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Atrapa las últimas y mejores películas y series de televisión de 2013.
Adam es un sacerdote católico que descubrió su vocación a la tardía edad de 21 años. Ahora vive en un pueblo de la Polonia rural donde ayuda a adolescentes con problemas de conducta que gritan, se pelean o abusan de sus compañeros. A pesar de que una joven morena llamada Ewa intenta seducirle, él se niega a aceptarla excusándose en que no quiere que el pueblo hable de ellos. Pero esa no es la única razón de su rechazo. Adam sabe que él desea a los hombres, y que su abrazo al sacerdocio es su forma de ocultar su sexualidad. Cuando conoce a Dynia, el extraño y taciturno hijo de una familia rural, su autoimpuesta abstinencia se convertirá en una pesada carga.
Amarás al prójimo (2013 )
- Gratis
JIM TAHANA doesn't leave much of an impression when he passes you by. But look closer and you'll sense his hunger - the deep hunger of an insatiable American soul - always scanning to devour something - anything that might fill the searing, unexplained void within him. Jim obsesses over the hobby that has been part of his DNA since he was a young boy: grief tourism - the act of traveling with the intent to visit places of tragedy or disaster. Every year his week-long vacations from work are spent going to grief tourist locations in the lives of different serial killers he is fascinated with. This years obsession is Carl Marznap, a mass murder from New Orleans, Louisiana. But this trip is no ordinary vacation as Jim's rancid sexual impulses and weakening grip on reality deteriorate into a violent despair that will ultimately unlock an unspeakable secret festering within him, bringing The Grief Tourist to it's brutal and shocking finale...
The Grief Tourist (2013 )
- Gratis
Una mujer descubre que está embarazada y vuelve a su casa cuando el futuro padre no quiere tener nada que ver con ella.
Quedate (2013 )
- Gratis
Revenge is a recurrent theme in thrillers, usually dispensed by action heroes with a well-stocked arsenal. But in Yorgos Tsemberopoulos’s nuanced moral maze the protagonist is the bookish Kostas (Manolis Mavromatakis), a suburban florist well versed in social and political theory, which he discusses at length with a local publican. But when his home is invaded by masked hoodlums, who bind his family and rape his teenage daughter, our everyman hero finds his intellectual stance untenable. Encouraged by his paranoid, militarist neighbour, Kostas decides to take the law into his own hands, and in doing so begins to understand – for the first time – the world he has been living in. The vigilante movie is a well-explored genre too, but Tsemberopoulos gives it a whole new urgency, subverting the cliched right-wing fantasy structure and seeing it through the eyes of a man who comes to find his real self while trying to live up to the (imagined) expectations of others. (Source: LFF programme)
The Enemy Within (2013 )
- Gratis
A psychological experiment between two friends spirals out of control. How bad could it be?
Stress Position (2013 )
- Gratis
Tracie, a devoted wife and mother, lives every day in fear at the hands of her abusive drunk husband Gerald. She does everything in her power to make a lifeless marriage work for the sake of her two loving children Jordan and Brittany. In the process, she almost loses everything. She feels trapped and alone in an abusive marriage that is spiraling into a bottomless abyss. Her friends and family serve as the voices of reason, but will the situation ever change or will Tracie continue to take the abuse and blame.
Imprisoned By Love (2013 )
El petit Cecil Gaines viu en una plantació de Geòrgia als anys 20 del segle passat, quan l'esclavitud ja no existeix legalment als Estats Units. Ell aprèn a servir els blancs quan encara és un nen, i aquell aprenentatge el portarà a fer de majordom a la Casa Blanca. Per allà van passant tot un seguit de presidents que, amb més o menys convicció, incorporen a les lleis els avenços socials i polítics que els negres aconsegueixen gràcies al Moviment pels Drets Civils. El Cecil i la seva família viuen a casa les tensions que origina la lluita dels negres, mentre que, a la feina, ell és un testimoni mut dels efectes que té aquesta lluita en la cúpula de poder dels Estats Units.
