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Paragraph 175, which made homosexual behavior punishable by law, was abolished in the German Democratic Republic (GDR) in 1968. At that time, heterosexual nuclear families constituted the center of socialist society, and homosexuality was considered a peripheral issue in the GDR. Out in East Berlin —Lesbians & Gays in the GDR tells the impressive-to-absurd personal histories of gay men and lesbians in the GDR, from the post WWII years until the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Out in East Berlin: Lesbians and Gays in the GDR (2013 )
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Writers and historians including Hilary Mantel and Philippa Gregory revisit the last days of Anne Boleyn, who in 1536 became the first queen in British history to be executed.
Die letzten Tage der Anne Boleyn (2013 )
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Der Ruhrpott nimmt in Deutschland nicht nur wegen seiner sehr aktiven Kunst- und Kulturszene eine Sonderstellung ein, sondern ist seit Jahrzehnten das deutsche Epizentrum des Rock'n'Roll. Optisch in allen Details der Fünfzigerjahre verhaftet, sehen sich die Anhänger der Musikbewegung nach wie vor als die heimlichen Rebellen unserer Gesellschaft und tun dabei alles, um den damaligen Lebensstil originalgetreu nachzuempfinden. Für sie ist Rock'n'Roll ist nicht einfach nur eine musikalische Bewegung, sondern umfasst ein ganzes Lebensgefühl.
Rockabilly Ruhrpott (2010 )
Nackt sitzen finnische Männer in der Sauna und reden über das, was sie im Leben wirklich bewegt. In der wohligen Wärme kehren sie ihr Innerstes nach außen. Der Dokumentarfilm reist dabei durch das ganze Land, zu den unterschiedlichsten Menschen mit ihren individuellen Schicksalen. Sie erzählen von Liebe und Leid, Wut und Trauer, Freundschaft und Tod. Erstaunliche, intime Porträts, eingebettet in eine grandiose Naturlandschaft.
Was Männer sonst nicht zeigen (2010 )
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To historians, physicist Lise Meitner deserves to be placed on a par with Einstein, Heisenberg and Otto Hahn. In the 1930s on the verge of World War II, she led a small group of scientists who discovered that splitting the atomic nucleus of uranium releases enormous energy. This extraordinary film tells the story of a woman who was far ahead of her time as a scientist and a pioneer of feminism.
Lise Meitner: The Mother of the Atom Bomb (2013 )
Gewehre, die um die Ecke schießen, ferngesteuerte Aufklärungsroboter, modernste Kampfdrohnen oder der Iron Dome zur Abwehr von Raketenangriffen: innovatives Kriegsgerät sind Israels Antwort auf sein großes Schutzbedürfnis. Der (nach der BRD) viertgrößte Waffenexporteur der Welt lebt seit Jahrzehnten in stetig aufflammender Kriegsgefahr – und das höchst profitabel. Zukunftsweisende Spezialentwicklungen, im tatsächlichen Kampf erprobt und verbessert, avancieren zu internationalen Verkaufsschlagern. Regisseur Yotam Feldman begleitet die führenden Köpfe der israelischen Waffenindustrie zu Diplomatenempfängen und auf Rüstungsmessen, besucht Entwickler und Produzenten: höchst profitable Folgen einer beständigen Bedrohung.
The Lab: Das Versuchslabor (2013 )
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Film about the alpinist Roger Schäli and the Arwa Spire summit.
Loslassen (2013 )
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Die Akte Zarah Leander (2013 )
Zwei professionelle Schauspieler durchlaufen einen immersiven Prozess, um herauszufinden, was es heißt, ein Polizist in Mexiko-Stadt zu sein.
Ein Polizei-Film (2021 )
Across America, the morning of September 11, 2001 began routinely, with news and radio broadcasts sharing local human interest stories and traffic reports. But by 9 a.m., the day's narrative had taken a tragic turn. Most of us are familiar with the national news coverage of 9/11, but the local reporting from TV and radio affiliates across the nation was no less important and no less compelling. This is an account of the tragedy as it unfolded, and as it aired in American cities large and small, told without narration or interviews.
9/11: The Heartland Tapes (2013 )
German Jewish Edgar Feuchtwanger was a carefree child from Munich, pampered by his parents and his nanny, when Adolf Hitler, the leader of the Nazi Party, moved into the building across the street in 1929.
