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Explora una amplia biblioteca de películas y series de diversos géneros.
Twenty years after the defeat of Kaiser Wilhem the II, the German navy, The Kriegsmarine, had once again grown into a powerful weapon, nurtured this time through Hitler's Third Reich. By 1939, Germany was eager and ready to wipe out the stain of her naval history and possessed a terrifying weapon that made sure Hitler's visions were realized - The U Boat.
The U-Boat War (2015 )
The film dealt with the story of an Indian army officer guarding a picket alone in Kashmir, and his friendship with a Pakistani soldier.
Picket 43 (2015 )
In 1943, Max Fronenberg spent one year digging a secret underground tunnel to escape out of a prison camp in Warsaw, Poland during the Holocaust while saving fifteen other prisoners in the process and forced to leave behind the love of his life, Rena, in the prison.
There Is Many Like Us (2015 )
The issue of young Muslims traveling from Europe to countries such as Syria and Somalia to fight with Islamic rebels is a highly topical one, making this story of a Danish-Somalian boy even more relevant. His back turned to the camera as he looks out over a nondescript housing development in Copenhagen, “The Shadow” describes how he fell victim to recruiters from the militant Somalian rebel group al-Shabaab. He outlines the conditions that make boys such as him susceptible to the lure of the “holy war,” explaining that, “Nothing in my life made any sense.” So eloquent is he in his account that one might think it was scripted, but what happened to him is as real as the scenes from a suicide attack by one of his former friends.
Warriors from the North (2015 )
A detailed look at the Doolittle Raid, and the final official public reunion of the surviving Raiders.
Doolittle's Raiders: A Final Toast (2015 )
This documentary traces the battle for Stalingrad, which proved to be the turning point for the Allies on the eastern front during the Second World War. Included is expert analysis by Dr Duncan Anderson and Dr Aryk Nusbacher. The bitter, bloody and inhuman struggle for Stalingrad was the turning point of the war on the eastern front and a pivotal moment of World War Two.
Line of Fire: Stalingrad (2015 )
The Nazi and Japanese Holocaust spreads as the Third Reich and Japan overwhelm the Allies in Europe, Asia and The South Pacific. As a possible invasion of the United States becomes reality, the American Army is pulled into action. There is no other option: The Axis forces must be stopped.
The Spreading Holocaust: WWII (2015 )
A vision of Colombia's inhuman armed conflict, seen through the eyes of a young - and pregnant - girl soldier.
Alias Maria (2015 )
A company of Marines deep behind enemy lines on a top secret mission are out manned and out gunned as they fight their way to hell and back leaving a path of death and destruction in their wake.
The Devil Dogs of Kilo Company (2015 )
Un grupo de personas valientes arriesgan sus vidas para salvar a los últimos gorilas de montaña del mundo; en medio de una nueva guerra civil y una lucha por los recursos naturales del Congo.
Virunga (2014 )
By 1314, through effort and intrigue, Scottish King Robert Bruce had captured every major English-held castle except Stirling. Now English King Edward II would try to stop him - and subdue the Scottish rebellion forever. This is the story of the pivotal campaign culminating at the decisive Battle of Bannockburn, in the shadow of Stirling Castle. Today as Scotland contemplates a countdown to a referendum for renewed Scottish independence, we search the hearts and minds of the characters whose efforts at the Battle of Bannockburn would build a nation. Filmed in the style of 300 and Sin City and with intense and bloody battle scenes, we bring to life one of the most iconic times in Scottish history.
Battle of Kings: Bannockburn (2014 )
L'any 1944, cap a les acaballes de la Segona Guerra Mundial, l'exèrcit alemany envaeix Hongria amb l'excusa d'assegurar les defenses del Tercer Reich davant de l'avanç de les tropes soviètiques des del front oriental. Però la invasió té també un altre propòsit, l'holocaust dels jueus hongaresos i d'altres països que s'han refugiat a Hongria. Alguns d'aquests jueus hongaresos, però, s'organitzaran com podran per combatre heroicament contra les forces nazis des de l'anonimat, mirant d'aconseguir salconduits per a tots els jueus hongaresos i duent a terme missions de rescat per intentar salvar milers de persones que els alemanys volen assassinar o dur als camps de concentració.
Al costat de l’enemic (2014 )
Durant l'hivern de 1952, les autoritats britàniques van entrar a la llar del matemàtic, analista i heroi de guerra Alan Turing, amb la intenció d'investigar la denúncia d'un robatori. Al final van acabar arrestant a Turing acusant-lo de «indecència greu», un càrrec que li suposaria una devastadora condemna per una ofensa criminal: ser homosexual. Els oficials no tenien ni idea que en realitat estaven incriminant al pioner de la informàtica actual. Liderant a un heterogeni grup d'acadèmics, lingüistes, campions d'escacs i oficials d'intel·ligència, se'l coneix per haver desxifrat el codi de la indesxifrable màquina Enigma dels alemanys durant la Segona Guerra Mundial.
Desxifrant l’Enigma (2014 )
Corre l'any 1971 i la tensió social a Irlanda del Nord està escalant cap a una situació gairebé de guerra civil. Després d'un motí i un enfrontament molt violent entre veïns d'un barri i l'exèrcit, un jove soldat britànic amb poca experiència, Gary, es perd als perillosos carrers de Belfast, on el conflicte de l'IRA està en plena ebullició, i on patrullen unitats paramilitars i bandes radicals de carrer.
