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Atrapa las últimas y mejores películas y series de televisión de 2009.
A descent into hell, Jesper Ganslandt's disturbing and suspenseful second feature begins with a man waking up in unfamiliar surroundings, only to find the life he knew the day before is gone.
The Ape (2009 )
Kline, un ex-policía de Los Ángeles que vive traumatizado por haber matado a un asesino en serie, es contratado por un empresario chino para ir a Filipinas y buscar a Shitao, su hijo desaparecido. Las pistas que sigue le llevan a Hong Kong, donde se encontrará atrapado entre una mafia de drogas y la policía. Allí encuentra a Shitao, que se ha convertido en un vagabundo.
Escapando del infierno (2009 )
El jove Ben Carson tenia molt poques possibilitats a la vida. Fill de pares separats, criat en la pobresa i envoltat de prejudicis racials, es va tornar un nen irascible i mal estudiant. Tot i així, la seva mare mai no va perdre la confiança que tenia posada en ell. Insistint que aprofités les oportunitats que ella mai no havia tingut, va fomentar la seva imaginació, intel·ligència i el que és encara més important, la confiança en si mateix. Aquesta fe en si mateix seria el seu do, el qual el portaria a fer realitat el seu somni de convertir-se en un dels millors neurocirurgians del món...
Unes mans miraculoses (2009 )
Basada en hechos reales. El Teniente Coronel Michael Strobl se ofrece como voluntario para escoltar el cadáver de un joven soldado de su mismo pueblo, muerto en combate en la guerra de Irak. Se trata de una descripción minuciosa del viaje y del solemnísimo ceremonial que el ejército estadounidense establece en estos casos. (FILMAFFINITY)
El regreso de un soldado (2009 )
Despite her sheltered upbringing, Jenny is a teen with a bright future; she's smart, pretty, and has aspirations of attending Oxford University. When David, a charming but much older suitor, motors into her life in a shiny automobile, Jenny gets a taste of adult life that she won't soon forget.
Una educació (2009 )
El jove Malik El Djebena, francès d'origen àrab, ingressa a la presó per complir una pena de sis anys. Encara que al principi la vida a la presó li resulta molt dura perquè està sol, s'adapta ràpidament i, gràcies al seu carisma, es guanya a poc a poc la simpatia dels membres de la màfia corsa, que tenen subornats a els guàrdies i controlen tot el que passa a la presó.
Un profeta (2009 )
Gabrielle Chanel, una jove de família modesta, té una personalitat forta i es converteix en una dissenyadora de moda brillant. Chanel arribarà a ser un símbol d'èxit i llibertat, amb una actitud que toparà amb una societat encara dominada pels homes.
Coco, de la rebel·lia a la llegenda de Chanel (2009 )
- Gratis
Vuit mesos després de la mort de la seva dona, el Frank decideix emprendre un viatge per tot el país amb l'objectiu de veure els seus quatre fills i poder-los asseure, en un futur no gaire llunyà, a la mateixa taula. Aviat comencen a sortir les veritats que la seva difunta esposa i els seus fills li havien amagat al llarg de tota una vida de treballar en una fàbrica per oferir-los una bona educació i més oportunitats de les que va tenir ell. El Frank lluita per superar una malaltia pulmonar, però també per curar totes les ferides que la seva personalitat de pare exigent i autoritari han obert amb els seus fills.
Tots estan bé (2009 )
Cinco días en la vida de Chelsea (interpretada por Sasha Grey, una actriz de cine X en la vida real), una prostituta de lujo de Nueva York que cobra 10.000 dólares por noche. Su novio Chris, que acepta su forma de vida, tiene un negocio que le permite ganar 2.000 dólares por hora.
The Girlfriend Experience (2009 )
Drama ambientado en la década de los 80, centrado en una chica de catorce años (Laura Neiva) que adora a su padre (Vincent Cassel), un escritor de éxito francés afincado en Buzios, cerca de Río de Janeiro. La joven, feliz de ser parte de una familia aparentemente perfecta, deberá afrontar la vida de otra manera cuando descubre las infidelidades de su padre, al tiempo que la joven atraviesa su propio despertar sexual.
A la deriva (2009 )
A subtle adaptation of a classical story of the most greatest Brazilian writer: Machado de Assis. The history is passed in the Rio de Janeiro in full century XIX. The adolescent Inácio lives in Borges house and works like an apprentice. His routine of boredom and alone loneliness is broken in moments that sees the naked arms of the wife's boss. Upon perceiving that is desired by him, passes treat-him with affection. A silent romance and prohibited is told with romance and poetry.