Hitler, My Neighbor (2013 )
Explores Llanos del Caudillo, a town from La Mancha founded in 1955 by the dictator Franco; a discreet and calm attempt to dissect recent Spanish history and to review how some Spaniards deal with the cruel heritage of their past. A reflection on what to do with the Francoist legacy in towns, streets and squares in Spain.
Franco's Settlers (2013 )
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It is a fetish, a mantra, a secret religion to modern man: work. In times of the financial crisis and massive job reductions, this documentary movie questions work as our 'hallow' sense in life in a way that both humors and pains us.
Keep Up the Good Work (2013 )
Deep in the coast mountains of BC, a small crew of filmmakers has spent the last eleven months huddled together, planning, scheming and brain-storming to come up with a concept for a new company and mountain bike film. The hard work has paid off and Anthill Films is stoked to announce the release of their premier film FOLLOW ME...
Follow Me (2010 )
Wissenschaftler, Aktivisten und Eltern weltweit untersuchen, wie sich die fürsorgliche Beachtung der Bedürfnisse von Kleinkindern auf unsere Gesellschaft auswirkt.
The Beginning of Life (2016 )
GOOD FORTUNE is the rags to riches tale of conscious capitalism pioneer John Paul DeJoria. Born with nothing, at times homeless on the streets of LA, “JP” spent his early adulthood in and out of motorcycle gangs only to wheel and deal his way to the top of a vast hair and tequila empire. A modern day Robin Hood, JP’s motto is “Success unshared is failure.” The son of immigrants, JP defies the stereotype of 'the 1%' and is the poster boy of the triple bottom line – people, planet and profit. A success story full of ups and downs, GOOD FORTUNE is the portrait of an extraordinary business man.
Good Fortune (2016 )
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“You bet on someone in the beginning of the process and then you wait and see what life does with them.” This is how Czech director Helena Trestikova explains her long-term documentaries. Following on from the European Film Academy Award winning RENE (2008), Trestikova brings us KATKA – 14 years in the life of a drug addict. KATKA is an extraordinarily raw and uncensored character portrait of a troubled young woman living on the edge of human existence, desperately searching for love and salvation. Will she find it in the rehab? Will she find it in the arms of the man she loves? Or in the first cry of her long-desired baby? Tagging along with her through the back streets and squalors of Prague, Trestikova gets deep under the skin of a person most of us would cross the road to avoid, and shows us Katka’s profoundly human face. You might be angry with Katka, or your heart may go out to her. One thing is certain – you will never forget her.
Katka (2010 )
Ein beeindruckender Film über Mut, Menschlichkeit, die Kraft des Humors und die Verbindung zweier Menschen, die sich noch nie gesehen haben und sich dennoch so nahe gekommen sind: Maung Thura, besser bekannt als Zarganar, ist Burmas berühmtester Comedian. Vom burmesischen Militärregime verfolgt, verhaftet und aufgrund irrwitziger Anschuldigungen zu 59 Jahren Haft verurteilt, sitzt er derzeit im Gefängnis. Michael Mittermeier, einer der erfolgreichsten deutschen Comedians, macht sich zusammen mit Regisseur Rex Bloomstein "undercover" auf den Weg nach Burma. Unter großer Gefahr versuchen sie Zarganars Spuren zu folgen und mit Gefährten, Freunden und seiner Familie zu sprechen. Doch als Michael und Rex wie geplant mit den Weggefährten des Inhaftierten sprechen wollen, stoßen sie auf ein Klima der Angst und der Furcht vor Unterdrückung. Sie beschließen nun, so nah wie möglich an das Gefängnis im Norden des Landes zu kommen, in dem Zarganar eingesperrt ist...
Michael Mittermeier in This Prison Where I Live (2010 )
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Der Film erzählt die bewegende Geschichte des autistischen Jungen Owen Suskind, der mit drei Jahren plötzlich verstummt. Durch einen Zufall entdeckt seine Familie erst Jahre später, dass Owen in der Welt der Disney-Trickfilme und deren animierter Charaktere lebt. Seiner Familie gelingt es, durch die Figuren aus Peter Pan oder Der König der Löwen wieder in Kontakt mit Owen zu treten. Mithilfe der Helden und der Moral der Geschichten gelingt es Owen, die Welt um ihn herum zu verstehen und die Höhen und Tiefen des Erwachsenwerdens zu meistern.
