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Albert has always looked up to his aunt Tiny: this beautiful woman from Brabant can make any man’s heart skip a beat. Through Albert’s eyes Tiny’s life seems quite exciting. But why is she so furious at everyone and everything? It takes him half a lifetime to discover that his beloved aunt’s existence is a lot more complex than he had ever thought.
The Fury (2016 )
Mitsuha lebt gemeinsam mit ihrer kleinen Schwester Yotsuha bei ihrer Großmutter in einer ländlichen Kleinstadt Japans. Insgeheim beklagt sie ihr abgeschiedenes Dasein in der Provinz und wünscht sich ein aufregendes Leben in der Großstadt. Taki würde sich freuen, so beschaulich aufzuwachsen, denn er wohnt in der Millionen-Metropole Tokio, verbringt viel Zeit mit seinen Freunden und jobbt neben der Schule in einem italienischen Restaurant. Eines Tages scheint Mitsuha einen Traum zu haben, in dem sie sich als Junge in Tokio wiederfindet. Parallel macht Taki eine ähnliche Erfahrung: Er findet sich als Mädchen in einer Kleinstadt in den Bergen wieder, wo er noch nie zuvor war. Doch wie kommt es zu dieser schicksalhaften Verstrickung und welches Geheimnis verbirgt sich wirklich hinter den Träumen der beiden Teenager?
Your Name. – Gestern, heute und für immer (2016 )
Nach einer unglücklichen Jugend beginnt der brillante Mathematiker Alan Turing während seines Studiums an der Cambridge-Universität, sein volles Potenzial zu entfalten. Schnell gehört er zu den führenden Denkern des Landes, besonders was seine Theorien zu Rechenmaschinen angeht. Genau diese machen auch den britischen Geheimdienst auf das Genie aufmerksam. Nach einem Test, den Alan mit Leichtigkeit besteht, wird er Mitglied einer geheimen Gruppe. Ihre Aufgabe: im Zweiten Weltkrieg die Kommunikation der Deutschen entschlüsseln. Mit Hilfe von Joan Clarke und Hugh Alexander und unter der Leitung von Stewart Menzies sowie Commander Denniston versucht Alan, den Verschlüsselungsapparat Enigma zu knacken, um an kriegsentscheidende Informationen zu kommen...
The Imitation Game - Ein streng geheimes Leben (2014 )
This documentary is no mere retelling of the Titanic story. This is a unique story of hope and the loss suffered by the people of a tiny west of Ireland village whose sons and daughters went in search of a better life only to be subsumed by the tragic destiny of the world’s greatest ship.
Waking The Titanic (2012 )
Marisa, a 20-year-old German girl, hates foreigners, Jews, cops, and everyone she finds guilty for the decline of her country. She provokes, drinks, fights and her next tattoo will be a portrait of Adolf Hitler. But Marisa's convictions begin to crumble when she meets a young Afghan refugee, and she learns that the black and white principles of her gang are not the only way.
Combat Girls (2011 )
Twenty-five years after the edition of “Mutantes S.21”, Mão Morta returned to Theatro Circo for a celebration of their iconic album which remains an important milestone in Portuguese music. The album's nine tracks, recorded and filmed live throughout the concert, are interspersed with some of the album and Mão Morta’s stories told by members and former member of the group; and with documents from that time, including footage of the concert twenty-five years earlier.
Mutantes S.21 – 25 Years Later (2019 )
A deep insight in the life of 7 women: journalists, costume designers, actors and so on: Rosita Missoni founder, with Ottavio, of fashion house Missoni; Rula Jabreal, Palestine journalist, Patricia Field costume designer for "Sex and the city" and "The devil wears Prada"; Bethann Hardison, first Afro-American top model and civil rights activist; Susanne Bartsch and Alba Clemente, newyorkies artists and Fran Dresher, lead actress in the cult TV series "the Nanny". A tale of troubles and rewards, dreams and passions, the private journey of these incredible women told by their own honest voice.
Seven Women (2018 )
Sie entstammt einer übernatürlich begabten Familie und so kommt es, dass auch die junge Dina außergewöhnliche Fähigkeiten hat: Sie kann direkt in die Seele von anderen Menschen schauen und dafür sorgen, dass diese sich plötzlich ihrer selbst schämen. Als der einzige legitime Nachfolger auf den Thron fälschlicherweise mehrerer Morde beschuldigt wird, will man Dinas Mutter dazu bringen, ihre Fähigkeiten einzusetzen, um ein Geständnis zu erzwingen. Doch weil sie sich weigert, ihre Gabe für solche Zwecke zu missbrauchen, wird sie gefangen genommen. Nun muss Dina die Wahrheit hinter den Morgen herausfinden und gerät dabei in einen gefährlichen Machtkampf, der ihr eigenes Leben gefährdet…
Die Hüterin der Wahrheit - Dinas Bestimmung (2015 )
Der Erotik-Thriller LOFT, einer der größten Kinoerfolge aus den Niederlanden, erzählt die spannende Story, wie ein gefährliches Spiel aus Liebe, Lust und Lügen ein fatales Verbrechen auslöst. Ein gut gehütetes Geheimnis verbindet die fünf Freunde Matthias, Rob, Willem, Bart und Tom: Gemeinsam besitzen sie ein exklusives Loft in Amsterdam, wo sie ihren außerehelichen sexuellen Phantasien nachgehen können. Als dort eines Tages eine gefesselte Frauenleiche entdeckt wird, droht die Freundschaft zu zerbrechen. Denn nur einer von ihnen kann der Täter sein, weil es keine anderen Schlüssel zu dem Appartement gibt. Plötzlich erkennen die Freunde, wie wenig sie voneinander wissen. Und da die Polizei ermittelt, stehen auch ihre Ehen auf dem Spiel. Rückblenden und Verhörszenen steigern sich im Wechsel bis zum überraschenden Ende ...