’71 (2014 )
Afganistán. Una pequeña unidad de soldados ingleses instalada en una colina con vistas a la presa Kajaki. Una patrulla de tres hombres se dispone a deshabilitar un control de carretera talibanes. Al caminar por el lecho seco del rio Kajaki uno de ellos pisa una mina anti-persona. Sus compañeros acuden rápidamente en su ayuda para posteriormente darse cuenta de que están atrapados en una zona altamente repleta de estas mortales minas. Cada movimiento que hagan a partir de ese instante les puede costar una pierna o incluso la vida.
Kajaki (2014 )
Abril de 1945. Mentre els aliats inicien la seva ofensiva final en el front europeu, un valent sergent d'artilleria anomenat Wardaddy es troba al comandament d'un tanc Sherman i dels homes que componen la seva dotació, en una missió mortal darrere de les línies enemigues. Superats en nombre i en armament, i amb un soldat novell a les seves files, Wardaddy i els seus homes ho tindran tot en contra en el seu heroic intent de llançar un atac en ple cor de l'Alemanya nazi.
Cors d’acer (2014 )
El Chris Kyle és un franctirador dels "Seals", la força militar d'operacions especials dels Estats Units. L'envien a l'Iraq amb la missió de protegir els seus companys i allà es converteix en una llegenda. Quan torna a casa, on l'esperen la seva dona i els seus dos fills, després de quatre missions perilloses, el Chris s'adona que no es pot treure la guerra del cap.
El franctirador (2014 )
On the night of August 24, 1944, the fate of Paris rests with General von Choltitz, who plans to destroy the city on Hitler's orders. As the general prepares to detonate explosives throughout the capital, Swedish consul Raoul Nordling uses diplomacy in a desperate bid to convince him to defy the orders and save Paris.
Diplomàcia (2014 )
The film consists of three parts. The first one is about a harmonious family that will be separated because of the existing situation. Little Aram carries the tragedy of the separated family. In a day, his entire childhood ends. The reason is one thing only… In the second part of the film a feminine touch is evident by Astghik’s character. One step and peace turn to war in a day, that’s when she loses her friendship, her love, and the idol. The third film tells about a 14-year old Tevanik who becomes part of the war activities. During the fights and as a result of his inability to put an end to a beauty, moments become decisive for Tevanik
Tevanik (2014 )
La historia se centra en una tripulación del tanque M18 Hellcat emboscado por tres Panzers alemanes en la recta final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Santos y soldados: El vacio (2014 )
El comando lucha por abrirse camino en los más profundo de África, en el Congo, clausurar una mina secreta de uranio, e impedir que el enemigo saque del país el uranio de contrabando.
Tras la línea enemiga: Comando de élite (2014 )
Two days in the life of Mostafa Chamran, Iran's first post-revolutionary defense minister, as he attempts to prevent the city of Paveh from falling to Kurdish separatists in 1979.
Che (2014 )
Tim Rice's epic new musical of love and desire, From Here To Eternity, adapted from the classic 1951 novel.
From Here To Eternity (2014 )
During WWII, two injured soldiers, one Japanese and one Russian, are rescued and nursed back to health by a Mongolian goat herder.
诺日吉玛 (2014 )
Con cicatrices de batalla y desilusionado por la guerra, el cabo Chris Merrimette es puesto a cargo de una unidad cuya siguiente misión es reabastecer un remoto puesto de avanzada en el borde del territorio controlado por los talibanes. Mientras cruza la provincia de Helmand, hostil, un Navy SEAL toma el mando de su convoy y lo utiliza para una operación de importancia internacional: deben ayudar a una mujer afgana, famosa por su desafío a los talibanes, a escapar del país. Sin tanques o apoyo aéreo, Merrimette y su equipo necesitarán toda la valentía y la potencia de fuego que puedan reunir para abrirse camino a través del país devastado por la guerra y conducir a la mujer a la seguridad.
Jarhead 2: Tormenta de Fuego (2014 )
A fictional war-torn valor story of heroism, set in the uncharted lands of "The Ho Bo Woods" in southern Vietnam in 1965. Following a bogus ghost hunt for a missing Special Forces unit led by a man they call Ranger, Private Johannes Schenke (Han) attempts to save an alleged nVa (North Vietnamese Army) operative, along with his comrades who have been captured by Ranger and his renegade Special Forces squad while operating out of an abandoned nVa bunker.
The Bunker (2014 )
A WWII pilot, bombardier, and radioman find themselves adrift on a lifeboat without food or water after being forced to ditch their plane during a scouting mission.
Against the Sun (2014 )
City of Warsaw, Poland, August 1st, 1944. Citizens have experienced inhuman acts of terror and violence during five long years of Nazi occupation. As the Soviet Army relentlessly approaches, the youngest and bravest among them rise up as one and face tyranny fighting street by street, but the price to pay will be high and hard the way to freedom…
Warsaw 44 (2014 )
The small Belgian army held up the German advance, the British Expeditionary Force fought its first battle and the invincible German army was brought to a standstill in Belgium. This film traces that first month, the battles of Liège, Antwerp and Mons. In reconstruction it uses the words of those who took part and looks at the remains of the battlefields and the fortifications that still exist.
1914 Invasion of Belgium (2014 )
Teens Linda and Eta are inseparable friends, though they have plenty of disagreements, but one horrific argument has unexpected consequences.
Cure: The Life of Another (2014 )
The Inguri River forms a natural border dividing Georgia from Abkhazia. One of the spring floods has created a little island in the middle of the river, as if made for the cultivation of corn. At least, this is the belief of an old peasant, whose sunburned face resembles the landscape he has trodden for dozens of years.
Corn Island (2014 )
Just outside of the Malian city of Timbuktu, now occupied by militant Islamic rebels who impose the Sharia on civilians and inconvenience their daily life, a cattleman kills a fisherman.
Timbuktu (2014 )