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Erleben Sie die neuesten und besten Filme und TV-Sendungen des Jahres 2011.
- Frei
Several street children in Berlin talk about their daily life, referring not only to drug addiction and physical/traumatic injuries, but also to their talents and dreams.
9 Leben (2011 )
- Frei
Der erste deutsche Kinofilm, der das Weltnaturerbe Wattenmeer ausschließlich aus der Vogelperspektive zeigt. Die filmische Reise beginnt in Ostfriesland entlang der Küste, die Elbe flussaufwärts bis Hamburg und hoch zu den nordfriesischen Inseln und Halligen bis nach Sylt. Bislang haben nur internationale Produktionen wie „Die Erde von Oben“ oder „Home“ ausschließlich Bilder aus der Vogelperspektive gezeigt. "Die Nordsee von oben" ist der erste deutsche Kinofilm, der sich das traut. Silke Schranz und Christian Wüstenberg wollen mit diesem Film zeigen, dass das Wattenmeer als Weltnaturerbe der UNESCO zu Recht auf einer Stufe mit dem Grand Canyon, der Serengeti oder den Galápagos-Inseln steht.
Die Nordsee von oben (2011 )
- Frei
Documentary about individual and social meanings of the word "honour".
Ehre (2011 )
Knabenchor-Sänger Salvatore hat einen Traum: Er will in der Sixtinischen Kapelle singen. Als er eines Tages dazu auserkoren wird, als erster Kindersänger überhaupt vor dem Papst zu solieren, werden all seine anderen Hobbys, das Fußballspielen und die Pfadfinderei, schlagartig zur Nebensache. Mit Leidenschaft und Akribie bereitet Francesco sich auf seinen großen Tag vor. Papst Benedikt XVI. ahnt nichts davon, für ihn ist die Veranstaltung spirituelle Routine. Ganz anders sieht es da schon mit der anstehenden Reise ins Heilige Land und den bedeutsamen Treffen mit arabischen Führungspersönlichkeiten aus, auf denen der Papst von seinem Knabenchor begleitet wird... „Francesco und der Papst“ ist ein inszenierter Dokumentarfilm über den Vatikan und ein intimes Portrait Benedikts XVI.
Francesco und der Papst (2011 )
Depicts the story of Jalen Rose and his other Fab Five teammates, Chris Webber, Juwan Howard, Jimmy King and Ray Jackson. Called by some “the greatest class ever recruited,” the five freshmen not only electrified the game, but also brought new style with their baggy shorts, black socks and brash talk. “The Fab Five” relives the recruitment process that got all five of them to Ann Arbor, the cultural impact they made, the two runs to NCAA title game, the Webber “timeout” in the 1993 championship and the scandal that eventually tarnished their accomplishments.
The Fab Five (2011 )
Journey into "Hamlet"-the play and the man-through the experiences of some of the major actors and directors who have brought Shakespeare's great tragedy to life. Christopher Plummer, David Tennant, John Nettles, John Simm, Sir Trevor Nunn, Franco Zeffirelli, Philip Saville, and others explore the enduring appeal of the Prince of Denmark more than 400 years after his stage debut.
Discovering Hamlet (2011 )
- Frei
Lange Zeit konnten Menschen, die ihr Geschlecht ändern wollten, dies ohne psychologischen Druck und ohne bohrende Fragen von außen nur an einem Ort tun: bei dem Gynäkologen Georges Burou in Casablanca. Der Filmemacher Michiel van Erp befragt einige diese Pioniere zu ihren Erfahrungen. Hat dieser Schritt ihr Leben so verändert, wie sie es gehofft hatten? Wie reagierte die Außenwelt auf diese erste Generation Transsexueller? Fühlen sie sich als echte Frauen? „I am a woman now“ porträtiert fünf transsexuelle Frauen, zeigt ihr Leben, ihre Erfahrungen, zeigt Trauer und Glück. „I am a woman now“ ist ein Film über das Streben nach einem fast unerreichbaren Traum, über den Unterschied zwischen seiner Realisierung und der harten Wirklichkeit.
I Am a Woman Now (2011 )
Travelling between Germany, France and Tunisia, Viola Shafik reconstructs and deconstructs the unknown life story of El Hedi Ben Salem through interviews with his companions and family members as well as archive material. With openness and slight naivety the interviewees explain how “Ali” became an oriental object of projection for the Fassbinder group, while El Hedi Ben Salem, the human being, was overlooked in order to establish the foreigner as “other.” A no-frills examination of a piece of German and Munich film history.