Loft - Liebe, Lust, Lügen (2010 )
Im Jahre 1943 wird Italiens Hauptstadt Rom durch die Alliierten sukzessive zerstört und bombadiert. In diesem Chaos lebt die junge und vermögende Witwe Cesira mit ihrer 13 jährigen Tochter Rosetta und betreibt einen kleinen Kaufladen. Als die Wucht einer Detonation ihr Geschäft, sowie einige Kunden in Mitleidenschaft zieht, spielt sie mit dem Gedanken, Rom und damit die Gefahrenzone zu verlassen. Sie entscheidet sich dafür und beginnt einen langen und kräftezehrenden Marsch zu ihrem Heimatdorf. Unterwegs stellen sie fest, dass der Krieg jedoch auch das Umland erreicht hat und machen Bekanntschaft mit dem jungen Studenten Michele. Als sich zwischen dem Akademiker und Cesira eine ernsthafte Liebesbeziehung anbahnt, fallen deutsche Truppen in das Dorf ein.
...und dennoch leben sie (1960 )
When Teruaki Nakamura transfers to laid-back Okinawa, he falls for the lively Kyan-san—but her dialect is a complete mystery to him. With Higa-san translating, Teru's misunderstanding-filled island life takes off... and subtle hints suggest Higa-san might want his heart too. On this serene island, love flows as freely as the ocean breeze!
OKITSURA: Fell in Love with an Okinawan Girl, but I Just Wish I Know What She's Saying (2025 )
In the documentary Last To Know political prisoners, sent to jail for openly opposing the East German regime that existed until the German reunification in 1990, talk about their times of trial and their lives today. Neither they, nor their families have come to terms with what happened.
Last to Know (2006 )
Cardiac surgeon Monqiue has centered her life around her work. When extraverted gay artist Max moves in next door they develop a friendship which makes her realise there is more to life than work.
Single Street (2019 )
From the imposing mating call of the red deer and the flight of the buzzard to the hunt of the fox and the micro-ecosystem on a massive oak: nature documentarist Luc Enting recorded it all for his stunning feature film Wild Heart of Holland, produced by PVPictures. The result of his efforts is an exciting, moving and often humorous film, revealing the beauty and diversity of this wild park in every season. We also watch the main characters grow up to adulthood, a path inevitably dogged with challenges. Enting: “To me, this park, in any season, has an almost un-Dutch beauty. It is the largest continuous nature reserve in northwest Europe with an incredible variety of landscapes and life. It has forests, heath, sand drifts, brooks and pushed moraines. With my film, I would like to give a new insight into its incredibly diverse nature.”
Wild (2018 )
After a year of separation, Palo and her friends gather in a countryside house to catch up and try to regain their friendship. Far from the differences that distanced them in the past. Far from the chaos of the city. Away from the fire.
Keep Away from Fire (2019 )
This documentary explores two horrific stories. With haunting interviews with the killers, plus emotional exchanges with the daughters.
My Dad's on Death Row (2016 )
A lighthouse keeper prepares his earthly funeral while trying to reconnect with his inner elf. Hulda and Trausti have shared a roof on the Icelandic coast for over seventy years. Her love of books is matched by his love of stones. When he tells her he wants to change his name to Elf she warns him that the family will reject him. Now, as his one hundredth birthday nears and Trausti senses the hand of death upon him, he is searching for an elf’s coffin…
Half Elf (2020 )
At the demise of empire, City of London financial interests created a web of offshore secrecy jurisdictions that captured wealth from across the globe and hid it behind obscure financial structures in a web of offshore islands. Today, up to half of global offshore wealth may be hidden in British offshore jurisdictions and Britain and its offshore jurisdictions are the largest global players in the world of international finance. How did this come about, and what impact does it have on the world today? This is what the Spider's Web sets out to investigate.
The Spider's Web: Britain's Second Empire (2017 )
Ricard Camarena bases his cuisine on Valencia’s local vegetable production. His constant search for harmony between flavours has seduced the critics and crossed borders. Alongside Mari Carmen Bañuls, the brain behind the management of their restaurants, the two form an indissoluble team which have overcome great adversity to achieve success, vouched for by two Michelin stars and the recent National Gastronomy Prize. The couple are enjoying their most balanced moment. Balanced? The Covid-19 outbreak has thrown them up against a hitherto unheard-of challenge: to reopen their restaurants with the uncertainty of the “new normal”. Heedless of the pandemic, the vegetable garden continues its natural growth cycle and offers the chef a new horizon of flavours.
