Transmite en España
Atrapa las últimas y mejores películas y series de televisión de 2007.
- Gratis
Chronicles the last great American showman, filmmaker William Castle, a master of ballyhoo who became a brand name in movie horror with his outrageous audience participation gimmicks.
Spine Tingler! The William Castle Story (2007 )
- Gratis
A luxury cruise boat motors up the Yangtze - navigating the mythic waterway known in China simply as "The River." The Yangtze is about to be transformed by the biggest hydroelectric dam in history. At the river's edge - a young woman says goodbye to her family as the floodwaters rise towards their small homestead. The Three Gorges Dam - contested symbol of the Chinese economic miracle - provides the epic backdrop for Up the Yangtze, a dramatic feature documentary on life inside modern China.
Up the Yangtze (2007 )
"I'm not black, I'm not white, not foreign, just different in the mind. Different brains, that's all," explains 15-year-old Billy in Jennifer Venditti's provocative coming of age film. Following Billy as he bicycles through the quiet streets of small town Maine, we watch him traverse the frustrating gap between imagination and reality, grappling with isolation and first-time young love. By turns exhilarating and disturbing, we see the world from the intimate view of an expressive and seemingly fearless outsider.
Billy the Kid (2007 )
A recreation of one day at the Canto Grande prison in Peru, following women guerrillas from the Maoist Shining Path movement in their morning marches to their bedtime chants. Kept isolated in their own cellblocks, the guerrillas refused to acknowledge that were imprisoned. Their cellblocks were another front in the People's War-- "shining trenches of combat". This film shows the intense indoctrination and belief system of the brutal Latin American insurgency.
The Shining Trench of Chairman Gonzalo (2007 )
- Gratis
Follow the travels of the world famous Bigfoot hunter and his Searching for Bigfoot team. You will follow the team as they search the country from Montana to New York in search of the world's most elusive and mysterious creature. For the past 34 years the search has been "a foot" and you will experience what has uncovered during these expeditions!
Bigfoot Lives (2007 )
A true story of a courageous boy who becomes a legend. Living a dream that wouldn't die; his passion empowered him to historically change the course of baseball. Facing challenges on every front he conquers all with his belief and determination; a true hero. A life changing story!
I See The Crowd Roar: The Story of William Dummy Hoy (2007 )
Can a candidate with no political experience and no charisma win an election if he is backed by the political giant Prime Minister Koizumi and his Liberal Democratic Party? This cinema-verite documentary closely follows a heated election campaign in Kawasaki, Japan, revealing the true nature of "democracy."
Campaign (2007 )
- Gratis
Cuando el montañero Mark Inglis alcanzó la cima del Everest con sus piernas amputadas, fue elogiado por la prensa y el público internacional. Pero sólo unos días después, Inglis se introdujo en una nube de controversia cuando se supo que él y sus compañeros de viaje habían dejado atrás a un escalador incapacitado, el inglés David Sharp, lo que le destinó a una muerte solitaria en la "Zona de la Muerte". Esta historia se publicó en medios de comunicación de todo el mundo y provocó fuertes críticas. Sin embargo, Inglis y sus compañeros tienen su propia versión de lo ocurrido y están dispuestos a contar la realidad sobre las circunstancias que rodearon aquel fatídico día.
Morir por el Everest (2007 )
Director Alice Diop was born in France of Senegalese parents. After their death, she felt the need to explore her roots. Armed with her camera, she went to spend a month filming the daily lives of the women of her family whom she had never met: Néné and her two daughters Mouille and Mame Sarr.
Les Sénégalaises et la Sénégauloise (2007 )
Hapon is an 8-year-old survivor in the slums of modern Manila, scratching out an improvised existence at the margins of society. This rawly shot documentary follows Hapon and his mates as they swagger around their dilapidated universe. Featuring a punk-rock score by director Khavn's band the Brockas, the film captures a carefree spirit in the children that completely belies the squalid conditions in which they live.
Squatterpunk (2007 )
En el 2057, ante la inminente extinción de la humanidad a causa del envejecimiento del Sol, una nave espacial debe reactivar el astro con un dispositivo nuclear. Pero durante el viaje, la tripulación recibe una señal de socorro de la nave espacial Ícaro I, desaparecida años atrás tras intentar realizar la misma misión.