That Pair of Arms! (2009 )
Drama sobre l'odissea dels immigrants il·legals per aconseguir el permís de residència a Los Angeles. Max Brogan (Harrison Ford) és un agent d'immigració dels Estats Units amb una peculiaritat: s'encarinya amb tota la gent que ha de deportar. El seu col·lega Hamid (Cliff Curtis), d'origen iranià, intenta demostrar a la seva família com n'és d'important ser americà. Un advocat (Ashley Judd) intenta deportar una noia de quinze anys, que ha estat acusada de terrorisme. Un jove jueu (Jim Sturgess), tot i que no és creient, utilitza la religió dels seus pares per assegurar-se una feina. Cole Frankel (Ray Liotta) abusa de la seva posició com a supervisor de green cards per obtenir els favors d'una maca model australiana (Alice Eve).
Territori prohibit (2009 )
A talent search competition has matched two hearts - that of Melur, a Malay-mixed girl and an Indian male student, Mahesh. Melur, with her melodious voice, singing whilst playing the piano is one of the seven finalists of the Talentime competition of her school organised by Cikgu Adibah. Likewise Hafiz, enthralling with his vocalist talent while playing the guitar, divides his time between school and mother, who is hospitalised for brain tumor.
Talentime (2009 )
Bennie travels to Buenos Aires to find his long-missing older brother, a once-promising writer who is now a remnant of his former self. Bennie's discovery of his brother's near-finished play might hold the answer to understanding their shared past and renewing their bond.
Tetro (2009 )
Kicki has after several years abroad returned to Sweden. Her 17-year old son has been brought up by his grandmother and has a very distant relationship to his mother. In an effort to get reacquainted Kicki invites her son to join her on vacation in Taiwan. But her hidden agenda is that Taipei is also the home of the Taiwanese businessman with whom she has been conducting an Internet romance.
Miss Kicki (2009 )
- Gratis
Percy Crease is in love with his brother's wife. Now he must win her heart before his brother tears his out. Returning home to his family's run down motel for his step-father's funeral, Percy Crease is suddenly reunited with Karen, an old flame now married to his step-brother. Caught between his brother's rage, his mother's neglect, and his never ending love for Karen, Percy must now face his demons and find a way to win Karen's heart before his brother rips his out. "Kick Me Down" is a dark and disturbing comedy about a highly dysfunctional family on the verge of destruction.
Kick Me Down (2009 )
- Gratis
Unidades veteranas de infantería y artillería de la división alemana “Fantasma” avanzan silenciosamente hacia una posición en las colinas nevadas de la población alemana de Nenning. Pero un agotado grupo de soldados americanos está dispuesto a defender a cualquier precio el lugar, un punto estratégico para el avance de los aliados y para ganar la guerra. A pesar de que les superan en armamento y en efectivos, el Sargento Don Smith (Cole Carson) lucha por encontrar la esperanza y el valor suficientes para enfrentarse a sus enemigos en una de las confrontaciones más decisivas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Su pelotón de soldados de la 94 División de Infantería espera en las trincheras que rodean al pueblo.
Los héroes de las Ardenas (2009 )
- Gratis
Ljubljana, año 2008. Eslovenia ostenta la Presidencia de la Unión Europea. Alexandra, de 23 años, es una estudiante de filología inglesa. Viene de una ciudad pequeña; sus padres están divorciados. Nadie sabe que Alexandra pone anuncios personales con el apodo de "Eslovena" y que la prostitución es su fuente de ingresos secreta. Es una perfecta manipuladora, es mentirosa, un poco ladrona y odia a su madre. La única persona que le importa es su padre, un roquero acabado. Alexandra sabe lo que quiere, pero la vida no es tan fácil como esperaba. (FILMAFFINITY)
Slovenian Girl (2009 )
The stories of three men working at the Bosphorus Bridge in Istanbul are told by the original characters, in this mosaic depicting real persons exposing their lives and aspirations.
Men On The Bridge (2009 )
En una cafetería de Los Ángeles se produce un tiroteo en el que sobreviven varias personas, ninguna se conoce entre sí. Tras el suceso, se crea un vínculo entre todos ellos que cambiará por completo la vida que llevaban hasta ese extraño día.
Fragmentos (2009 )
Suenan Ultravox y Joy Division. Estamos en el noroeste de Inglaterra y corre el año 1979. Carty tiene 19 años y está bastante aburrido de su vida. Lo único que le hace vibrar son las peleas que presencia cada sábado de fútbol, protagonizadas por una estilosa pandilla de jóvenes llamada The Pack: Un grupo de "casuals" (para quienes la ropa no es sólo ropa, es todo un lenguaje) que visten impermeables, polos de tenis Lacoste, pantalones Lois y zapatillas Adidas. Cuando Carty conoce a Elvis, miembro de The Pack, ve su oportunidad de entrar. Pero Elvis es un chico atormentado que no se lo pondrá tan fácil. Basada en la novela de culto de Kevin Sampson, Awaydays penetra en el corazón del hooliganismo de los primeros años de la Inglaterra de Thatcher. (FILMAFFINITY)
Awaydays (2009 )
Manuel, Ana and Julio get together in a warm summer night after not having seen each other for a while and set off to explore the night.
