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Erleben Sie die neuesten und besten Filme und TV-Sendungen des Jahres 2024.
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In conversations with her parents Yıldız and Mustafa as well as her brothers Taner and Onur, she goes on a painful journey into the past. Political persecution of the Alevi-Kurdish family in Turkey, the flight to Europe in 1989, several racist attacks, depression and excessive demands on the parents – the effects on the three siblings are different. Dealing with the experiences and strokes of fate causes different reactions in them. Bektaş quickly realizes that the uncertainty about Taner’s fate in Turkey is only a reflection of her life experience as a family in exile.
Exile Never Ends (2024 )
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Der erste chinesische Spion, der in die USA ausgeliefert wurde, wurde zu 20 Jahren Haft verurteilt. Die Geschichte enthüllt die Aktivitäten der mächtigen chinesischen Geheimdienstorganisation GUOANBU.
Chinas geheime Machtspiele - Täuschung, Tricks und Tarnung aus Fernost (2024 )
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Hold-up sur les vieux (2024 )
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Constantin Brancusi gilt als Vater der modernen Bildhauerei. Er bereitete den Weg zur dreidimensionalen Abstraktion. Sein Atelier war ein Kunstwerk für sich, das seine Zeitgenossen faszinierte und wohl am besten seine Suche nach der "Essenz der Dinge" versinnbildlicht. Anlässlich der großen Brancusi-Retrospektive im Pariser Centre Pompidou wird sein Atelier nun wiederentdeckt. (Text: arte)
Brancusi - Der Erfinder der modernen Skulptur (2024 )
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Im Alter von zwölf Jahren begann die Regisseurin Juliette Thomas einen Dokumentarfilm, dessen Protagonisten ihre Großeltern und deren Sohn Gilles, Juliettes Vater, waren. 20 Jahre später, als das Familiengedächtnis mit der Demenzerkrankung der Großmutter langsam erlischt, nimmt Juliette den Film wieder auf und verbindet ihn mit Super-8-Aufnahmen des Großvaters ... (Text: arte)
Bis die Erinnerung uns scheidet (2024 )
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Als Josef Stalin am 5. März 1953 starb, erreichte der Personenkult um den Diktator seinen Höhepunkt. Für die Sowjetunion und die Kommunisten war er der Held, der die Nazis besiegte und der kommunistischen Idee seine Strahlkraft gab. Da Stalins Grausamkeiten nie aufgearbeitet wurden, schwebt sein Gespenst bis heute über Russland und der ganzen Welt. (Text: arte)
Stalins Erben (2024 )
The deadliest refugee route in the world claims thousands of lives every year. In the first half of 2023 alone, almost 2,000 people died in the Mediterranean because the European Union’s border policy systematically violates existing laws. Instead of helping shipwrecked persons, Frontex practices illegal pushbacks, finances the violent operations of the Libyan coast guard and takes massive action against private sea rescue missions that act where the EU fails. All this has been documented in the media and yet remains incomprehensible to all who were never forced to live through this situation themselves: How can one deny assistance to hundreds of people in peril of life, even threaten and criminalise the civilian helpers?
One Hundred Four (2024 )
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Gekaufte Politik? Europa in der Korruptionskrise (2024 )
Filmmaker Uwe Boll accompanied the Bandidos MC for three years. For the first time, a documentary shows the history and inner workings of the brotherhood.
Bandidos and I (2024 )
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Europa glüht - Wie Hitzewellen unser Leben verändern (2024 )
They have already lived for a century. They are great women who have turned the world they live in upside down with their female power. And they never tire of making plans for the future. They come from Cuba, Japan, Germany, America and Poland and with their fascinating life stories give a wonderful female perspective to a restless century.
Ihr Jahrhundert - Frauen erzählen Geschichte (2024 )
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Rome, the "Eternal City", has captivated people for centuries. In 1532, Dutch artist Maarten van Heemskerck visited the city to sketch ancient ruins and sculptures. Nearly 500 years later, the Urban Sketchers, a global movement of illustrators, are drawn to his work. The film explores Heemskerck's journey, the sketchers following in his footsteps, and the "Fascination Rome" exhibition at Berlin's Kulturforum (April 28 - August 4, 2024).
Longing for Rome – In the Footsteps of Maarten van Heemskerck (2024 )
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Immanuel Kant is one of the most famous philosophers of modern times. Born in 1724 in Königsberg (now Kaliningrad), then the capital of East Prussia, he spent most of his life in his native region, bringing many books to him from France and England. The originator of the categorical imperative, this key figure of the German Enlightenment revolutionized Western thought by shedding new light on the notions of reason, tolerance and freedom. To mark the tercentenary of his birth, Wilfried Hauke presents a unique portrait of this emblematic thinker.
