Transmite en España
Explora una amplia biblioteca de películas y series de diversos géneros.
Based on true events, Nagendra Prasad Sarbadhikari, "The Father of Indian Football", was the first Indian to play the sport and open a professional football club in the country.
Golondaaj (2021 )
Val la pena trair els propis ideals pel que sembla un bé més gran? En plena Guerra Civil Espanyola, la influència de l'anarcosindicalisme porta Frederica Montseny al govern de la República. Ella ho accepta a contracor per evitar l'auge del feixisme i esdevé la primera dona ministra de l'estat espanyol i d'Europa. Acabada la guerra, Montseny s'ha d'exiliar a França, on s'enfrontarà a un judici d'extradició que posarà a prova les seves fermes conviccions. Si el perd, retornarà a l'Espanya franquista per ser executada. Montseny va haver de decidir entre anar en contra de les seves conviccions o conservar la vida.
Frederica Montseny, la dona que parla (2021 )
1492. Entre la tripulación dirigida por Cristóbal Colón viajan tres hombres que a estas alturas ya deberían estar muertos. Se las arreglaron para evitar su triste destino al participar en este viaje incierto. Tras llegar a Canarias huyen llevándose consigo una de las velas del barco. Mientras tanto, en el "Viejo Mundo", una mujer intenta salvar a su hermana moribunda llevándola a un curandero. Ambos viajes intentan burlarse de la muerte. Ambos viajes están a merced de la historia.
Ellos transportan la muerte (2021 )
Itàlia, any 1936. Giovanni Comini acaba de ser ascendit al càrrec de Federal, el més jove a Itàlia. És traslladat a Roma per a una delicada missió: ha de vigilar l'escriptor Gabriele D'Annunzio i assegurar-se que no doni cap mena de problema. D'Annunzio, un poeta reconegut a nivell nacional, està cada cop més inquiet i Benito Mussolini tem que pugui perjudicar l'aliança amb l'Alemanya nazi.
El poeta i l’espia (2021 )
Felix Grandet reigns supreme in his modest house in Saumur where his wife and daughter Eugenie lead a distraction-free existence. Extremely avaricious, he does not take a favorable view of the beautiful parties who rush to ask for his daughter's hand. Nothing should damage the colossal fortune he hides from everyone. The sudden arrival of Grandet's nephew, an orphaned and ruined Parisian dandy, turns the young girl's life upside down.
Eugénie Grandet (2021 )
Three soldiers moving through the Cuban jungle: combat exercises and camouflage techniques are practised, but the battle never arrives. The nature of their mission becomes an ever-greater mystery, echoing unanswered in the impassive natural surroundings.
Between Dog and Wolf (2021 )
A new reading of the historical period that began with the reign of the Catholic Monarchs (1479-1516) and the discovery of America (1492), as well as an analysis of its undeniable influence on the subsequent evolution of the history of Spain and the world.
Spain: The First Globalization (2021 )
In the mountains of Madrid, Spain, a railway track on an abandoned bridge and a poem erased from the wall of a ruined building reveal a deliberately silenced story: the system established by Franco's dictatorship after the civil war (1936-39) that allowed hundreds of companies to use thousands of convicted Republicans as slave labor.
Estos muros (2021 )
Spanish actor Pepe Viyuela embarks on a personal journey on the trail of his grandfather Gervasio, a soldier in the Republican Army during the Spanish Civil War.
Un viaje hacia nosotros (2021 )
En 1991, «American psycho», la tercera novela del controvertido escritor Bret Easton Ellis, provocó acaloradas discusiones entre críticos y lectores; un libro extraordinariamente perturbador que transportaba a sus lectores a la mente de Patrick Bateman, un cínico ejecutivo de fusiones y adquisiciones obsesionado con las marcas, los detalles sin importancia, la cultura pop y el asesinato brutal.
Asesino, «trader» y psicópata: la América de Bret Easton Ellis (2021 )
Un retrato fascinante de una activista, una reformadora social, una estadística y una enfermera que desafió las estrictas convenciones, revolucionó la enfermería moderna e hizo historia.
Florence Nightingale, pionera de la enfermería (2021 )
Descubre cómo este desastre industrial cambió el curso de la Historia, trastocó la geopolítica mundial y, directa o indirectamente, reorganizó los equilibrios y las relaciones de poder del siglo XX.
Chernobyl: La última batalla de la URSS (2021 )
Entre el 29 y el 30 de septiembre de 1941, el Sonderkommando 4a del Einsatzgruppe C, con la ayuda de dos batallones del Regimiento de la Policía del Sur y de la Policía Auxiliar Ucraniana, y sin que la población local opusiera ningún tipo de resistencia, fusiló a 33.771 judíos en el barranco de Babi Yar, al noroeste de Kiev. La película reconstruye el contexto histórico de esta tragedia con imágenes de archivo que documentan la ocupación alemana de Ucrania y la década posterior.
Babi Yar. Context (2021 )
Spanish jurist and republican thinker Antonio García-Trevijano (1927-2018) expounds his political thought and reflects on the recent political history of Spain.
