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Von den Pyramiden der Mayas über die Schiffsreisen der Wikinger bis zu den legendären Steinkreisen von Stonehenge: Josh Gates ist in „Expedition Unknown" historischen Mythen auf der Spur - packenden Geschichtsrätseln, die bis heute Fragen aufwerfen. Was hat es mit den Ruinen von El Mirador auf sich? Welche Geheimnisse verbergen sich in den von Bäumen und Schlingpflanzen überwucherten Bauwerken im Dschungel Guatemalas? Sind unerschrockene Nordmänner aus Skandinavien im Mittelalter über den Atlantik bis nach Amerika gesegelt - lange bevor Christoph Kolumbus die Neue Welt entdeckte? Und welchem Zweck dienten die Megalith-Monumente nahe der englischen Stadt Salisbury? Diese Doku-Serie liefert spannende Fakten und zeigt auf, wo die Expertenmeinungen auseinandergehen.
Expedition Unknown - Mythen auf der Spur (2015 )
From friendships to romance, Judge Geordie will see Vicky Pattison drive around the country solving Britain’s relationship problems.
Judge Geordie (2015 )
A stunning cast engages in the ultimate game of love, as they land in a sunshine paradise in search of passion and romance. Each of the glamorous members of the public will live like celebrities in a luxury villa, but in order to stay there, they will not only have to win over the hearts of each other, but also the hearts of the public.
Love Island (2015 )
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Working with leading relationship experts, eight British singles are carefully match-made into four married couples, who each meet each other - for the very first time - at their wedding. We'll follow them as they marry, honeymoon, meet the in-laws and set up home, all the while getting to know one another more and more deeply, to see if the matchmakers have got it right and they will have a future together.
Hochzeit auf den ersten Blick - UK (2015 )
Jonge Garde (2015 )
After a number of murders of prostitutes at a motorway stop near Berlin, in a rear courtyard in Antwerp, and in a brothel in Copenhagen, Europol decides to form a taskforce to tackle the case. Harald, a Dane, Jackie, a German, and Alice from Belgium embark on the hunt for the killer. As the case unfolds, the killings prove to be just the tip of the iceberg, the iceberg itself being a large, pan-European criminal organization involved in everything from drugs and financial crime to corruption, hired killings and not least people trafficking , illegal labor and prostitution.
The Team (2015 )
Reality series following a group of truck drivers in the mountain passes of Norway, some of the most dangerous roads in all of Europe.
Ice Road Rescue (2015 )
Die XL-Version der Survival-Serie verlangt von seinen Kandidaten alles ab: 12 ehemalige Teilnehmer der regulären Serie werden in einem Dschungel in Kolumbien ausgesetzt, wo sie 40 Tage lang überleben müssen – ohne Wasser, ohne Essen, ohne Kleidung. Sie müssen sich organisieren, auf die Jagd gehen, für sauberes Trinkwasser sorgen und gegen die Unwägbarkeiten des Dschungels kämpfen. Doch das wichtigste Element, ohne das selbst die besten Überlebensspezialisten in dieser Situation nicht auskommen, ist die Teamarbeit. „Naked Survival XXL – 40 Tage Überleben“ ist daher nicht nur eine Survival-Doku, sondern ein Sozial-Experiment zugleich.
Naked Survival XXL (2015 )
La route des sommets (2015 )
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Working with leading relationship experts, eight Australian singles are carefully match-made into four married couples, who each meet each other - for the very first time - at their wedding. We'll follow them as they marry, honeymoon, meet the in-laws and set up home, all the while getting to know one another more and more deeply, to see if the matchmakers have got it right and they will have a future together.
Married at First Sight - Down Under (2015 )
In the desolate outreaches of Bristol Bay, Alaska, the most competitive fishing season on Earth takes place throughout four short weeks. 1,800 captains and their crews draw the battle lines to help save Alaska's ecosystem by reeling in a massive sockeye salmon payday. With potential fortune swimming just below the surface, five captains prepare to battle the unforgiving bay, the battering ram of boats jockeying for position and the law, which strictly monitors the season with recon choppers and police squads. On the bay, fishing for the nearly 44 million salmon is necessary for the environment, and arm of the law is long, tempers are short and every single decision is the difference between drawing a huge income and settling for pennies.