Kant - The Experiment of Freedom (2024 )
Donald Trump faces four criminal cases, with the sentencing for the Hush money scandal taking place on the 11th of July 2024. Just days before the start of the Republican National Convention on the 15th of July where Trump is expected to be formally nominated for president. Although the ex-president continues to claim he is ahead in the polls, the prospect of a jail sentence could really rock his campaign and has warned that the public would reach a breaking point. However, at a time of such high intensity, the prospect of civil unrest and violence could very much rear its ugly head...once again.
Trump: Guilty on All Counts (2024 )
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Der Brexit hat in Großbritannien alte Spannungen aufflammen lassen. Er hat den Nordirlandkonflikt neu belebt. Extremistische Gruppen stören die Verhandlungen zwischen London und Brüssel und fordern so die Friedenspolitik Europas heraus. Wenn bereits der Brexit die Stimmung derart vergiftet hat, was könnte erst die Wiedervereinigung der irischen Insel anrichten? (Text: arte)
Nordirland, der gefährdete Frieden (2024 )
Hunter from Elsewhere: A Journey with Helen Britton accompanies the artist on her search for valuable and everyday materials and her exploration of almost forgotten craft techniques and shows her encounters with the last remaining custodians of a fading knowledge.
Hunter From Elsewhere – A Journey With Helen Britton (2024 )
Embark on a compelling journey through the tumultuous era of George W. Bush. tracing from the post-9/11 landscape to the handover of sovereignty, the insurgency, and the rise of ISIS. Unveil the profound impact of a trillion-dollar war and explore how decisions made by President Bush continue to shape the geopolitical landscape and the region's uncertain future.
The Presidents: Bush Jr (2024 )
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Nelken für die Revolution (2024 )
Nadifa Mohamed enthüllt, wie afrikanische Menschen zu Unterhaltungszwecken verschleppt wurden.
Als Menschen in Zoos ausgestellt wurden (2024 )
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Plus fortes que les coups (2024 )
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Jörg Pilawa: Plötzlich arm (2024 )
Dancing Heartbeats (2024 )
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Wind - Die Vermessung des großen Luftozeans (2024 )
In 1909, four fearless entrepreneurs and then-unknown Irish writer James Joyce met in Trieste, the main port of the Austro-Hungarian empire, where he convinced them to expand their cinema business and invest in the opening of Ireland's first full time cinema. The Cinema Volta is not a historical documentary about the opening of a landmark cinema, but a light, spirited and modern personal search for the spirit of the people involved.
Kino Volta (2024 )
Deutschland im Football Fieber - Der Wahnsinn hinter dem Mega-Event (2024 )
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After remembering a traumatic racist incident in his childhood, Pirooz Kalayeh decides to document his journey to recovery, traveling back to the barbershop where he was refused a haircut as a child, and then doing a series of role-plays with family, friends, and children to understand how racism leaves lasting effects and how he and others can heal and move forward.
Sometimes I Dream in Farsi (2024 )
Electric Lady Studios: A Jimi Hendrix Vision is a feature-length documentary film chronicling the creation of Electric Lady Studios, rising from the rubble of a bankrupt, Greenwich Village nightclub to the state of the art recording facility inspired by Jimi Hendrix’s vision and becoming the first ever, artist owned commercial recording studio.
Electric Lady Studios: A Jimi Hendrix Vision (2024 )
An elite trio of astronauts aboard a years-long, possibly compromised mission to Saturn's moon Titan, gears up for a highly dangerous slingshot manoeuvre that will either catapult them to Titan or into deep space.
Slingshot (2024 )
Tensions flare in the near future aboard the International Space Station as a conflict breaks out on Earth. U.S. and Russian astronauts receive orders from the ground: take control of the station by any means necessary.
I.S.S. (2024 )
Air-supply is scarce in the near future, forcing a mother and daughter to fight for survival when two strangers arrive desperate for an oxygenated haven.
Breathe (2024 )
Nach einem großen Krieg ist die Welt durch Bio-Waffen verseucht und unbewohnbar. Einige wenige kämpfen ums Überleben, darunter die Biologin Tanja, die mit Hilfe der KI Vida das Aussterben der Menschheit abwenden will, indem Tanja versucht sich tief unter der Erde selbst zu befruchten. Die unerwartete Ankunft eines rätselhaften Reisenden bringt nicht nur Spannungen in Tanjas und Vidas Beziehung, sondern wirft auch Fragen nach Vertrauen und Einsamkeit auf.
Aire - Die letzte Zuflucht (2024 )
Ein schweres Erdbeben verursacht einen Riss im Meeresboden, der eine potenzielle Bedrohung für die Menschheit darstellt. Klimaforscher Elias gehört zu einem internationalen Team von Wissenschaftlern, das die Erdspalte auf dem Grund des Atlantischen Ozeans schließen soll. Doch als Elias nach einem Tauchgang zufällig seine große Liebe Anita wieder trifft, wird er von Visionen eines Lebens verfolgt, das er einst für die Karriere geopfert hat.
Eternal - Echos aus der Tiefe (2024 )