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Excited about their grandson's visit, an elderly couple plan to cook chicken curry for dinner. But, things begin to fall apart when the chicken goes missing.
Koli Taal (2021 )
Ladies man and up and coming poker player Ronnie makes a bet with his friend Karey that he can sleep with a popular girl from campus before her. However, things don't go as plan for either of them as the game of Forbidden Fruit plays out a lot different than expected.
Forbidden Fruit: First Bite (2021 )
Scrooge encounters the ghost of her late business partner, who warns that three spirits will visit her this night. The ghosts take Carol on a journey through her past, present and future in the hopes of transforming her bitterness.
Carol's Christmas (2021 )
Un arquitecte polonès d'èxit es disposa a viatjar en avió i perd el vol per culpa d'una misteriosa jove que l'aborda sobtadament. Mentre es veu obligat a esperar en la terminal, no pot desembarassar-se de la molesta estranya. Encara que la trobada sembla fortuïta, la conversa anirà enrarint-se fins a convertir-se en una cosa sinistra i criminal.
Cosmètica de l’enemic (2021 )
Mentre intenta superar la inesperada mort del seu marit, Beth (Rebecca Hall) es queda tot sol en una casa a prop d'un llac especialment dissenyada per a ella. Tot i que fa tot el possible per no perdre el seny, els somnis no triguen a aparèixer. Les visions pertorbadores d'una presència que truca per ella a la casa comencen a ser cada vegada més freqüents. Tot i que a la llum del dia tot sembla normal, Beth comença lentament a desesperar-se, de manera que decideix ignorar el consell dels seus amics i investiga en les seves pertinences tractant de trobar alguna resposta. Allí topa no només amb secrets tan estranys com terribles, sinó també amb un misteri que està disposada a resoldre.
La casa fosca (2021 )
En 1994, un grupo de adolescentes descubre que los terribles sucesos que han asolado su ciudad durante generaciones están conectados y que pueden ser los próximos objetivos.
La calle del terror - Parte 1: 1994 (2021 )
Based on true events, "Nitram" lives with his parents in suburban Australia in the mid-90s. He lives a life of isolation and frustration at never fitting in. As his anger grows, he begins a slow descent into a nightmare that culminates in the most heinous of acts.
Nitram (2021 )
La Chisato i la Mahilo són dues alumnes de secundària amb una petita excentricitat: es guanyen la vida exercint d'eficaces assassines. L'associació per a la qual treballen els ordena que comparteixin habitació i que busquin una feina de mitja jornada per guardar les aparences.
Baby Assassins (2021 )
A small-town Oregon teacher and her brother, the local sheriff, discover a young student is harbouring a dangerous secret that could have frightening consequences.
Antlers (2021 )
A remote village in the mountains. A community affected by a mysterious illness. Sudden death among the inhabitants of the township.The fear of them all, Gorecki, chief of the sick people, strangely gets attached to Giacomo, an "healthy" boy, as he sees in the young boy a chance for redemption and salvation. Giacomo's kidnapping will then stir up the furious reaction of the inhabitants, who are determined to respond in inexorable and ultimate way to the vexations and mistreats they have been suffering from for a long while. However, sometimes the desire for revenge is so strong to survive even death and time.
A volte nel buio (Sometimes in the dark) (2021 )
Madison es una mujer que tiene unas macabras pesadillas que la dejan completamente paralizada. Aterrada por lo que ve en ellas, Madison no consigue dormir por las noches ni vivir por el día. Pero el terror cada vez se irá apoderando de ella cuando descubra que esas pesadillas no son sueños, sino que son hechos de la vida real.
Maligno (2021 )
Viatjant per la desolada carretera d'una vall interminable, Alan i Jill detenen el vehicle per portar els fills adolescents a una caminada per la naturalesa de Nova Zelanda. Quan paren per gaudir d'un aperitiu, dos rodamóns apareixen del no-res i envolten la pacífica família. En un inesperat acte de violència segresten la família, cosa que provoca una sèrie d'esdeveniments dels quals no hi ha escapatòria.
Atrapats en la foscor (2021 )
La película sigue a una joven que intenta descubrir qué sucedió con su madre, que la dejó abandonada en la puerta de un hospital cuando nació, hasta que descubre una verdad aterradora sobre el pasado de su progenitora.
Actividad Paranormal: Vínculos Familiares (2021 )
En 1666, Deena descubre la verdad sobre Sarah Fier. De nuevo en 1994, los amigos luchan por sus vidas... y por el futuro de Shadyside.