Alaska: Battle on the Bay (2015 )
Automobile journalists Tom "Wookie" Ford and Jonny Smith are on a mission to transform everyday vehicles into something more in this reality show. In each episode, each host captains a team with two other car nuts. The teams have 24 hours to reconstruct vehicles, which are then raced in missions that involve head-to-head sprints, timed challenges and stunts. The challenges, which are daring and adventurous, are each tied to a theme in the given episode. After a winner is chosen each week, the losing car gets annihilated. Episode themes include making the ultimate police cruisers, creating video-game cars and constructing end-of-the-world survival vehicles.
Mud, Sweat and Gears (2015 )
The series steps inside the champagne fuelled lives of Ampika Pickston, Dawn Ward, Lauren Simon, Leanne Brown, Magali Gorré and Tanya Bardsley. Throughout the series we’ll get to know these amazing characters and their intertwining lives. In the extreme world of Cheshire’s rich and famous residents, life moves fast and each day has its dramas, ensuring every episode will be action packed and entertaining. All with the gorgeous backdrop of the lavish homes and the exclusive locations that these women live in. The Housewives’ wealth and connections also mean that through them, you'll get unique access to the elite events and fabulous social occasions that punctuate the Housewives’ extraordinary lives.
The Real Housewives of Cheshire (2015 )
How do young children make and break friendships and learn to share, stand up for themselves, and find their place in a new social group?
The Secret Life of 4, 5 and 6 Year Olds (2015 )
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A reality show following a family-owned mining company drilling for jade in the B.C., Canada.
Jadefieber - Auf der Jagd nach dem grünen Gold (2015 )
Ein eigenes Heim auf einer Insel: Für viele ein unerreichbarer Traum. Hier bekommen jedoch potentielle Auswanderer die Chance, den Traum wahr werden zu lassen.
Island Life - Traumhaus gesucht (2015 )
Once Craig Ferguson retires, James Corden will be taking over The Late Late Show. The show is a late night talk show that interviews celebrities and has its own bits. And of course, it's all hosted by James Corden.
The Late Late Show with James Corden (2015 )
One man receives an unexpected visit from a second man, with whom he reminisces about a life and love they both shared with a third.
Three. (2015 )
Emotions run high within this feisty group of dynamic buyers who hope to find the kind of valuable and fascinating items that can make auctions run up to thousands of dollars. As they navigate the scene, these eager bidders must choose between two very different local auctioneers: Bob Nichols and Jerry Mahaffey.
Storage Wars: Miami (2015 )
A new set of six men and women start their lives together under one roof. All they get is a fabulous home and a car. As always, there is no script.
Terrace House: Boys & Girls in the City (2015 )
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Kleine Veränderung mit großer Wirkung: Designer David Bromstad gibt hilfreiche Tipps, wie man die eigenen vier Wände erschwinglich und schnell mit wenigen Handgriffen umgestalten und dekorieren kann– und das mit kleinem Budget! David macht vor, wie es geht: Von der Umgestaltung des Wohnzimmers über eine spektakuläre Tischdekoration für ein schönes Abendessen bis hin zu den schönsten und einfachsten Deko-Tipps für We ihnachten – so können die Feiertage kommen!
Jackpot! Hauptpreis Traumhaus (2015 )
LUKE! Die Woche und ich (2015 )
From giant barracudas to 500lb stingrays, CHASING MONSTERS takes viewers on a high adrenaline quest to seek out the world's most colossal underwater creatures in remote and dangerous corners of the planet. Hosted by extreme angler and adventurer Cyril Chauquet, this high-stakes series explores the elusive monster fish living in the hidden depths of the oceans, lakes, and rivers.
Chasing Monsters (2015 )
An original docuseries following novice correctional officers as they begin their careers inside the walks of one of the most perilous prisons in America, the Penitentiary of New Mexico.
Behind Bars: Rookie Year (2015 )
Das "Arctic National Wildlife Refuge" ist das nördlichste Naturschutzgebiet der USA. In dem Reservat, das fast doppelt so groß ist wie die Schweiz, gibt es auf Tausenden Quadratkilometern keinerlei Straßen. Die unberührte Wildnis ist nur schwer zugänglich, deshalb hat die US-Regierung dort neue Ansiedlungen verboten. Doch sieben Blockhütten dürfen bleiben, und deren Bewohner kämpfen am ...
Nordalaska - Überleben am Polarkreis (2015 )
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Mutter und Tochter, Rechtsanwältin und Immobilien-Expertin - dieses Duo ist die Rettung für heruntergekommene Häuser. In ihrer Heimatstadt Indianapolis machen Karen E. Laine und ihre Tochter Mina Starsiak aus alten Bruchbuden wahre Wohn-Schätze - und das mit kleinem Budget. Ob Feuerschaden, Löcher im Dach oder Termitenbefall, nichts kann den Enthusiasmus und die Tatkraft der beiden Frauen aufhalten.