Antonio García-Trevijano: Transición e historia política de España en primera persona (2021 )
Donostia-San Sebastián, País Vasco, España, 26 de noviembre de 1985, por la noche. Mikel Zabalza, un joven conductor de autobús, es detenido junto a otras personas por la Guardia Civil en el marco de una operación contra la sanguinaria banda terrorista ETA. Cuando los demás detenidos son liberados, denuncian que han sido brutalmente torturados en los cuarteles de Intxaurrondo. Además, Mikel no está entre ellos: Mikel ha desaparecido.
¿Dónde está Mikel? (2021 )
Tócala Otra Vez, Pep (2021 )
The sinking of RMS Titanic was one of the 20th century's greatest tragedies, but it has also been rumoured to be a crime. A range of experts take a fresh look at the case, and examine recently discovered evidence.
Titanic: A Dead Reckoning (2021 )
La historia de un fantasma que ronda una obra del pintor francés Gustave Courbet. Se trata de Jeanne Duval, una mujer negra cuyo nombre real se desconoce, musa y compañera del poeta Charles Baudelaire. Borrada del cuadro por el propio Courbet, Jeanne volvió a la superficie como si los pigmentos de la pintura no pudieran soportar su borrado. Entre material de archivo y animación, este documental pinta un digno retrato de la mujer que inspiró algunos de los poemas más bellos en lengua francesa, aunque haya sido maltratada por los biógrafos del poeta, cegados por sus prejuicios.
Jeanne y Baudelaire (2021 )
Richard Rhys, a painter in Victorian London, is the prime suspect in the Jack the Ripper murders. In a chance encounter he meets a wealthy reformer and socialite, Victoria Thornton, married to the richest man in England. Their passionate love affair results in a pregnancy and possible scandal and ruin. It is a story of redemption and true love.
A Rogue in Londinium (2021 )
In the early Middle Ages, two Christian knights set off to christen a small pagan village hidden deep in the mountains. Despite the differences in their views and perspectives on religion, the two men become travel companions and create a father-son relationship. As they settle into the local community, their faith, belief system and the bond between them are all put to the test. Soon, love is confronted with hate, dialogue with violence, madness with rules and many will have to die.
Sword of God (2020 )
Al començament de la Segona Guerra Mundial, amb el Regne Unit arribant a la desesperació, Churchill ordena a la seva nova agència d'espionatge que recluti i entreni a dones espia.
Les espies de Churchill (2020 )
Any 1970. El certamen de Miss Món se celebra a Londres presentat per Bob Hope, llegenda de la comèdia nord-americana. En aquest moment Miss Món és el programa de televisió més vist al planeta, amb més de 100 milions d'espectadors. En ple directe el recentment creat Moviment d'Alliberament de Dones envaeix l'escenari i interromp la retransmissió afirmant que els concursos de bellesa degraden les dones. Així, de la nit al dia, el Moviment es fa famós... En reprendre's el programa, l'elecció de la guanyadora provoca un nou gran enrenou: no és la favorita sueca, sinó Miss Grenada, la primera dona negra a ser coronada Miss Món. En qüestió d'hores, una audiència global va ser testimoni de l'expulsió del patriarcat de l'escenari i del naixement del nou ideal de bellesa occidental.
Trencant les normes (2020 )
An Original Documentary that explores the unexplained events at 5 unique locations including an Antebellum Haunted Mansion, the most spirited Movie Palace in America, a tragic spot in the Florida Clay Pits, Al Capone's Florida Hideout and more with 4 Expert Investigation Teams.
Real Haunts (2020 )
In 1937, eight hundred Chinese soldiers fight under siege from a warehouse in the middle of the Shanghai battlefield, completely surrounded by the Japanese army.
The Eight Hundred (2020 )
Faced with the tyranny of Caesar who acts as absolute master over Rome, Senators Rufus and Cassius form a plot to assassinate him.
Brutus vs Cesar (2020 )
Workers at the Fukushima Daiichi facility in Japan risk their lives and stay at the nuclear power plant to prevent total destruction after the region is devastated by an earthquake and tsunami in 2011.
Fukushima 50 (2020 )
A small unit of U.S. soldiers, alone at the remote Combat Outpost Keating, located deep in the valley of three mountains in Afghanistan, battles to defend against an overwhelming force of Taliban fighters in a coordinated attack. The Battle of Kamdesh, as it was known, was the bloodiest American engagement of the Afghan War in 2009 and Bravo Troop 3-61 CAV became one of the most decorated units of the 19-year conflict.
The Outpost (2020 )
After being blinded in a coup against the king, Joseon's greatest swordsman goes into hiding, far removed from his city's anguish. But when traffickers kidnap his daughter, he has no choice but to unsheathe his sword once more.
The Swordsman (2020 )
Inspired by true events from the spring of 1944 when the Nazis organized a football match between a team of camp inmates and an elite Nazi team on Adolf Hitler's birthday. A match the prisoners are determined to win, no matter what happens.
The Match (2020 )
A celebration of the Irish punk/poet Shane MacGowan, lead singer and songwriter of The Pogues, that combines unseen archive footage from the band and MacGowan’s family with original animations.
Crock of Gold: A Few Rounds with Shane MacGowan (2020 )
Presenting the tale of American founding father Alexander Hamilton, this filmed version of the original Broadway smash hit is the story of America then, told by America now.
Hamilton (2020 )
Cold War spy Greville Wynne and his Russian source try to put an end to the Cuban Missile Crisis.
The Courier (2020 )