The Recipe for Balance (2020 )
Die beiden Freundinnen Val und Kristin haben sich zehn Jahre lang eine kleine Wohnung in Hamburg geteilt. Sie haben zusammen gelacht, geweint, gefeiert und gearbeitet. Doch ihre Wege führen bald auseinander, auf verschiedene Kontinente. Bevor es soweit ist, wollen die beiden eine große Reise zusammen machen, eine Herausforderung, körperlich wie geistig. Val und Kristin brechen zu einer mehrwöchigen Wanderung durch das Himalaja Gebirge auf.
Together Free (2021 )
Contemporary artist Miquel Barceló creates his daring, organic works live on site, a process captured as he prepares an exhibition in Paris.
Terres Barceló (2018 )
Heinz Stücke left Germany in 1962 with a bike, a tent and a goal: to see everything in the world. Now for the first time in 50 years, he's come home.
The Man Who Wanted to See It All (2021 )
The Yakuza, Japan's organized crime syndicates, are a dying breed. Their members are aging and the government of Japan has launched a large-scale crackdown on them to eradicate them once and for all. But who are the Yakuza? The cancer of a nation or a necessary evil in a country with one of the lowest crime rates in the industrialized world?
Twilight of the Yakuza (2013 )
Feature film for release Spring 2011 following four superbike riders through their dramatic British Superbike Season. They are the new GLADIATORS, battling at 200MPH, riding through torturous conditions and risking life and limb at every race meeting. Only one can be the true champion. The film follows the great British hope, Tommy Hill, a fearless racer who cheated death at 14 years old. It tracks James Ellison, the northern heartthrob who came second in 2009, and HAS to win to save his career. Also Gary Mason, an ex privateer now racing on a factory Kawasaki bike who has everything to prove. And finally black leather clad Josh 'Bad Boy' Brookes, the Australian out to steal the crown from the British hopefuls. Film score by David Vanian of the Damned, music by Phil Collen of Def Leppard and Manraze. Directed by Mark Sloper
I Superbiker (2011 )
Ein Ball, eine Welt – ein Bus. Mit dem Ziel die Fußballweltmeisterschaft in Russland zu erreichen und dem Vorhaben auf ihrem Weg Menschen unterschiedlicher Länder einander näher zu bringen, machen sich Andrew, Benni und Sven mit einer kleinen Gruppe ihrer Initiative „Spirit of Football“ in einem Minibus auf den Weg. Auf ihrer Reise schafft das Team Begegnungen zwischen unterschiedlichen Menschen, Nationen und Kulturen. Sie durchqueren viele, zum Teil krisengebeutelte Länder in Europa und dem Nahen Osten, unter anderem den Kosovo, Bulgarien, Griechenland, die Türkei und Jordanien. Immer wieder suchen sie den Kontakt mit Fremden, gehen ins Gespräch und erzählen von ihrer Mission: Sie nutzen den Fußball um Menschen miteinander zu verbinden, Vorurteile abzubauen, ein offenes Europa zu stärken und Rassismus zu bekämpfen.
The Spirit of the Ball (2019 )
Ana, a young Spanish woman from a bourgeois family, is about to finish her studies and get married, but she is not happy. After a very unlikely event happens, her life turns around and everything changes.
Ana by Day (2018 )
1920s Germany. Two sisters aged six years, no sooner see their remaining parent buried when they are torn apart. Lotte goes to live with her upper middle class Dutch aunt in Holland, Anna to work as a farm hand on her German uncle's rural farm. The World War II impacts each of their lives and finally in old age they meet again.
Twin Sisters (2002 )
Culture clash on the sandy streets of Burkina Faso. Africa’s biggest cycling race, the Tour du Faso, is a ten-stage challenge where adventurous European amateur cyclist and African local heroes compete passionately to make their dreams come true. Yet the film does not focus on the question of who will win – instead, it puts the protagonists’ experiences centre stage. TOUR DU FASO takes the audience time travelling back to pre-commercialised decades. Following the Tour du Faso, we learn more about cycling, Africa and the extraordinary fighting spirit of the underdogs. Here, it is still the taking part that counts...
Tour du Faso (2014 )
A comedy in which the tenants of a high rise work together to defeat a cruel loan shark.
Strangeways Here We Come (2018 )
As the 1914 summer sun heats up mainland Europe, World War One crashes down across the fractured peninsula. Living in Paris, Dutchman Arthur Knaap yearns to serve, protect and defend his beloved nation and joins the Foreign Legion.
No Man's Land (2014 )
In his new film a young director puts his girlfriend through a love test. By doing so he risks his real life relationship with her.
In Real Life (2008 )
The story of Brian Jones, founding member of the Rolling Stones, in both life and the aftermath of his death.
Rolling Stone: Life and Death of Brian Jones (2019 )