Good Bones - Mutter, Tochter, Home-Makeover (2015 )
E! takes a wild ride into the world of some of today's hottest professional athletes from the perspective of the women who stand by their side, otherwise known as WAGS (Wives and Girlfriends of Sports Stars). These WAGS are playing the most competitive sport out there: getting and keeping that pro-athlete man. As part of an elite, exclusive group, the WAGS are close friends who are bound together by a strict hierarchy, unspoken rules and plenty of drama - and those who have the coveted ring and a husband with a contract are the ones with all the power! As in sports, this game is all about getting that "W" and this pack knows how to play the field...
WAGS LA (2015 )
Der Survival-Experte, Abenteurer und Held in jeder Lebenslage Bear Grylls ist wieder in Action - und nicht allein. Diesmal konfrontiert er Ottonormalverbraucher mit ihren Ängsten. Jede Folge von Bear Grills: Wie weit gehst du? dreht sich um zwei Menschen mit großen Phobien - von den üblichen wie Ratten, Spinnen und Insekten, zu bizarren Ängsten wie vor Bäumen, Wasser oder Wind. Bear schätzt die Teilnehmer zunächst aus der Ferne ein und lässt sie dann 24 Stunden allein in der Wildnis. Darauf folgen zwei anspruchsvolle Tage mit Bear. Diese neue Serie beschäftigt sich mit grundverschiedenen Ängsten. So fürchtet sich ein Zwangsneurotiker vor Schmutz und Blut, weil er meint, sich anstecken zu können. Weiter treffen wir auf zwei Wasserphobiker: Der Sohn des einen ist ertrunken, der andere musste einen Tsunami durchleben. Doch auch für Bear ist es kein Zuckerschlecken. Er steht unter extremem Druck, während er versucht, seine Begleiter zu ermutigen und zu überreden, sich ihren Dämonen zu stellen.
Bear Grylls: Wie weit gehst du? (2015 )
Power & Ice introduces viewers to the brave men who maintain and build the remote and rugged Alaskan power grid. The series follows three fiercely competitive line companies as they battle freezing temperatures, devastating storms and zero visibility to bring power to people whose lives depend on a constant flow of electricity. The highly skilled employees of Alaska Line Builders, Electric Power Constructors and City Electric will compete for the life-threatening big-money jobs found only in the 49th State. These men work in a dog-eat-dog world, but they get a charge from putting their lives on the line.
Power & Ice (2015 )
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Legend tells of the Lost Dutchman’s gold mine hidden somewhere within the 160,000 acres of brutal Arizona desert known as the “Superstition Mountains.” The promise of a $200 million mother lode has lured thousands of treasure hunters and continues to claim the lives of those eager to decipher the legend’s clues and riddles. Hunting for the Lost Dutchman is typically a one-man journey, but lifelong Dutch Hunter Wayne Tuttle is breaking with tradition and partnering with a team of experts to follow a newly revealed clue that could finally solve the 500-year-old mystery of America’s most famous and deadliest buried treasure.
Legend of the Superstition Mountains (2015 )
The Bay Area is in the midst of a real estate boom, with many young tech workers calling the area home and willing to spend big bucks for some of the most expensive properties in the U.S. Competition in the market is stiff, and agents are always competing to land new clients; three of those agents are profiled in this series. San Francisco native and luxury broker Justin Fichelson is a pro at networking, and his relationships with venture capitalists and Silicon Valley entrepreneurs help him get ahead in the game. Roh Habibi, who was born in Afghanistan but raised in the Bay Area, is willing to do whatever it takes to close a deal, which has helped him make it to the top of the profession in just a few years in the business. Andrew Greenwell's philosophy -- go big or don't go at all -- has helped lead him to become CEO of a real estate company.
Million Dollar Listing San Francisco (2015 )
Caitlyn Jenner's first public appearance since her transition included making an impassioned, heartfelt speech at the ESPY Awards about the need for understanding transgender issues and "accepting people for who they are." For her part, Caitlyn -- formerly known as Bruce Jenner -- eagerly welcomes the responsibility to educate people. Follow Caitlyn Jenner's life as a transgender woman, telling her intimate story as she seeks out her "new normal," while offering a better understanding of many of life's challenges. Most of all, Caitlyn looks forward to living for the first time as the person she feels she was born to be. The docu-series also explores what her transition means for the people closest to her, including her children and stepchildren, and how those relationships are affected.
I Am Cait (2015 )