Transmite en España
Atrapa las últimas y mejores películas y series de televisión de 2018.
Ivan Semciuc (a journalist), is a charismatic man nonetheless guilty of cynicism and lack of compassion. A seemingly meaningless sexual encounter with a translator in a hotel room in Kabul produces a vital revolution in Ivan’s unshakeable lifestyle. After Ivan’s arrival back to Bucharest, Ioana is found dead, with her wrists cut. Ivan starts living in the absent presence of Ioana, who is starting to be more vivid in death than in life.
Moon Hotel Kabul (2018 )
Maya erle gogotsuak hanka sartu du Buzztropolisko enperatrizarekin eta bat egin beharko du intsektu errebeldeen talde batekin Ezti-jokoetan lehiatzeko eta beraien erregina eta erlauntzeko kideak salbatzeko. Mayaren taldearen aurkari nagusiak, Buzztropolisko taldeak, Violeten gidaritzapean, ez dizkio gauzak batere erraz jarriko, ahal duen guztia egingo baitu, baita tranpak ere, hari irabazteko. Has daitezela Ezti-jokoak!
Maya Erlea: Eztiaren Jolasak (2018 )
Pony and Birdboy tells a story of seven-year-old girl Pony, who doesn’t want to go to school, and big-mouthed Birdboy who has solution to all possible problems. Humoristic family-film Pony and Birdboy is partly based on Veera Salmi’s popular children’s book The Book of Pony and Birdboy, which rich humor and anarchist hustle have brought the book as a favorite of children.
Pony and Birdboy (2018 )
- Gratis
Amb l'ajuda d'un grup de presoners espanyols que lideren l'organització clandestina del camp de concentració de Mauthausen, Francesc Boix, un pres que treballa en el laboratori fotogràfic del camp, arrisca la seva vida en planejar l'evasió d'uns negatius que demostraran al món les atrocitats comeses pels nazis en l'infern del camp de concentració austríac. Milers de fotografies que mostren des de dins tota la crueltat d'un sistema. Les fotografies que Boix i els seus companys aconsegueixen salvar serviran per condemnar alts càrrecs nazis durant el judici de Nuremberg de 1946, on Boix participa com a testimoni clau.
El fotògraf de Mauthausen (2018 )
- Gratis
Leo and Maysa are a couple going through problems on their relationship. They start going out with Adélia and Heitor, a couple they just met, and this union changes their lives and dynamics as partners completely.
#NUDES (2018 )
"Home Games" is a broken fairytale depicting a crucial moment in the life of Alina, a 20-year-old "million dollar baby" from Kyiv, whose passion for football has a chance of saving her from poverty.
Home Games (2018 )
En Jacques, un reporter d'un diari francès, rep una misteriosa trucada del Vaticà. En una petita ciutat del Surest de França, una jove de 18 anys afirma haver vist una aparició de la verge Maria. El rumor s'estén ràpidament i el fenomen esdevé de tal magnitud que milers de pelegrins arriben al lloc de les suposades aparicions. En Jacques, que no té res a veure amb aquest món, accepta formar part d'una comissió d'investigació sobre l'esdeveniment.
L’aparició (2018 )
En una cena varias parejas de amigos deciden hacer un “juego”: cada uno debe colocar su teléfono móvil en el centro de la mesa y compartir con los demás el contenido de cada mensaje, llamada telefónica, correo electrónico, conversaciones de Facebook, etc. No pasará mucho tiempo antes de que este “juego” se convierta en una pesadilla.
El juego (2018 )
Two white collar thieves compete fiercely against the other trying to steal to an old baker the millions he won on the lotto.
Yucatán (2018 )
Michael consigue el trabajo de sus sueños: el de coordinador del programa Oil for Food de las Naciones Unidas. Pronto comenzará a darse cuenta de que la única persona en la que puede confiar es en su jefe, un diplomático experimentado. Hasta que en medio de la lucha contra los países que, como tiburones, buscan el petróleo de un Irak en plena posguerra, descubrirá una enorme conspiración a los más altos niveles.
Doble traición (2018 )
In 1968, five girls from Tuscany who dreamt of seeing the world were offered to tour the Far East as an all-girl band, finding themselves in the middle of the Vietnam War. Fifty years later, they tell the story of Le Stars' adventure amongst American soldiers, remote jungle bases and soul music.
Goodbye Saigon (2018 )
- Gratis
A hilarious and at times provocative film about a middle-aged American single-mother living in Switzerland and her quest to find out if she'll be invisible when she's no longer the woman with the biggest breasts in the room.
Beyond Boobs (2018 )
A lorry, a road and an unpredictable destiny, all intersecting in a human trafficking network. Caught up in this web, Viktoriya has only one chance: fight to survive.
Carga (2018 )
- Gratis
When a deep space fishing vessel is robbed by a gang of pirates, the Captain makes a daring decision to go after a rare and nearly extinct species. His obsession propels them further into space as the crew spins toward mutiny and betrayal.
Beyond White Space (2018 )
If you don‘t see things as a problem, you don‘t have one. This is the attitude Janne is trying to maintain towards the fact of being raped by the brother-in-law of her new boss. In the aftermath of her private bankruptcy, she needs a job and hates the idea of being a victim. Still, remaining silent about the incident has its consequences.
All Good (2018 )
A Alain, un exitós editor parisenc, ia Léonard, un dels seus autors de tota la vida, els costa acceptar completament el món digital actual... i potser la crisi de la mitjana edat. Quan es reuneixen per debatre sobre el nou manuscrit de Léonard, Alain ha de trobar una manera elegant de dir a Léonard que s'està quedant enrere, d'exposar-li els dubtes, mentre que l'esposa d'Alain, Selena, creu que finalment Léonard ha aconseguit fer la seva obra mestra.
