Transmite en España
Atrapa lo último y lo mejor en películas.
An exploration of the United States of America's war on drugs from multiple perspectives. For the new head of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, the war becomes personal when he discovers his well-educated daughter is abusing cocaine within their comfortable suburban home. In Mexico, a flawed, but noble policeman agrees to testify against a powerful general in league with a cartel, and in San Diego, a drug kingpin's sheltered trophy wife must learn her husband's ruthless business after he is arrested, endangering her luxurious lifestyle.
Traffic (2000 )
A group of roommates in a US metropolis inadvertently kill an innocent man and proceed on a perilous journey of deception and cover-up.
Depravity (2024 )
Esta película explora los secretos de la ciudad de Nueva York, desde los áticos de la Quinta Avenida hasta los rincones sombríos de Queens. Los motivos son sospechosos y las expectativas cambian cuando nada es lo que parece.
Embaucadores (2023 )
When a man is offered a million dollars to play a game in which hunters try to kill him, he thinks he has found the perfect loophole: they can only attack when he’s alone. His only problem is that none of his friends or family believe the game is real.
Self Reliance (2024 )
In 1988, American video game salesman Henk Rogers discovers the video game Tetris. When he sets out to bring the game to the world, he enters a dangerous web of lies and corruption behind the Iron Curtain.
Tetris (2023 )
Housewives Alice and Celine are best friends and neighbours who seem to have it all. However, when a tragic accident shatters the harmony of their lives, guilt, suspicion and paranoia begin to unravel their sisterly bond.
Mothers' Instinct (2024 )
When an American family is invited to spend the weekend at the idyllic country estate of a charming British family they befriended on vacation, what begins as a dream holiday soon warps into a snarled psychological nightmare.
Speak No Evil (2024 )
After tracing the origin of a disturbing supernatural affliction to a wealthy family's ancestral gravesite, a team of paranormal experts relocates the remains—and soon discovers what happens to those who dare to mess with the wrong grave.
Exhuma (2024 )
A young man racks up a series of disastrous first dates, until he spends the night with an unconventional young woman who upends his life.
Amor tóxico (2015 )
Un reajuste de la popular serie de televisión holandesa Baantjer. El detective novato Jurre de Cock se une a la fuerza policial de Amsterdam en 1980, una semana antes de la coronación de la nueva Reina de los Países Bajos. Después de que encuentra el cuerpo de un informante desconocido en uno de los canales de la ciudad, él y su compañero Montijn se ven envueltos en una conspiración que involucra a ocupantes ilegales, narcotraficantes belgas y un posible ataque terrorista el día de la coronación.
Baantjer The beginning (2019 )
Cyril practica Taï-Chi en un rincón del Domaine du Manoir. Un palo de golf golpea la parte posterior de su cuello, matándolo con un golpe mortal. La investigación queda a cargo de Maud Arthuis.
Asesinato en Charente (2022 )
Five university friends gather at a house party to ring in the New Year. Unbeknownst to them, an epidemic has erupted outside, causing outbreaks around the world. With nowhere else to turn, they barricade themselves indoors with only their phones, laptops, and other tech devices. They use their devices to research the possible cause of this outbreak. Information and video footage over flow their computers as they descend further into the cause and the ensuing chaos. As the virus spreads, the mood in the house changes from fear to paranoia. Who is safe? Who can they trust? Reality becomes blurred as they slowly discover the source of the virus causing the sickness...and there is no going back.
Antisocial (2013 )
The true story of the infamous prison break of Gary Tison and Randy Greenwalt from the Arizona State prison in Florence, in the summer of 1978.
Last Rampage (2017 )
Jesse Stone ha sido suspendido de su cargo de jefe de policía del pueblo de Paradise. Cansado y solo, deberá enfrentarse a una serie de crímenes que pondrán a prueba su instinto. Nueva aventura del controvertido jefe de policía.
Crímenes en Boston (2010 )
En esta ocasión, Jessica, su prometido y un amigo de éste, se hospedarán en un hostel en medio de la nada. Lo que no sospecharán en que en ese lugar realizan películas snuffs para venderlas en el mercado negro con los huespedes que se alojan allí.
Habitación sin salida 2 (2008 )
Decididos a robar a un orfebre, tres jóvenes ladrones irrumpen en su casa de campo. El hombre y su mujer resultan menos indefensos de lo que parecen.
El Orfebre (2022 )
Un virus mortal empieza a infectar a las capas más pudientes de la sociedad, liquidando a los millonarios a su paso. Poco a poco, su foco se expande hasta abarcar riquezas más modestas, lo cual obliga a todo el mundo a deshacerse de sus fortunas. El problema es que ya no queda nadie a quien venderlas.
La fiebre de los ricos (2024 )
La vida del prestigiós advocat Luc Germon queda trastornada quan accepta un nou client. Un dels empresaris més poderosos de França, Gilles Fontaine, és acusat de comprar una ostentosa propietat a la Costa Blava en circumstàncies sospitoses. Requerirà les habilitats de Germon per alliberar-se del cas i esquivar uns aliats que li giren l'esquena.
