Transmite en España
Atrapa lo último y lo mejor en películas.
Cuando un arqueólogo llamado Harrison McColl y su socio descubren un antiguo tesoro en Libia, y deciden llevárselo a su museo de Colorado, desatan la furia de un monstruo mitológico con forma de serpiente capaz de petrificar a las personas, un Basilisco. La serpiente es guardiana de la reliquia y no parará hasta recuperarla. (FILMAFFINITY)
Basilisco: El rey de la serpiente (2006 )
- Gratis
Two ghosts, separated by time, who have roamed the grounds of a historic English mansion, searching for each other are brought together by Ally (LAURA PENNEYCARD), a photography student who is experiencing dreams she can't explain and Emmett (GEOFF SHAW), the son of a wealthy industrialist. Emmett befriends Ally and together they unravel the truth behind the disappearance of his long lost love, Catherine a beautiful servant girl. However, Ally must first overcome her fears of his ghostly appearance before she can help Emmett find Catherine and reunite their love. Shot in the beautiful location of Hylands House, this lavish drama with a supernatural theme, leads you through past and present in a series of spine-chilling nightmares, ghostly appearances and suspenseful chase sequences, which moves into a beautiful romance tale, drawing on all your senses from the outset.
Time of Her Life (2006 )
Bere adineko edozein umeren moduan, Arthur amonak ohera joateko kontatzen dizkion istorioekin txunditurik dago. Bere ametsak tribu afrikarrez eta aitonaren liburu magikoak dakartzan asmakizunez josita daude. Aitona, orain lau urte desagertu zen modu misteriotsuan. Liburua aztertuz, etxearen atzeko aldean lurperatuta dagoen altxor baten arrastoak dakartzala ohartzen da Arthur. Eta ez hori bakarrik, lur azpian bizitza ikusezin bat omen dago, izaki txikidun mundu bat, ikusteko txikiegiak, minimoi izenekoak. Amonaren etxea salbatzeko, Arthur ausartak aitonaren urratsak jarraituko ditu, minimoien lurraldean barrena bidaiatu eta bere zazpi erreinuak ezagutu. Baina honetarako aukera bakarra dauka: minimoi bilakatu beharko da!
Arthur eta Minimoiak (2006 )
La nieta de un arqueólogo desaparecido en Egipto en 1948 se propone averiguar qué le sucedió a su abuelo. Una vez en el Valle de los Reyes, encuentra un sarcófago que va a ser trasladado al Museo Británico y que contiene una momia dispuesta a resucitar uniendo partes de los cuerpos de sus víctimas.
La sombra del faraón (1998 )
Tamino, a handsome prince, and Papageno, a bird-catcher, are sent by the Queen of Night to rescue her daughter Pamina from captivity under the high priest Sarastro. Julie Taymor's abridged, English-language production of the classic Mozart opera.
The Magic Flute (2006 )
In the year 1807, they city of Rashid is under attack by the British forces. Harfoush, a brave knight must deliver a message to the ruler of Egypt to demand military aid in order to resist the enemy. After killing some soldiers, he finds himself in a cave with a wise old man who tells him about his destiny. When Harfoush wakes up he realizes that he is now at the gates of Cairo except it is the year 1998...
A Message to the Governor (1998 )
Harvey delves into the realm of not-so-fantastic myth to interview a troll who works as a toll collector and lives under his bridge. He's aggressive, uncouth, temperamental, and has a nasty habit of eating people.
The Toll (2006 )
- Gratis
Taking inspiration from the history of conflict throughout Eastern Europe, Echoes Of Time examines the concept of the illusion of freedom.
Echoes of Time (2014 )
Mizuki és una professora de piano que dona classes als nens. El seu marit, Yusuke, fa tres anys que està desaparegut. Torna a casa com un fantasma i li diu que va morir ofegat al mar. El seu cos va desaparèixer al mar, menjat pels crancs. Des d'aleshores ha viatjat pel Japó i ha fet amistat amb els vius i altres persones "com ell". Li demana a la Mizuki que l'acompanyi en un viatge. Yusuke li mostra els bells llocs que va descobrir i visita la gent que ha estat amable amb ell.
Kishibe no tabi (2015 )
- Gratis
This is the story of a little robot known as Pinocchio 3000 whose greatest wish is to become a real boy. The year is 3000. Geppetto, with the help of his faithful assistant, Spencer the cyber penguin, and by the holographic fairy Cyberina, creates Pinocchio, a prototype superrobot equipped for emotions. But before he can be given a heart and become a real boy, Cyberina insists that Pinocchio learn the difference between right and wrong.
