sie wird verhaftet. Durch dieses Ereignis wird ihr klar, was aus ihr geworden ist und sie ergründet ihr eigenes Selbst. Nach sechs Monaten Rehabilitation wird sie entlassen und Ashley entscheidet sich dazu, bei ihrer Tante Diane zu leben, die eine Pferde-Trainerin ist.
Das vergessene Pferd (2011 )
Marie thinks to return to her job one year after the birth of her daughter Nora. Her husband Holger is already looking forward to two-month parental leave in which he wants to be totally there for her daughter. Her daughter? They rush into an emotional hell without warning. The youth welfare office informs them that their child has been swapped in the clinic. Sandra, the other mother with the exchanged and actually biological child of theirs, is a single-parent student. While Sandra outwardly comparatively seems to handle it with ease, Marie is completely overwhelmed. Sandra's life situation leads to a dispute with Holger, because Marie can not accept that "her" daughter should grow up with a poor single parent. When the press also gets wind of the matter, there is no turning back: The children must be exchanged.
Im falschen Leben (2011 )
Helen, in her early 50s, really doesn't know which problem she should solve first: her husband seems to be cheating on her, the children are in terrible puberty, things aren't going well with the gardening business, and she herself is going through menopause. When her old mother also has a stroke, the otherwise calm Helen threatens to go crazy.
My Family kills me (2011 )
Anita and Fred have been a couple for 50 years, and happily married for nearly as long. They have two grown children, and their grandchildren are finishing school. Both can look back at a fulfilling past, but their lives are still rich and vibrant. The fact that Fred is terribly ill has been hidden from the family. For the first time in all these years, Fred takes some liberties, which his wife interprets as an affront. Never before has she felt so abandoned. Although she starts to question her relationship, a love like theirs cannot end so easily. Indeed it should never end.
Colors in the Dark (2011 )
Talented chef Rose Holland advertises for a telephone company to raise money for her own restaurant. Disguised as an English telephone box, she bumps into an attractive man who literally blows her away.
Rosamunde Pilcher: Sonntagskinder (2011 )
A German TV drama
Emilie Richards - The Magic of New Zealand (2011 )
Edward Rosmore, a millionaire suffering from a fatal disease, uses a pretext to bring George Armstrong - the man his beloved wife adored when she was younger - back into her life; he wants to make sure there will be somebody to look after her after his death. But his plan seems to go completely askew when his wife misunderstands his intentions and thinks he is planning a new beginning with his secretary. On top of which her daughter begins to fall in love with George, not realizing he is actually her father. And then, when the misunderstandings and half-truths have completely divided the family, there is a tragic sailing accident. Edward dies - and George comes under suspicion of murder...
Rosamunde Pilcher: Der gestohlene Sommer (2011 )
- Frei
A marriage couple find their daughter drowned in the pool house. At the hospital, the doctor refuses to give up and holds tightly to a remote hope of saving the girl.
The Miracle of Carinthia (2011 )
The lieutenant Fraser is expelled from the army for saving the honor of his Superior. Since this gratefulness uses him as chauffeur in his familiar mansion. There it knows Lady Claire.
Rosamunde Pilcher: Herzensfragen (2011 )
- Frei
Berlin. Greta, 40, architect, mother of a 12-year-old son, recently unemployed. She does everything in her power to keep hanging on in there, torn between the pressure to conform and the spirit of contradiction.
The Drifters (2011 )
Stilles Tal (2011 )
Paul Gilmore, an Anglican priest with great charisma, is transferred to Cornwall due to false accusations. Accompanied by his housekeeper Jane Calder, he arrives at St. Mary's parish in Newquay.
Rosamunde Pilcher: Gefährliche Brandung (2011 )