Dobles vides (2018 )
Al París de la Belle Époque, la Dilili, una nena mestissa provinent de Nova Caledònia, es fa amiga de l'Orel, jove repartidor que transporta encàrrecs al seu tricicle. Junts investigaran una misteriosa organització criminal, responsable de les desaparicions de moltes nenes i noies joves a la ciutat. La Dilili i l'Orel coneixeran persones extraordinàries com els pintors Picasso, Toulouse-Lautrec, Monet i Renoir; els escultors Rodin i Camille Claudel; l'actriu Sarah Berndhardt; l'escriptor Marcel Proust; els científics Marie Curie i Louis Pasteur i l’enginyer Gustave Eiffel, entre d’altres. Tots ajudaran la Dilili a trobar les nenes segrestades.
Dilili a París (2018 )
- Gratis
Summer 1989, East Germany. Adam works as a tailor, Evelyn as a waitress. They are planning a vacation together when Evelyn finds out that Adam is cheating on her and decides to leave for the holiday on her own.
Adam & Evelyn (2018 )
Zachary, 17 years old, gets out of jail. Rejected by his mother, he hangs out in the mean streets of Marseille. He falls in love with Shéhérazade, a young prostitute of whom he becomes the pimp without realizing it...
Shéhérazade (2018 )
- Gratis
The story of an unlikely encounter between Gordon, a hexapod operator, and Ayusha, a young woman from the Middle East. Gordon, guardian of a pipeline in this desert region, becomes fascinated by Ayusha, while piloting his robotic spider from the other side of the world, in America. Ayusha is promised to an older man she doesn't love. Despite the distance, their mutual fear and their imperfect interaction, he will do everything in his power to help her escape her fate.
Eye on Juliet (2018 )
Totally depressed thirty year-old woman decides to have an abortion. Waiting for the surgery, she spends a night with a father of her child.
Embarrassing pictures from a family album (2018 )
Wayward Canadian, Matthew, crushed by the isolation of being new to Berlin, turns his sexual desires toward Matthias that spiral into a dark fixation of assumed identity. Soon, this obsessive power struggle between the two, careens toward brutal passion and violence in a bid for dominance.
M/M (2018 )
Emir is a handsome, rich, successful man in his thirties. He was born into a family of workers and dedicated to study. He works day and night by putting everything in his life into the background. One of Turkey's most important investment bank has been working as an investment adviser at. He has been a complete predator in terms of working hard. Because there was no opportunity to learn to establish relationships with people, there was a big gap in Emir. One night, Emir's life changes when he meets Zeynep, the worst street singer in the world, and they both begin to help each other without knowing it.
Contigo (2018 )
Desperate to keep her husband’s secret, a devoted politician’s wife struggles to stave off threats that could ruin their promising new life.
Unbridled (2018 )
- Gratis
An eccentric Youtuber is granted access to film in a house that was previously the scene of a bizarre murder.
Demoniac (2018 )
Los ganaderos de Mêle-sur-Sarthe, un pequeño pueblo de Normandía, se han visto afectados por la crisis agrícola. Su alcalde, Georges Balbuzard (François Cluzet), busca la manera de que su pueblo se haga oír para salvarle. Por casualidad, Blake Newman, un famoso fotógrafo especializado en desnudos en masa, pasa por la zona y Balbuzard ve la oportunidad de llamar la atención. Por delante le queda la difícil tarea de convencer a todo el pueblo para que se desnude… por una buena causa.
Normandía al desnudo (2018 )
- Gratis
Barcelona 1965. La Laia estudia derecho en la Universitat de Barcelona. Trabaja por las mañanas en la biblioteca de la Universidad para pagarse los estudios y compone canciones en su tiempo libre. Empieza a salir con Ignasi, estudiante comprometido con la lucha clandestina contra el franquismo. El problema de Laia és que no soporta al mejor amigo de Ingnais, David, un niño superficial de buena familia. Pero David no es lo parece.
Cançó per a tu (2018 )
The Belgian filmmaker Manu Bonmariage, known as the spiritual father of the Striptease show, now has Alzheimer's at 76. Although his memory plays tricks on him, his daughter Emmanuelle goes back in time to portray a direct cinema filmmaker who was always close to the characters he so loved to film.
Manu (2018 )
Lisa Spinelli és una dona idealista amb inquietuds literàries que de dia treballa com a professora en un parvulari i de nit assisteix a un taller d'escriptura creativa. Ni el professor ni els companys valoren els seus treballs poètics, que consideren banals i mancats d'enginy. Un dia la Lisa descobreix que un dels seus petits alumnes té un talent innat per a la poesia. Incompresa i insatisfeta amb la pròpia família, la Lisa s'obsessionarà amb la idea que en Jimmy podria ser un nen prodigi i farà el que calgui per protegir-lo.
La professora de parvulari (2018 )
A young pigeon fighter in Cairo leads his neighbourhood into the final battle. While pigeons may symbolize peace, here they reflect martial spirit and pride.
Koka, the Butcher (2018 )
In a dusty post-war summer in rural Warwickshire, a doctor is called to a patient at lonely Hundreds Hall. Home to the Ayres family for over two centuries, the Georgian house is now in decline. But are the Ayreses haunted by something more sinister than a dying way of life?
The Little Stranger (2018 )
Durante las vacaciones de verano, Los cinco conocen a Marty Bach, un joven de aspecto extraño que afirma que su difunto padre descubrió un esqueleto de dinosaurio completamente intacto, pero le han robado el código que revela las coordenadas del legendario 'Valle de los dinosaurios'. Los cinco deben encontrar ese esqueleto de dinosaurio, de lo contrario, los huesos se perderán para siempre.
Los cinco y el valle de los dinosaurios (2018 )