After (2009 )
Abruptly abandoned by her husband in a country completely foreign to her, Colombian native Mariana (Paola Mendoza) struggles to take care of herself and her two young children on the unforgiving streets of New York City. Sebastian Villada, Laura Montana and Anthony Chisholm also star in this gritty independent drama jointly written and directed by Mendoza and her collaborator Gloria La Morte.
Between Us (2009 )
Chandram (Srikanth) is a cab driver and a honest man. His wife is Kalyani (Meera Jasmine). They are a childless couple. When Kalyani gets tested positive for pregnancy, the doc tells him that she needs to be operated to avoid complications. The operation would cost around 8 lacs. Being a middle class man, Chandram doesn't have that much money. That is when he comes across an accident on railway track where the body of an unidentified woman is found. He also finds a bag with lots of money beside the corpse. his friend advise him to tell the cops that the dead woman is his wife. He gets the postmortem done and manages the cops and doctor. He finds out that the dead girl is Ramya (Sada). Parents of Ramya come to know about it and ask chandram to do the final rites as they thought that he is her husband (she elopes from house with her boyfriend). The story takes turn when Ramya returns at the time of last rites.
A Aa E Ee (2009 )
La Boyita es una casa rodante que tiene la mágica capacidad de flotar. Una especie de anfibio doméstico, un refugio para Jorgelina, una niña que está a punto de alcanzar la adolescencia. Cuando va a pasar las vacaciones al campo junto a su papá, conoce a Mario, un niño que le plantea a Jorgelina dudas que no sabe cómo afrontar.
El último verano de la Boyita (2009 )
Edgar, a retired person who is a widower since two years is longing for a meaningful occupation. He is wandering aimlessly about the city. An unexpected encounter with a store detective gives him an idea....
Edgar (2009 )
- Gratis
As an ex-convict, Lee Ferguson's biggest desire is to leave his past behind and make a fresh start with Katie, his new love. But when Lee finds out Katie is a Christian, his pre-conceived ideas and her moral standards clash. Through engaging action and drama, this film explores temptation, sin, forgiveness and redemption, while helping seekers and believers understand one another!
The Path of the Wind (2009 )
Adaptación de una historia de Antón Chéjov en forma de falso documental a cargo del mítico cineasta ruso Karen Shakhnazarov seleccionada por Rusia como candidata a los Oscar. Basada en hechos reales; se centra en el médico jefe de un manicomio que acaba convirtiéndose en paciente del mismo. Respetando el relato original, los autores trasladaron deliberadamente la acción al presente, rodando la película en un manicomio real de una manera semi-documental.
El pabellón Nº 6 (2009 )
- Gratis
A gripping drama featuring compelling, identifiable teenage and adult characters, which explores issues of suicide, homophobia and bulimia – with the theme of needing to find inner acceptance before you can travel to a new place.
Rough Winds (2009 )
Junglee, a small-time actor, joins the world of crime. Soon, he meets Padma and they fall in love, but things turn upside down when he unknowingly kills Padma's father in a fight.
Junglee (2009 )
Lola Sepa's grandson has been killed by a cell phone snatcher. Despite being devastated by the sudden violence, she must bear the burden of making the funeral arrangements. She and her family are poor, and there is not enough money for the coffin nor the legal pursuit against the suspected murderer. But the elderly woman is ready to even seek a bank loan to assure both a proper burial and justice for her beloved grandson. Lola Puring is committed to getting her grandson Mateo out of jail, although he has been accused of senselessly murdering Lola Sepa's grandson. But the poor aged woman doesn't have the bail money. Each time she visits her grandson in prison to bring him proper meals, it breaks her heart to see him wasting away behind bars with countless others. At the first court hearing, the two grandmothers must face one another. Both frail and poor, each is determined to do everything necessary for her grandson. The future of the case is dependent on grandmotherly love...
Grandmother (2009 )
In La Paz -as opposed to many other cities- the rich live below, which is the Southern District. Life goes on without major mishaps in a large house surrounded by a beautiful garden. It is a wonderful world, a great bubble of comfort, where different personal spheres coexist: the mother, along with her three children and the Aymara inhabitants of the house. The drama surfaces slowly, without narrative ploys, observing day-to-day activities until internal and external forces make the bubble burst. The film relates the story of the final days of an upper-class family, at a time when the country is undergoing social changes.
Southern District (2009 )