El majordom (2013 )
El cineasta Johannes y su mujer, la profesora de escuela Signe, viven la mayor pena y trance que uno pueda imaginar. Igualmente, en toda su desesperación, tienen que intentar encontrar el amor mutuo y maduro para asi poder continuar con su vida después de la muerte. (FILMAFFINITY)
Sorrow and Joy (2013 )
Nova York, anys setanta, Irving Rosenfeld, un brillant estafador i la seva intel·ligent i seductora companya Sydney Prosser es veuen obligats a treballar per un agent Richie DiMaso de l'FBI, que sense voler els arrossega al perillós món de la política i la màfia de Nova Jersey.
La gran estafa americana (2013 )
- Gratis
A Roma, durant l'estiu, aristòcrates, arribistes, homes polítics, criminals d'alt vol, periodistes, actors, nobles decadents, prelats, artistes i intel·lectuals teixeixen una trama de relacions inconsistents que es desenvolupen en fastuosos palaus i viles. El centre de totes les reunions és Jep Gambardella, un escriptor de 65 anys que va escriure un sol llibre i practica el periodisme.
La gran bellesa (2013 )
La Joe es veu nimfòmana. Una freda nit d'hivern, en Seligman, un home solter granat i encantador, la troba tirada en un carreró, víctima d'una pallissa. Se l'endú a casa, en té cura i li fa preguntes sobre la seva vida: se l'escolta amb molta atenció, mentre li explica, al decurs de vuit capítols, la història exuberant i polifacètica de la seva vida, plena de trobades i incidents...
Nymphomaniac: Volum 1 (2013 )
En una illa del Mississipí, dos nois descobreixen un fugitiu anomenat Mud. Ha matat un home per protegir l'amor de la seva vida, Juniper, i ara s'amaga dels caçadors de recompenses. L'aparició de Mud significarà la fi de les seves infàncies.
Mud (2013 )
La novel·la de 550 pàgines de la Segona Guerra Mundial, narrada per la mort, explica la història de Liesel Memminger des del moment que és acollida amb nou anys per una família treballadora alemanya al barri obrer just després d'haver robat el seu primer llibre.
La lladre de llibres (2013 )
- Gratis
Ryoata, un arquitecte obsessionat per l'èxit professional, forma amb la seva jove esposa i el fill de 6 anys una família ideal. Totes les seves referències s'esfumen quan la maternitat de l'hospital on va néixer el fill els informa que dos beus van ser canviats: el nen que va criar no és el seu i el seu fill biològic ha crescut en un medi més modest...
De tal pare, tal fill (2013 )
Anna, a young novitiate in 1960s Poland, is on the verge of taking her vows when she discovers a family secret dating back to the years of the German occupation.
Ida (2013 )
Siglo XVIII. Suzanne, de 16 años, es forzada por su familia a entrar en una orden religiosa, aunque ella aspiraba a vivir en "el mundo". En el convento, se enfrenta a la arbitraria autoridad de las madres superioras. Gracias a su pasión y a su fuerza podrá resistir el rigor de la disciplina religiosa y luchará por conseguir su único objetivo: recuperar la ansiada libertad.
La religiosa (2013 )
- Gratis
SOMETHING NECESSARY is an intimate moment in the lives of Anne and Joseph. A woman struggling to rebuild her life after the civil unrest that swept Kenya after the 2007 elections claiming the life of her husband, the health of her son and leaving her home on an isolated farm in the Kenyan countryside in ruins, she now has nothing but her resolve to rebuild her life left. A young man, troubled gang member who participated in the countrywide violence is drawn to Anne and her farm seemingly in search of redemption. Both, Joseph and Anne need something that only the other can give to allow them to shed the painful memories of their past and move on.
Something Necessary (2013 )
Story of Linda Lovelace, who is used and abused by the porn industry at the behest of her coercive husband, before taking control of her life.
Lovelace (2013 )
- Gratis
Harry Goddard is a bigoted British military man. He has been involved in more than his share of heinous acts perpetrated in the name of national security. He has been taught from the beginning that Islam is evil and that Muslims are the enemy. An operation occurs where a completely innocent Muslim woman is murdered by a man under his control and this act pushes Goddard over the edge - his conscience will not allow him to continue. He tries to run away from the mental anguish by moving to western Canada but soon after his arrival, he finds himself involved with a Muslim brother and sister who have recently moved to Canada to escape the oppression in their homeland. The brother is gay and the sister is an artist who finds herself subject to unwanted marriage proposals from her fundamentalist cousin who has sponsored their move to Canada. Her suitor wants to circumcise her and his plan sets off a series of actions that exposes how the media can be responsible for perpetuating stereotypes.