Pinotxo 3000 (2004 )
On a Scottish island, a depressive police investigates the disappearance of a girl. The mournful mother is responsible for the disappearance of the inhabitants of the island.
Depressive Cop (2015 )
"Mindgame" es un surrealista cóctel audiovisual, catálogo de cuántas técnicas de animación existen a día de hoy (desde "stop motion" a la infografía poligonal, pasando por la caricaturización extrema o la imagen real manipulada). El film narra la historia de Nishi, quien conoce en un tren a Myon, la mujer de sus sueños. Myon y su hermana invitan a Nishi a su restaurante, donde Nishi encontrará la muerte cortesía de unos asesinos que venía a cobrar las deudas de Myon. Cuando Nishi muere y va al cielo, desafía el poder de los dioses y decide regresar a la Tierra. Al volver es devorado por una ballena y será en su interior donde Nishi conocerá a un hombre que lleva ahí mas de 30 años.
Mind Game (2004 )
Stage adaptation of the manga of the same name.
Requiem of the Rose King (2022 )
- Gratis
When fiction novelist Adrian Aytese falls terminally ill, he lets his sister Paige in on a secret book he scripted in a journal. The book details his exhaustive search for a mysterious lady of his past dreams. A special sand given to him by his elder friend Bud is intended to help Adrian sleep more peacefully, but instead, Adrian's dreams and realities begin to lose boundaries as his darkest fears and happiest memories collide. As Paige delves deeper, she realizes that the book may not be as fictional as she thought - and Bud may not be who she thinks he is.
Barely Dreaming (2021 )
- Gratis
After experiencing a traumatic loss of a colleague, Saanjh starts seeing a mysterious girl in his dreams who takes him through the seven stages of grief.
DRE7MS (2021 )
A la ciutat futurista de Vanille, si tens correctament sintonitzats els ulls i les orelles ImmerSyst el món pot semblar-te un paradís. Però la vida d'un pare i el seu fill petit corre el perill de desintegrar-se quan el dispositiu del pare comença a fallar. Desesperat per haver d'enfrontar-se a la realitat, el pare es veu obligat a sortir per trobar un recanvi, en una ciutat on la violència i el perill s'amaguen sota d'una bella però fràgil coberta.
The Nostalgist (2014 )
Violeta está dispuesta a lo que sea por encontrar a su hija desaparecida. Elena guarda un extraño secreto. Lola quiere saldar cuentas con su pasado. Juana necesita que alguien la quiera sin condiciones ni preguntas y Enriqueta sólo busca que le hagan reír. Estás cinco mujeres tienen algo en común, todas están relacionadas con Diamond Flash, un misterioso personaje que cambiará sus vidas para siempre.
Diamond Flash (2012 )
Johnny Destiny burns into Las Vegas in his hot Plymouth RoadRunner, stopping only to pick up a stranger stranded in the desert. But then, things aren't always as they seem. Anything can happen in that town of many possibilities...especially since there's been some weird electrical disturbances. As the stranger, fresh out of prison, tries to put his life back together--to recover his money from an old bank heist and the girl he lost in doing the job--something keeps interfering with his plans. Is it fate...or just Destiny?
Destiny Turns on the Radio (1995 )
Vincent katu gaztea Maurice izeneko sagutxo batekin elkartzen da piano zahar batean uholde batetik ihes egiteko. Marinel talde batek instrumentua jaso eta museora bidaltzen du. Hemen, Vincentek eliteko katuen eskuadroi bat ezagutzen du, urteetan karraskarien eta beste piztien maisulanak babesten aritu dena. Vincentek benetako katu-familia bat aurkitzea du amets, baina ez du bere lagun Maurice galdu nahi, bizitza salbatu baitzion, eta ezkutatzera behartuta dago. Baina bere lagunak badu ahulezia bat: maisulanik ospetsuenak marruskatzea. Munduko pinturarik onenetako bat, La Gioconda, museora eramaten dutenean dena zailtzen da: sagu eta arratoi guztien ametsa murtxikatzea da. Hala ere, ez Vincentek, ez Mauricek, ez Hermitageko katuek ez dakite norbaitek lapurtzeko asmoa duela, eta, orain, Vincentek kemenez eta adimenez jokatu behar du Da Vinciren obra salbatzeko, museoaren ospea babesteko eta Kleopatraren, Egiptoko ganberan bizi den katu eder baten, bihotza irabazteko.