El cas Villa Caprice (2021 )
Jacob, a bank manager haunted by a violent heist that took the life of a coworker, teams up with his ex-cop neighbor, James, to bring down the assailant. While the two men work together to figure out the thief’s next move, Gabriel, the highly-trained criminal, is one step ahead. When Gabriel kidnaps Jacob’s wife and daughter, Jacob barrels down a path of bloodshed that initiates an explosive counterattack and brings all three men to the breaking point.
Reprisal (2018 )
Sota l'imperi de Napoleó, François Vidocq, l'únic home que ha aconseguit escapar de les més grans presons del país, és una llegenda dels baixos fons parisencs. Donat per mort després de la seva última gran evasió, l'ex-presidiari intenta passar desapercebut disfressat com un simple comerciant. Però el passat el persegueix, i després de ser acusat d'un assassinat que no ha comès, proposa un tracte al cap de policia: unir-se a ells per a combatre a la màfia a canvi de la seva llibertat. Malgrat els seus excel·lents resultats, provoca l'hostilitat dels companys del cos així com de l'hampa, que ha posat preu al seu cap.
L'emperador de París (2018 )
Covert security company Vanguard is the last hope of survival for an accountant after he is targeted by the world's deadliest mercenary organization.
Vanguard (2020 )
Dos amigos de un pequeño pueblo se ven envueltos en el juego mortal de una banda perversa después de descubrir una caja misteriosa.
Polvo y cenizas (2022 )
Madrid, 1868. Una revolución, la Gloriosa, pone fin al reinado de Isabel II de Borbón (1843-1868), hija de Fernando VII (1814-1833). Son tiempos convulsos en la Villa y Corte, las conspiraciones y la lucha por el poder dominan la vida política. Don Jaime de Astarloa, el mejor maestro de esgrima de la ciudad, permanece al margen de las intrigas. Para él, sólo existe un motivo por el que merece la pena batirse: el honor. La aparición en escena de Adela Otero, bella mujer y hábil esgrimista, será la estocada final a su forma de vida.
El maestro de esgrima (1992 )
A famous actress is trapped by an unknown captor in the limo sent to take her to the gala at which she will collect a lifetime achievement award.
The Glass Coffin (2016 )
A young American woman takes a job as a nanny in a remote English village, soon discovering that the family's eight-year-old son is a life-sized doll that comes with a list of strict rules.
The Boy (2016 )
When the Switchblade, the most sophisticated prototype stealth fighter created yet, is stolen from the U.S. government, one of the United States' top spies, Alex Scott, is called to action. What he doesn't expect is to get teamed up with a cocky civilian, World Class Boxing Champion Kelly Robinson, on a dangerous top secret espionage mission. Their assignment: using equal parts skill and humor, catch Arnold Gundars, one of the world's most successful arms dealers.
I Spy (2002 )
Un agent de l'FBI (Christopher Meloni) segueix la pista d'uns lladres de bancs que solen destinar el botí a obres de la caritat. L'agent descobreix que el propòsit dels atracaments també respon a una venjança personal. Totes les sospites de l'agent recauen en el poderós propietari d'un banc, el Sr. Hubert (Bruce Willis).
Els conspiradors (2016 )
Frank Bullitt, tinent de policia de San Francisco, és escollit per protegir d'una organització criminal durant tot un cap de setmana un testimoni clau que el fiscal Walter Chalmers pensa presentar dilluns davant d'un comitè del Senat. Però tot es complica de la pitjor manera quan, en un assalt inesperat a l'amagatall, un dels companys de Bullitt i el testimoni mateix són ferits de gravetat. Lluitant contra les pressions de l'ambiciós Chalmers, Bullit haurà d'esbrinar a corre-cuita quins punts foscos amaga la investigació si vol treure'n l'entrellat a temps.
Bullitt (1968 )
A police raid in Detroit in 1967 results in one of the largest citizens' uprisings in the history of the United States.
Detroit (2017 )
One night per year, the government sanctions a 12-hour period in which citizens can commit any crime they wish -- including murder -- without fear of punishment or imprisonment. Leo, a sergeant who lost his son, plans a vigilante mission of revenge during the mayhem. However, instead of a death-dealing avenger, he becomes the unexpected protector of four innocent strangers who desperately need his help if they are to survive the night.
The Purge: Anarchy (2014 )
Picking up right where the original ended, Marybeth escapes the clutches of the swamp-dwelling killer Victor Crowley. After learning the truth about her family’s connection to the hatchet-wielding madman, Marybeth returns to the Louisiana swamps along with an army of hunters to recover the bodies of her family and exact the bloodiest revenge against the bayou butcher.
Hatchet II (2010 )
A Nou Mèxic, a finals del segle XIX, la Maggie és una dona lluitadora que viu sola amb dues filles, la Lilly i la Dot. Samuel Jones, el pare de la Maggie, va abandonar-la quan ella era una nena i ha viscut més de vint anys integrat en una tribu d'indis apatxes. Jones torna i busca reconciliar-se amb la seva família, però la Maggie no en vol saber res. Al cap de poc, la Lilly desapareix, segrestada per un grup d'homes que rapten nenes i les venen com a esclaves a Mèxic. Aleshores la Maggie demanarà ajuda al seu pare i tots dos faran l'impossible per rescatar la Lilly.
Desaparicions (2003 )