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VS slashes again with Volume 2. Xu Xang is back and ready to slice and dice. The Sarri and the Terraven continue to fight. Goddess of Sarri and the other Gods match up Sarri and Terraven fighters as a sport for their own personal enjoyment as they use the world as one big fighting boxing ring. Both sides were created for the sole purpose to fight. Xu Xang will also have to battle her inner demon. Her Nemesis.
VS Volume 2 (2023 )
Using human corpses and invoking the spirits of two damned Secretaries of State, a girl performs a ritual to free the kingdom of Chile from its feudal heritage.
The Bones (2023 )
This is an alien invasion film like no other – the aliens are miniature but still want to take over the world!
Headspace (2023 )
Shenxiu has felt a deep sadness since her mother left. A storm plunges her into a dreamlike world of swirling colour. Led by the Hyjinx, and joined by inventive underwater chef Nanhe, she embarks on a quest to find solace in the Eye of the Deep Sea.
Deep Sea (2023 )
A vicious beaver blankets the jungle with a dangerous pink substance that explodes when coming into contact with water. With the rainy season approaching, the miscellaneous team of animals must hurry to find the antidote.
The Jungle Bunch: Operation Meltdown (2023 )
Mína with her Toy friend are having fun in a sandpit. Suddenly, mud pies are stamped out and the Toy is captured by cycling Totemites! Only the youngest one, Tricycler, feels sorry for the Toy. To save the Toy tied up to a high Totem seems impossible. Our heroes need to overcome risky challenges including digging tunnel under the playground and bike chasing. Finally, Tricycler gives Mína a hand and a new friendship is born.
Sand Pie (2023 )
With holiday chores piling up and a cookie-stealing villain on the loose, Strawberry and her Berry Buddies must work together to save Winter Swirl.
Strawberry Shortcake's Perfect Holiday (2023 )
The eternal August 15 picnic on Callot Island. But this year, Paul, his family and their friends find themselves trapped by the tide. Paul, upset, stuck between the world of adults and that of children, becomes aware of his individuality.
Summer 96 (2023 )
A story of a man with a very dense eyes who sees all the surrounding reality only after seven years. The consequence of the eye defect translates into the mental immaturity of the man, lack of understanding of the present and belated reflections on long-gone facts. The man is never mature enough for his age and constantly lingers on the past.
Slow Light (2023 )
A fish gets lost in a tidal pool and must win over the sea creatures that dwell there. A fart creates goodwill, and a strong community quickly develops. An underwater adventure painted with the colours and sounds of the sea.
Pond (2023 )
The queen of the foxes is the saddest of them all. In order to make her happy, her worried gang swarms out at night to lay at her feet the secretly written, but ultimately unsent love letters retrieved from the city's rubbish. With its beautifully painted and animated images, La Reine des Renards is an ode to love.
The Queen of the Foxes (2023 )
Rainboy isn’t a common gardener. He plants drops and harvests clouds. While working he injures the vain Sun. Revenge! The prognosis for the boy is bleak, but together with the rain clouds, he manages to brighten her spirits again. A short film about stormy conflicts.
Rainboy (2023 )
Zhi, a rookie race car driver, gets the opportunity to compete against the reigning champion of the rally car circuit. With help from a former driver-turned-mechanic, Zhi must overcome treacherous terrain, rival racers, and unexpected obstacles to prove he has what it takes to be the next great racer.
Rally Road Racers (2023 )
An adventurous mouse sets off to battle dangerous creatures in Ancient Greece, including Poseidon.
Epic Tails (2023 )
Claé and Bruô, secret agents from enemy Kingdoms of the Sun and the Moon, must overcome their differences and combine forces to find the Perlimps and infiltrate into a world controlled by Giants where war is imminent.
Perlimps (2023 )
2123. Faced with diminishing resources, the human race can only survive through a trade-off: at the age of 50, every citizen is gradually turned into a tree. When Stefan discovers that his beloved wife Nora has voluntarily signed up for donating her own body before her time, he sets out on an adventurous journey to save her at all costs.
White Plastic Sky (2023 )
The world of 10-year old Nina has been in turmoil since her father lost his job. Despite weeks of strike, his factory closed down. The manager had tampered with the accounts and precipitated its collapse. But rumour has it that a nest-egg remains hidden somewhere in the factory. Nina and her friend Mehdi spring into action to help Nina’s dad out. This tale of our times, which is also a coming-of-age story, stages the interaction between the concerns of children and those of adults.
Nina and the Hedgehog's Secret (2023 )
This film is a tribute to a humiliated and destroyed nation. "As Long as the Grass Grows" is an alternative, ancient and humble creation story, where man is not the crown of the creation, but the weakest of all creatures. The film takes us back to the beginning of time, where Old Man begins to create the world out of a handful of mud. Everything he creates is new and nameless, and affects the rest of the world. Even feelings and desires are unknown and when they emerge, the world becomes more and more complicated.
Four Souls of Coyote (2023 )
A small family of shrews, made up of a grandmother, a mother and her three children, lives on the edge of a stream. One day, heavy rains fell, breaking the old dam upstream. Fortunately, the family members are all safe, but their house is totally destroyed. Forced into exile, the shrews go, on the advice of an old man, to the hill of pebbles.