My Name Is Not Ali (2011 )
Antiterroreinheiten überfallen Tierschützer wie Staatsfeinde. Es folgt monatelange Inhaftierung ohne konkrete Beweise. Trotz schärfster Ermittlungsmaßnahmen wie "großer Lauschangriff", Rasterfahndung, Peilsender und Handyortungen fehlen bei den 13 Angeklagten laut Anwälte jegliche Beweise für Sachbeschädigungen mit Tierschutzbezug. Über zwei Jahre wurde ermittelt. Nun gibt es seit März 2010 einen Strafprozess, der nahezu ein Jahr dauern wird. Der Film folgt mehreren Hauptbeschuldigten von ihrer Entlassung aus der Untersuchungshaft bis zu ihrem Prozess. Politikerinnen, Menschenrechts- und Sicherheitsexperten kommentieren diesen österreichischen Sonderfall. Es steht viel auf dem Spiel, denn gemäß §278a kann kann für zivilen Ungehorsam und Einfluss auf Wirtschaft und Politik eine Gefängnisstrafe von bis zu fünf Jahren Haft verhängt werden.
Der Prozess (2011 )
Set against the raucous backdrop of the 2010 World Cup, MEANWHILE IN MAMELODI is a beautifully crafted portrait of a place and one family’s daily life inside it. The Mtsweni family lives in the Pretoria Township of the title, in the district known as Extension 11. Their world is a ramshackle collection of corrugated tin dwellings and makeshift shops, open sewers littered with debris and red-earth rectangles filled with soccer-playing children and teens. Seventeen-year-old Mosquito is one of those kids. As she studies for math tests, flirts with boys and shops with her best friend, her father Steven prepares his "tuck shop" for the promise of cash-flush tourists. Meanwhile, his wife struggles with mental illness. The Mtswenis' lives unfold as the Cup brings new hope to the ravaged town. Despite the poverty around her, Mosquito insists this is not her parents' country. She is the face of South Africa's future - part of "a new generation free to do all things."
Meanwhile in Mamelodi (2011 )
The Inheritors immerses us in the daily lives of children who, with their families, survive only by their unrelenting labor. Polgovsky spent two years filming in many of the poorest rural areas of Mexico.
The Inheritors (2011 )
Handmade utopias - a filmic search for the worldwide phenomenon of the micronation movement. Do-it-yourself states that have distanced themselves from the economic and political mainstreaming of globalization. A road movie covering land, water and the wildest realms of the imagination. Simultaneously creative documentary and pulsating cultural portrait, the film traces a new "unplugged" generation - their motives, their anxieties and their dreams.
Empire Me: New Worlds Are Happening! (2011 )
In the rhythm of a slow visual journey, "The Land Beneath the Fog" takes an intimate look on family relations in Genikan, a village on the slope of Merbabu Mountain. A quiet community faces change without understanding why it happens. As a community of farmers who rely on traditional Javanese calendar system to read the seasons, they become puzzled by the dramatic change of seasons. Describing a life on the brink of vanishing, this documentary offers deep insights into an invisible and disenfranchised society which is struggling hard underneath its veiled existence.
The Land Beneath the Fog (2011 )
- Frei
Mit italienischen Wurzeln und im Arbeitermilieu von Marseille aufgewachsen zählt Yves Montand (1921 - 1991) zu den berühmtesten französischen Chansonniers und Schauspielern. Die Dokumentation zeichnet anhand von reichem Archivmaterial, Filmausschnitten, privaten Fotos und 8 mm-Filmen ein facettenreiches Porträt des weltberühmten Künstlers und erzählt von seinem aufregenden Werdegang, der seinen Lauf bei Stadtviertelfesten in Marseille nahm und ihn bis an den Broadway und nach Hollywood führte. Eine faszinierende Lebens- und Erfolgsgeschichte, eingebettet in die historischen Ereignisse des 20. Jahrhunderts.
Ivo Livi genannt Yves Montand (2011 )
Mit dem Film gibt Tierschützer und Filmemacher Peter Brown einen direkten Einblick in das Leben von Tierrechtsaktivisten auf hoher See. Der Film zeigt den Kampf der radikalen Gruppen Sea Shepherd Conservation Society gegen die brutale und oft illegale Abschlachtung von Tieren in und um die Weltmeere unter der Führung des bekannten Aktivisten Paul Watson.
Bekenntnisse eines Öko-Terroristen (2011 )
The Red Bull X-Fighters 2011 Season Review takes at look back at six events on four continents. Take a look at the best action from all events and find out what happened behind the scenes of the Red Bull X-Fighters!
Red Bull X-Fighters 2011 (2011 )
Not My Life comprehensively depicts the cruel and dehumanizing practices of human trafficking and modern slavery on a global scale. Filmed on five continents, in a dozen countries, Not My Life takes viewers into a world where millions of children are exploited through an astonishing array of practices including forced labor, sex tourism, sexual exploitation, and child soldiering.