Sunshine (2007 )
Cuatro huérfanos salen del orfanato durante el verano para pasar las vacaciones en un pueblo de mar. Pero el idílico plan se verá enturbiado por el rumor de la posible adopción de uno de ellos, lo que causará tensiones en el grupo, ya que todos anhelan formar parte de una familia. Los cuatro jóvenes competirán por ganarse el afecto de la pareja poniendo a prueba su amistad.
Los chicos de diciembre (2007 )
Elizabeth (Norah Jones) és una jove que comença un viatge espiritual a través d'Amèrica en un intent de recompondre la vida després d'una ruptura. Pel camí, emmarcada entre el màgic paisatge urbà de Nova York i les espectaculars vistes de la llegendària Ruta 66, la noia es trobarà amb una sèrie d'enigmàtics personatges que l'ajudaran en el viatge.
My Blueberry Nights (2007 )
En un poble d'Oregon, el professor i escriptor local Harry Stevenson (Morgan Freeman) percep els problemes que causa l'amor entre els veïns: entre els joves i els vells, entre els parents i entre els amants; fins i tot entre els animals. Harry contempla esglaiat com l'amor distorsiona la percepció de l'altre, com lliga i devasta, com inspira, com exigeix sense raó i, en definitiva, com modela la vida de tothom, inclosa la seva.
El joc de l’amor (2007 )
During the 1940s, a group of young men go off to war, leaving behind Ethel Ann, who is in love with one of them, Teddy. In modern-day Belfast, a man named Jimmy endeavors to return a ring found in the wreckage of a crashed plane. He travels to Michigan, where the grown Ethel Ann, who married another man after Teddy was killed in battle, now lives. Ethel Ann must decide whether to go with Jimmy to meet the soldier who last saw Teddy alive.
Tancant el cercle (2007 )
A drama centered on two women who engage in a dangerous relationship during South Africa's apartheid era.
The World Unseen (2007 )
Popoy and Basha had been together forever. Their love story began when they first met as students at university. They had been inseparable and did everything together—eating, studying and attending parties. However, Popoy's incessant planning and nagging took a toll on their relationship leading Basha to break-up with him.
One More Chance (2007 )
- Gratis
Tired of living a closeted life on the Lakota Indian reservation, a young gay man must summon up the courage to leave the only home he's ever known and strike his own path.
Two Spirits One Journey (2007 )
Thavam is a 2007 Tamil film directed by Sakthi Paramesh. The film stars and in lead roles. The movie begins with Sumathi (Vanthana) and Subramaniam (Arun Vijay), strangers to one another, meet at a suicide point in Chennai. They realise that their goal is the same, that is Suicide! Both had choose to end their lives and duly writes suicide notes. Sumathy's reason for taking the extreme step is her nagging relatives, who are also her guardians. They are after her ancestral money. Subramaniam is cheated by a friend who promises a job for him in Dubai after taking Rs five lakh from him. Both consumes sleeping pills in a bid to end their lives in Subramaniam's room. However, they are rescued by the house-owner Mani (Janakaraj). Life takes a turn and Subramaniam lands a good job while Sumathy's relatives take her home.
Thavam (2007 )
Quan en Finn Earl, un jove de setze anys, és detingut mentre comprava cocaïna per a la seva mare la Liz, toxicòmana, s'enfonsen els seus plans per passar l'estiu fora de Nova York amb el seu pare, antropòleg, estudiant la tribu Ishkanani a la selva.
Gent poc corrent (2007 )
- Gratis
Desde el suicido de su esposo, la vida de Val Spencer y su hijo han cambiado profundamente. Agobiada por las deudas, Val se ha visto obligada a vender su bella casa y comienza a trabajar en una inmobiliaria. Mientras Val se ocupa de enseñar una casa puesta a la venta por un militar retirado, una pareja asalta al propietario y le encierra en la bodega. El asaltante se hace pasar ante Val como el sobrino del propietario...
Visita inesperada (2007 )
- Gratis
Un asesino retirado es contratado para encontrar y liquidar a un peligroso psicópata y termina siendo presa junto a su familia de una verdadera pesadilla de terror y muerte.