Life, Animated (2016 )
Offbeat documentarian Chris Smith provides a behind-the-scenes look at how Jim Carrey adopted the persona of idiosyncratic comedian Andy Kaufman on the set of Man on the Moon.
Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond (2017 )
Bob Rugurika is the director of Radio Publique Africaine (RPA), the most popular independent radio station in Burundi. As an investigative journalist he is also a forerunner of the fight for freedom of expression in his country, willing to risk his life to expose the truth. With the RPA, he keeps on challenging the regime and becomes its enemy number one. Will Bob succeed in keeping the freedom of press, while independent media are being silenced and his life and family are being threatened?
On Air (2019 )
A journey from the harbor town of Jaffa to the Jaffa orange, a fruit through which the Israeli filmmaker examines the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Jaffa: The Orange's Clockwork (2010 )
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At the age of seventeen, Irina Chistyakova looks back at an international concert career spanning ten years. Irina is the youngest of the four protagonists of the film Russia's Wonder Children made in 2000. By now seventeen years old, she is going through a drama that many prodigies experience: while they were children, they were able to stun audiences with the contrast of their delicate appearances and precocious talents. Like Irina, Nikita Mndoyants (18), Dmitry Krutogolovy (19), and Elena Kolesnichenko (25), are still showered with praise and distinction. But what price did they have to pay for it?
The Competitors: Russia's Child Prodigies (2010 )
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The trials and tribulations of those who breed exotic birds in the world of competitive poultry; three remarkably rich and diverse personalities who come together to compete in their shared passion to raise the perfect chicken. The film will follow the struggles and triumphs of these characters, along with a wide array of competitors-both human and chicken-from the Ohio National Poultry Show, considered the Westminster of Chickens, to the Dixie Classic in Tennessee.
Chicken People (2016 )
Zurich-born Hugo Koblet was the first international cycling star of the post-war period. He was a stylist on the bicycle and in life, and a huge heartthrob. Koblet had a meteoric rise and won the Giro d'Italia in 1950. Once he had reached the zenith of his career, Koblet was put under pressure by overly ambitious officials and ended up ruining his health with drugs. In 1954, he married a well-known model and they became a celebrity dream couple. After his athletic career ended, Koblet began to lose his footing. Threatened by bankruptcy, he crashed his Alfa into a tree.
Hugo Koblet - The Charming Cyclist (2010 )
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Ist der Mensch eine Maschine aus Fleisch? Joseph Weizenbaum, Computerpionier und Kritiker des technologischen Größenwahns, tritt an zu seinem letzten Duell mit Raymond Kurzweil und Hiroshi Ishiguro, den Schöpfern von Robotern, die uns ersetzen sollen. Eine faszinierende Reise zu den Laboratorien der künstlichen Intelligenz in USA, Japan, Deutschland und Italien.
Plug and Pray (2010 )
The non-spoken documentary from Martin H. Schmitt exploring the senses and evolution of robots, from a mechanical somnambulist to an autonomous sensorium.
Robot world - A meeting with your alternate double (2010 )
Das kreative Universum (2010 )
An Austrian feminist experiences a radical about-face when she marries a Yemenite named Khadher and converts to Islam.
Arab Attraction (2010 )
easy love is the experimental fiction debut of Tamer Jandali. His way of working shifted between documentary and fiction when he followed seven men and women from Cologne on their search for a balance between emotional security and sensual fulfillment. In four months of shooting those protagonists acted as braver versions of themselves. The camera opened the possibility to pursue their unlived dreams, fears and fantasies and ultimately experiencing them in reality. By shooting in a small team, always on the edge between documentary and fiction, Tamer Jandali created space for intimacy and a new form of cinematic authenticity.
Easy Love (2019 )
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Die Dokumentation Armadillo begleitet dänische Soldaten bei ihrem Einsatz in Afghanistan. Die sehr drastischen Darstellungen sorgten schon vor der Veröffentlichung für Zündstoff. So ist beispielsweise zu sehen, wie die Soldaten eine Handgranate auf verwundete Talibankämpfer werden und das Feuer auf sie eröffnen, anschließend kommen deren Leichen ins Bild.
Camp Armadillo (2010 )
Schauspieler aus JonBenet Ramseys Heimatstadt buhlen um Rollen in der Verfilmung des Falls und äußern verschiedene Sichtweisen auf den Mord, der sich 1996 ereignete.
Casting JonBenet (2017 )