Not My Life (2011 )
In 1939, Walter Otto Wyss emigrated to the USA after a tragic car accident. There he developed a revolutionary hybrid automobile that was never produced. After a love affair with an African-American dancer in Los Angeles he lived in Tokyo at the end of the 1950s as a recluse and learned Japanese. He spent the last 30 years of his life alone on Hawaii. Despite many opportunities to fulfil his dreams of freedom, success and security, he can never quite set himself free from Switzerland, his mother and his self-reproach and misses the chance to find happiness. Walter's nephew, director Tobias Wyss, tells the story of his uncle in a personal manner, making use of moving photographs and videos from the family archive. The Zurich director reconstructs the contradictory biography of his uncle in seven episodes.
Flying Home (2011 )
Guatemala. The war is long over, people want to forget. But the violence continues, has spread through society like a cancerous growth.
Evolution of Violence (2011 )
Part of the crew of Honor of the Knights travels to La Mancha to see the real settings of Quixote’s life in order to shoot a film.
The Lord Worked Wonders in Me (2011 )
Go deep inside one of the most recognizable gay porn stars of all time. This exciting doc takes you behind-the-scenes to get a glimpse at the real life of François Sagat.
Sagat (2011 )
Planet HD: Unsere Erde in High Definition (2011 )
For the first time in 4K Ultra-HD, everyone’s favorite Yuletide fireplace snaps and crackles in crystal clear, high-fed holiday warmth.
Fireplace for Your Home: Birchwood Edition (2011 )
Over three million Cambodians died in the genocide between 1975 and 1979. The Khmer Rouge’s reign of terror also decimated a homegrown film industry that had flourished since 1960: movie theaters were bombed, film prints were destroyed and artists were executed. In Golden Slumbers, French-Cambodian filmmaker Davy Chou mourns this loss of lives and culture, but balances the somber material with a playfulness that honors the lush melodramas and mythic adventures of the glory years.
Golden Slumbers (2011 )
- Frei
Struggling Musicians are a dime-a-dozen down at the famed, Jersey Shore, where all are aspiring to reach for the stars, but in Chris Vaughn's case, he does it literally! Vaughn sets out on his journey to fulfill his life-long dream of getting his original music recorded and heard by the world. Armed with a few faithful believers, one being a blind camera guy, he rallies the Garden State to help him get his music in the hands of one of his two biggest Hometown Heroes, Bruce Springsteen or Jon Bon Jovi. Jerseyboy Hero is an inspiring story of a man with faith in his God-given talents and the passion to pursue the no matter what the outcome.
Jerseyboy Hero (2011 )
Film uses the aesthetics of cell phone cameras, which the director used after he was diagnosed with angina and his doctors recommended fast walking. He has transformed the 3,000 kilometers he walked over three years into a collage of playful, experimental, and lyric moments and family and social situations, all seen with a sense of tenderness and irony.
A Cell Phone Movie (2011 )
Carte Blanche (2011 )
In lots of myth, a hero must undergo a "Nachtmeerfahrt" in which he encounter mysterious creatures and dangerous events. The psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), himself made such an expedition to survey the world of symbols and archetypes, asking about their relevance for our lives. How do "Nachtmeerfahrten" appear today? Are they dangerous in some ways and which potential do they have? What are our spirits ("anima") and shadows telling us thereby? Does the imagines of our subconsciousness contain spiritual messages? This is a filmic journey to the biography of C. G. Jung and to the mighty world of myths, dreams and symbols.
Nachtmeerfahrten (2011 )
The actor, columnist, author, moderator, the failed pastoral assistant, the self-confessed gay sadomasochist, the total work of art Hermes Phettberg, who has always been relentlessly open about his life, his suffering in himself and the world, gives insight into his current existence. Despite his decline, Phettberg has remained a charismatic, unique "pyre" (as he calls himself) who documents his slowly fading life daily on the Internet and in his weekly column in the Viennese city magazine "Falter" and struggles to survive as Austria's best-known welfare recipient. Sobo Swobodnik shows this daily struggle of a one-time star who became a patronized outsider - with three strokes, a heart attack, extreme bladder weakness and an irrepressible will to go on living.
Der Papst ist kein Jeansboy (2011 )
Sag mir, wo du stehst (2011 )
When dreams and reality entangle, Torstein identifies himself as a Native American Indian. Indian Summer is the director's personal story about her younger brother, who has been battling schizophrenia for 17 years.
Indian Summer (2011 )
In anticipation of the 25th anniversary of the historic nuclear accident at Chernobyl, filmmakers and scientists set out to document the lives and genetics of packs of wolves and other wildlife thriving in the "dead zone" which still surrounds the remains of the reactor.
Radioactive Wolves (2011 )