Museoaren Zaindariak (2023 )
El joven Clark Kent, Superman, es el único superviviente del lejano planeta Krypton y fue enviado a la tierra para salvarse de la destrucción de su planeta. En la tierra, Clark descubre que posee superpoderes y decide utilizarlos en beneficio de su planeta adoptivo. Tras trasladarse a Metrópolis, Clark empieza a trabajar de reportero en el Daily Planet, junto a la estrella del periódico, Lois Lane. En sus investigaciones, Clark consigue despertar la ira del multimillonario Lex Luthor, quien está más implicado en el robo de un ultra moderno robot de combate de lo que realmente confiesa. ¡Ahora está en manos de Superman salvar a la ciudad de un malvado grupo de villanos y evitar que Luthor utilice su nueva arma!
Superman: El último hijo de Krypton (1996 )
La vida d'una adolescent gòtica que viu en una funerària i que un bon dia es converteix en morta vivent amb una meta a la vida mort: lluitar contra el mal.
Papa, soc una zombi (2012 )
Seven-year-old Vera lives in the big city but adores spending the holidays in her grandparent’s town and particularly in their deserted tobacco barn. Nieves, a teenager native from there whose father forces her to help out at the family’s land, can’t avoid but feeling caged. The two girls, driven by the sense of adventure and the need to find oneself respectively, will be connected to a magical creature that will change the way they see their own reality.
Tobacco Barns (2023 )
An assassin is hired by a businessman to avenge the murder of his daughter by white slave traders in Thailand.
Elephant White (2011 )
John Simbad, descendiente del mítico Simbad y auténtico príncipe de Persia, debe llevar a cabo siete duras tareas si quiere salvar al mundo de un final catastrófico.
Simbad: La aventura del Minotauro (2011 )
The central minister's daughter who secretly goes on a trip is targeted by some evil Egyptians who want her and a holy diamond in their custody, while a guide gets linked to the fight as he protects her from all possible dangers.
Shakti (2011 )
Tom, un jove escocès, va passar part de la seva infància al sud de l'Índia amb el seu pare, arqueòleg que va descobrir una estàtua del déu hindú Hanuman. Anys més tard, Tom troba per casualitat aquesta estàtua en una subhasta a Londres. S'adona que l'estàtua i altres obres sagrades són objecte de tràfic, i decideix tornar a sud de l'Índia a lluitar contra els traficants.
Hànuman (1998 )
A young gay boy, from his birth to his teenage years, in which he experiments his sexuality and his own boundaries, to the day he finally meets his father. In three acts: Act I — L'Annonciation or The Conception of a Little Gay Boy (2011); Act II — Little Gay Boy, ChrisT is Dead (2012); and Act III — Holy Thursday (The Last Supper) (2013).
Little Gay Boy (2013 )
- Gratis
A modern retelling of the classic 'three little pigs' tale in a fantasy-western drama, where 3 estranged brother pigs are reunited by the inheritance of their Uncle's property after his tragic death in a house fire. Upon deciding to repair the home for themselves, they quickly become the unfortunate target of a ruthless pack of business wolves who will stop at nothing to claim it for themselves.
The Brick House (2013 )
Marianne y Jacques llevan una existencia aparentemente tranquila junto a sus dos hijos en un gran apartamento parisino, sin conocer la tragedia que allí tuvo lugar. Un día en que Marianne se encuentra sola, recibe la visita de una siniestra pareja de ancianos, que dicen haber vivido en el apartamento cuando eran niños. Desde ese momento, empiezan a suceder extraños acontecimientos: los hijos de Marianne comienzan a comportarse de forma diferente, las puertas se cierran solas, la niñera sufre un accidente, y Jacques experimenta violentos accesos de cólera que dan paso a crisis de angustia. Por si fuera poco, Marianne experimenta fantasías y miedos que la llevan al borde de la locura...
Juego de niños (2001 )
- Gratis
After Alex wanted to surprise Catherine for her birthday by taking the staff of a restaurant hostage, the two unrepentant and hot-tempered women argue in an epic argument about how to use their metapsychic powers.
Best Bitches Forever (2019 )
- Gratis
The movie starts in Dubai, where we are introduced to a mysterious artifact collector. His new target is to acquire every country's first Olympic Gold medal. With the help of his trusty assistant and a goofy Chinese expert, they head over to Foshan with a large bag of money ready to do the deal. Just one problem. They don't know the name of the Olympic Champion who won the first ever Chinese Gold medal. At the same time, a struggling Real Estate Sales Agent and his beautiful co-worker have been tasked by the CEO to organise a huge sales event for the development - with the main attraction being Chinese Olympic Champions!
King's Feast (2019 )
- Gratis
Se centra en la vida de Tito, un chico de 10 años que tiene la misión de salvar al mundo de una epidemia que hace que la gente enferme cuando tiene miedo.
Tito y los pájaros (2019 )