Para Matar a un Asesino (2007 )
- Gratis
Shayla Stonefeather, a Native American attorney prosecuting a Lakota teen in a controversial murder trial, returns to the reservation to say goodbye to her dying father. After the teen is killed, she hears ghostly voices and sees strange visions that cause her to re-examine beliefs she thought she left behind.
Imprint (2007 )
Vivica A. Fox and Shemar Moore return for this thrilling sequel to Motives that picks up three years after the events of the original film. Innocent convict Emery Simms is serving time for a crime he didn't commit; while most convict's claims of innocence are shoddy at best, Emery has every reason to protest his wrongful incarceration. Meanwhile, in the outside world, Emery's ex-wife (Fox) has married his best friend and the pair is struggling to build a normal life together. When Emery is killed in prison and his brother Donovan (Brian J. White) discovers the truth about what killed his ill-fated sibling, his quest to cut through the complex web of lies and deceit which previously ensnared Emery threatens to bring about deadly consequences.
Motives 2 (2007 )
George Grieves ingresa en el hospital de Mt Abbadon para hacerse un control de rutina. Pero cuando se despierta tras ser anestesiado, hay algo muy extraño... Así da comienzo una aterradora historia repleta de secretos, sexo y pánico en el quirófano.
Sublime (2007 )
- Gratis
The discovery of a diary, written in 1848 in Texas, Mexican territory, triggers Miranda Sámano's decision to travel, illegally to that land, in search of her roots and her origin and to unravel the mysteries written by Amalia Sámano in that diary. The love affair that Miranda has with Matt in Texas seems to be the continuation of the one that Doña Amalia and the Houston army colonel Robert Crossman had almost 160 years ago; and it definitely resembles the relationship that Mexico and the United States have had throughout history and whose tragic outcome we can avoid if we do an exercise of our memory.
Propiedad Ajena (2007 )
Texas, principis del segle XX. Una història sobre la família, l'avarícia i la religió. Daniel Plainview (Daniel Day-Lewis) es trasllada a una miserable ciutat amb el propòsit de fer fortuna, però a mesura que es va enriquint, els seus principis i valors desapareixen i acaba dominat per l'ambició. Després de trobar un ric jaciment de petroli el 1902, es converteix en un acabalat magnat. Quan, anys després, intenta apoderar-se d'un nou jaciment, s'ha d'enfrontar al predicador Eli Sunday (Paul Dano). Adaptació de la novel·la d'Upton Sinclair "Petroli", escrita el 1927.
Pous d'ambició (2007 )
Stuart Shorter y Alexander Marsters. Un vagabundo alcohólico de pasado violento y un escritor que trabaja en ayudas sociales. Cuando entre ellos se crea una insólita amistad, Alexander le pide permiso para escribir su historia y Stuart la va desvelando hacia atrás, "para hacerla más emocionante". A través de atracos, intentos de suicidio, encierros en numerosas instituciones y traumas infantiles, Alexander ofrece al mundo un vistazo dentro de un mundo totalmente ajeno para comprender cómo la vida de Stuart quedó tan fuera de control.
Stuart: Una vida al revés (2007 )
- Gratis
An eclectic group of people drawn from all walks of life find themselves under one roof for twenty-eight days with one thing in common, addiction.
Intervención (2007 )
A young man ushers an older woman into a dark exploration of her past - back to the time when, as a young girl, she met a stranger who affected her life forever.
Capturing Mary (2007 )
Shin-Ae (Jeon Do-Yeon) es una joven profesora de piano que acaba de quedarse viuda y quiere empezar una nueva vida con su hijo Jun en Miryang, pueblo natal de su difunto marido, cerca de Seúl. Shin-Ae abre una academia de piano y busca tierra de cultivo, preparada para afrontar valientemente a la vida. Pero todas sus expectativas de futuro se derrumban cuando de nuevo una tragedia aparece en su vida... (FILMAFFINITY)
Secret Sunshine (2007 )
Charlie Fineman és un dentista de Manhattan que va perdre la seva família en l'11-S, i amb ella va perdre també les ganes de viure i la capacitat per superar la tragèdia. Un bon dia, es troba amb l'Alan Johnson, un antic company de la universitat. La recuperació d'aquesta amistat li servirà en part per alleugerir el dolor.
En algun racó de la memòria (2007 )