Pebble Hill (2023 )
El documental recorre els últims quatre anys de l'extraordinària vida del pilot i escriptor Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Un període intens, en el qual es van barrejar les intrigues amoroses, polítiques i artístiques.
El Petit Príncep, el naixement d’una estrella (2023 )
Vincent katu gaztea Maurice izeneko sagutxo batekin elkartzen da piano zahar batean uholde batetik ihes egiteko. Marinel talde batek instrumentua jaso eta museora bidaltzen du. Hemen, Vincentek eliteko katuen eskuadroi bat ezagutzen du, urteetan karraskarien eta beste piztien maisulanak babesten aritu dena. Vincentek benetako katu-familia bat aurkitzea du amets, baina ez du bere lagun Maurice galdu nahi, bizitza salbatu baitzion, eta ezkutatzera behartuta dago. Baina bere lagunak badu ahulezia bat: maisulanik ospetsuenak marruskatzea. Munduko pinturarik onenetako bat, La Gioconda, museora eramaten dutenean dena zailtzen da: sagu eta arratoi guztien ametsa murtxikatzea da. Hala ere, ez Vincentek, ez Mauricek, ez Hermitageko katuek ez dakite norbaitek lapurtzeko asmoa duela, eta, orain, Vincentek kemenez eta adimenez jokatu behar du Da Vinciren obra salbatzeko, museoaren ospea babesteko eta Kleopatraren, Egiptoko ganberan bizi den katu eder baten, bihotza irabazteko.
Museoaren Zaindariak (2023 )
Con una mezcla de alegría de vivir e imprudencia, seis amigos emprenden un viaje en un pequeño coche destartalado hacia el mar Báltico polaco y de regreso. Mientras su coche y su país se desmoronan a lo largo del trayecto, la vida sigue su curso. El viaje se entrelaza con recuerdos y destellos del pasado, capturando la esencia de un momento en el tiempo donde todo parece estar en constante cambio.
El coche que volvió del mar (2023 )
Samson, un gos de carrer, es refugia a la llegendària Òpera Metropolitana, on coneix Margot: la fidel mascota d’Anastàsia, la talentosa primera ballarina del teatre. Tot es complica quan algú roba una valuosa diadema que va pertànyer a la reina de la Gran Bretanya i que Anastàsia ha de lluir en el ballet “Carmen”. Si Margot i Samson no són capaços de recuperar-la, l’espectacle no podrà continuar...
Guardians a l'Òpera (2023 )
En Shin chan és a casa jugant quan una misteriosa llum cau del cel i xoca de ple contra ell, concedint-li estranys superpoders. Al mateix temps, una llum fosca arriba a un noi no gaire afortunat. Dos membres del Comitè Internacional de Poders Psíquics de Saitama expliquen als Nohara que amb la llum blanca el seu fill s'ha convertit en l'escollit de què parla una antiga profecia i que s'haurà d'enfrontar al supermalvat que la llum fosca ha creat. Mentre una misteriosa organització recluta el supermalvat, en Shin chan haurà d’aprendre a controlar els seus superpoders per protegir la pau de la Terra. Se’n sortirà?
Shin chan: El Superheroi (2023 )
Èpica aventura d'animació infantil basada en el clàssic llibre "Viatge a l'Oest" de Wu Cheng, que també va inspirar la sèrie "Bola de drac". El futur del Cel i de la Terra depèn d'un mico innocent que acaba de descobrir els seus poders de superheroi per evitar totes aquelles forces demoníaques que amenacen que tota la creació es precipiti en autèntic i imparable caos.
Shimmy: El primer rei mico (2023 )
Tony tiene una característica única de nacimiento: ¡brilla! Pero pasa los días escondido en casa, en su búnker de mantas y soñando con tener a alguien con quien jugar. Los días antes de Navidad, una peculiar niña llamada Shelly se muda a su edificio y pone su mundo del revés. Juntos se embarcarán en una aventura mágica y descubrirán el fascinante misterio del edificio en el que viven.
Tony, Shelly y la linterna mágica (2023 )
La Freya, de la família Conill Xocolata, està preocupada. Ha estat designada per organitzar l'esdeveniment més important de l'any: el Festival de les Estrelles. A més, li coincideix amb l'aniversari de la seva mare i no sap què regalar-li. Què se li acudirà a la Freya per fer feliços la seva mare i els seus amics? Pel·lícula de la sèrie i línia de joguines "Sylvanian Families".
Sylvanian Families la pel·lícula: el regal de la Freya (2023 )
Inés, a Spanish artist, lives in India and stumbles upon Sultana's Dream, a science fiction story written by Rokeya Hossain in 1905. It describes Ladyland, a utopia in which women rule the country while men live in seclusion and are responsible for household chores. Fascinated by the story Inés embarks on a journey across the country to search for the one place where women can live in peace.
El somni de la Sultana (2023 )
Momonsters: la película (2023 )
A Giant Adventure tells the story of Sebastian, Sophia and little Wawa, who will embark on an unexpected and extraordinary journey that will take them to an unknown world inspired by the Nazca culture.
A Giant Adventure (2023 )
Chavales (2023 )
The story unfolds through a present-day encounter of an older man, Gunther, and a rebellious teenager, DJ, as the story of Father Max teaches the young boy about love and sacrifice.
Max & Me (2023 )