La calle del terror - Parte 3: 1666 (2021 )
Trying to salvage a relationship, 2 couples go on a weekend camping trip only to find out they aren’t alone in the woods.
No Way Out (2021 )
Desperate to find answers to her children's disappearance, Florence Taylor enlists a paranormal researcher to find an entity called the Nursery Man.
Children of Darkwood House (2021 )
Aaron Falk returns to his drought-stricken hometown to attend a tragic funeral. But his return opens a decades-old wound - the unsolved death of a teenage girl.
The Dry (2021 )
They're always watching you. Humanity has only resided on Earth for a fraction of the planet's incredibly long history, and many believe that a species known as the Krepid vastly predate humankind - and are still with us today. The Krepid need to consume us to survive, but most believe they also enjoy the hunt. Join us as we explore the terrifying, secret world of the Krepid.
They're Always Watching You (2021 )
One morning, Jessica Holland, a Scottish orchid farmer visiting her sister in Bogotá, is woken by a loud ‘bang’. This haunting sound dispels her sleep for days, calling into question her identity and guiding her from recording studios to secluded jungle villages in an attempt to find its source.
Memoria (2021 )
Voces secretas (2021 )
A París, Simon i Hélène decideixen vendre un soterrani a l'edifici on viuen. Mr. Fonzic, un home amb un aparent passat turbulent, el compra i s'hi instal·la sense previ avís. De mica en mica, la seva presència canviarà la vida de la parella.
L’home del soterrani (2021 )
One night on Viva FM's late night show, host Vitor Lobo gets a phone call from an old friend.
The Lone Wolf (2021 )
¿Qué pasó a bordo del vuelo Dubai-París antes de que se estrellara en los Alpes? Mathieu Vasseu, un técnico de la BEA, la autoridad responsable de las investigaciones de seguridad en la aviación civil, es el investigador jefe en este desastre aéreo sin precedentes. ¿Error del piloto? ¿Fallo técnico? ¿Acto terrorista? El cuidadoso análisis de las cajas negras empujará a Mathieu a realizar su propia investigación en secreto. Aún no sabe hasta dónde le llevará su búsqueda de la verdad.
Black Box (2021 )
A detective on a mission to solve murders around town struggles with racism and his jealousy over his best friend's new love life.
Mud Flat Murders (2021 )
In an all-new Shock Docs special, The Curse of Lizzie Borden, paranormal investigator Dave Schrader assembles a team of paranormal experts to investigate whether a dark family curse led to the most infamous axe murders of all time. With new evidence that Lizzie Borden's ghost resides in the house where the murders took place, they conduct a seance to unearth the truth and finally close the portal of evil forever.
The Curse of Lizzie Borden (2021 )
Mobster Ross Blakely is about to get into a difficult spot when his devout sister Samantha comes to him with an unusual request: rescue her daughter Jennifer from the life of drugs and the influence of her drug-dealing boyfriend. Shocked that his once religious niece had gone so astray, he agrees to his sister's request but quickly learns that rescuing Jennifer might be harder than expected.
Strange Friends (2021 )
The expedition for the Kiamichi beast up into the mountains was a tedious journey. For over 200 years the Kiamichi beast has roamed Arkansas, the Indians say he would raid the camp and steal the children. Now adays the locals are afraid to enter the woods at night. The howl’s coming from the woods are enough to make even a big man shake
The Kiamichi Beast Expedition (2021 )
A fairly prolific young writer struggling for her next story is drugged and wakes up tied to a chair in a room ripped right out of one of her more horrifying books, with no foreseeable way out.
The Lonesome Room (2021 )
Leñadores en el bosque Massif de la Chartreuse descubren el cuerpo de un hombre. Al frente de la investigación, Justine Verard tiene que trabajar con el responsable de la muerte de su marido.
Asesinato en Chartreuse (2021 )
"The Intergalactic organization plans to destroy humanity for bad behavior. Only one astronaut rebelled against such a decision and ended up on Earth... He must have time to return to the Intergalactic Base Station in 72 hours in order to save the Earth"
A Spoonful of Stardust (2021 )
Perderlo todo (2021 )
In the early Middle Ages, two Christian knights set off to christen a small pagan village hidden deep in the mountains. Despite the differences in their views and perspectives on religion, the two men become travel companions and create a father-son relationship. As they settle into the local community, their faith, belief system and the bond between them are all put to the test. Soon, love is confronted with hate, dialogue with violence, madness with rules and many will have to die.
Sword of God (2020 )