The Beekeeper (2013 )
- Gratis
A news writer finds himself caught up in a world of sex, drugs and corporate takeovers as he tries to solve a series of murders.
Blue Dream (2013 )
Belarus has been under dictatorship of Lukashenko for 15 years. Miron (23) is not interested in politics. However, the next concert of his 'apolitical' rock band triggers off an anti-regime manifestation. Miron, is enlisted for the army for 15 months by way of punishment for 'fomenting political unrest among young people'. And this is just a beginning.. A film inspired by the story of Frank Viachorka, activist of the Belorussian opposition. Starring top Belorussian cinema and rock stars.
Viva Belarus! (2013 )
Després d'un dia d'audicions a actrius per a l'obra que presentarà, Thomas es lamenta de la mediocritat de les candidates; cap té la talla necessària pel paper principal. Fins que arriba Vanda, un remolí d'energia que encarna tot el que Thomas detesta.
La Venus de les pells (2013 )
- Gratis
Trece pinturas de Edward Hopper cobran vida para contarnos la historia de una mujer que vive una realidad que no acepta. Shirley es una mujer atractiva, carismática, comprometida y emancipada a la que le hubiese gustado cambiar el curso de la historia a través de su involucración profesional y sociopolítica. Una mujer que no acepta la realidad de la época que le ha tocado vivir - la América de los años 30 a los años 60 - y que se afianzará firmemente a sus convicciones.
Shirley: Visiones de una realidad (2013 )
- Gratis
A young Aboriginal boy is torn between his unexpected love of acting and the disintegration of his family.
Around the Block (2013 )
- Gratis
A teenage girl, distraught from her vain attempt to connect with her estranged mother, resorts to cutting herself. When she develops an online relationship with an older woman, she learns to accept her sexuality and the endless solitude of sprawling suburbia.
Ashley (2013 )
Junior es un niño que tiene 9 años y el “pelo malo”. Él quiere alisarlo para la foto del anuario de su escuela, y así verse como un cantante pop de moda, lo que crea un enfrentamiento con su madre Marta. Mientras Junior busca verse bello para que su mamá lo quiera, ella lo rechaza cada vez más.
Pelo malo (2013 )
- Gratis
Made with a message of hope, Rites of Passage is a raw, uncensored and honest film inspired by the life experiences of the young people involved in the making of this powerful feature-length drama. Six interwoven stories show these teenagers negotiating the dangers and discoveries of their age and because the cast were also the crew what emerges is a self portrait of resilient kids responding to the challenges surrounding them. They might live in public housing and come from families that have seen disadvantage and hardship. But with frankness and courage, these young people have dipped below the surface of their often tough exteriors to reveal what’s going on inside their lives.
Rites of Passage (2013 )
- Gratis
¿Sabía que la chatarra es la cuarta exportación más grande de los Estados Unidos? Bueno, Hollis Wallace sí, y se gana la vida tranquilamente recorriendo los callejones traseros de Seattle buscando cobre, aluminio y otros metales valiosos. Hollis usa todos los trucos del comercio de chatarra metálica para ganarse la vida y navegar a través de un mundo fascinante y bullicioso al que pocos le prestan atención.
Scrapper (2013 )
Diligent i treballador, el solitari John May és un empleat de l'ajuntament encarregat de trobar els parents més propers de les persones que acaben de morir.
Mai és massa tard (2013 )
Journey to Self' is an intense story of friendship, sacrifice, empowerment and self-respect. Four childhood friends, Regina, Nse, Rume and Alex, receive news that another long time friend of theirs, Uche, has died.
Journey to Self (2013 )
One hundred years of Hindi cinema is celebrated in four short stories showcasing the power of film.
Bombay Talkies (2013 )
- Gratis
A 12 year-old boy learns to play traditional Filipino games through a new set of friends, who will show him that life and their games have many things in common.
Taya (2013 )