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Explora una amplia biblioteca de películas y series de diversos géneros.
Durante la ocupación japonesa de Corea, estaba prohibido tanto hablar como enseñar coreano. Sin embargo, un grupo de personas se proponen publicar clandestinamente un diccionario.
The Secret Mission (2019 )
A true historical drama about King Sejong, the greatest ruler in Joseon history who sought to enhance national prosperity and military power through astronomy, and Jang Yeong-sil, the most remarkable scientist.
Forbidden Dream (2019 )
Vitoria, Basque Country, Spain, March 3rd, 1976. After several months of protests demanding decent working conditions, representatives of struggling workers call for a general strike. In the church of San Francisco, in the working class neighborhood of Zaramaga, thousands of workers fill the temple in assembly. Outside, many more people gather and, in the middle, about a hundred heavily armed police officers wait to act.
A March to Remember (2019 )
The chronicle of a Portuguese family that owns one of the largest estates in Europe, on the south bank of the River Tagus. The Domain delves deeply into the secrets of their homestead, portraying the historical, political, economic and social life of Portugal, since the 1940's to these days.
The Domain (2019 )
Lithuania, 1948. War is over, but the country is left in ruins. 19-year-old Untė is a member of the Partisan movement resisting Soviet occupation. They do not fight on equal terms, but this desperate struggle will determine the future of the whole population. At the age of discovery of life, Untė discovers violence and treachery. The lines are blurred between the burning passion of his youth and the cause for which he is fighting. He will invest himself wholeheartedly, even if it means losing his innocence…
In the Dusk (2019 )
- Gratis
When the Raigad fort gates get shut down before she could leave, a simple village woman climbs down the cliff in the middle of the night to get back her infant son.
Hirkani (2019 )
- Gratis
It’s the bitterly cold Winter of 1979 as Rusty types furiously in his trailer. His fiancé had just left him at the alter and in response, Rusty uproots himself from Minnesota and relocates to the middle of nowhere. He’s not completely alone for Alice, whom he refuses to accept has left his side, stands nearby in the form of a mannequin. Rusty’s new utopia is soon disturbed by Babs, Ruth-Ann and Fran; three local bullies who develop a jealous streak towards Alice. Their reconnaissance mission begins and the snowballs soon fly as the temperature plunges ‘2 Below 0’!
2 Below 0 (2019 )
- Gratis
An Original Documentary that takes you in and under the Oldest City in America, St. Augustine, Florida with a Team of Residents, Ghost Hunters and Historians. Investigations include the Oldest Lighthouse in America, a Curiosity Shop on the oldest Street in the USA, more.
Evil Beneath (2019 )
A feature length documentary exploring violence and social change through the stories of ex-fighters from the Lebanese Civil War.
About a War (2019 )
It is Thursday and another war is hitting the northern part of Israel hard. Three brothers reunite in their childhood kibbutz to bury their father. Two days later the youngest has to go to war, and while he seeks guidance from his older siblings who have both experienced the battlefield, the homecoming soon spins out of control.
The Dive (2019 )
Cambodia, once the ancient kingdom of Funan, April 17th, 1975. The entire country falls under the tyranny of Angkar, the communist party of the Khmer Rouge. The cities are abandoned, the population is thrown to the roads and forced to walk towards an uncertain future…
Funan (2019 )
In the 15th century, despite so many accomplishments he has made for the people, King Sejong, his biggest goal is still remaining; the invention of original letters that can be read and written by all the people. But courtiers who want to dominate the knowledge and the power, are against his will and discourage his belief. Frustrated King Sejong hears about a bonze Sinmi a phonogram expert, and secretly brings him in the palace.
The King's Letters (2019 )
Thousands of years ago there was a warrior who fought and gave his life for a territory that later became Lusitania. Against the advancements of the Roman Empire, which possessed an immense armada, it chose to dedicate its life to the protection of its people and their lands. His name was ... Viriato.
Viriato (2019 )
Anxo returns to his home village in the Galician countryside. There, he is greeted with concern by the victorious and the defeated, who see in him the danger of diving back into their silenced memories.
Endless Night (2019 )
The ruthless dictator Teodoro Obiang has ruled Equatorial Guinea with an iron hand since 1979. Juan Tomás Ávila Laurel is the most translated Equatoguinean writer, but he had to flee the country in 2011, after starting a hunger strike denouncing the crimes of the dictatorship. Since then, he has lived in Spain, feeling that, despite the risks, he must return and fight the monster with words.
The Writer from a Country Without Bookstores (2019 )
A walk through the life and career of the legendary French photojournalist Christine Spengler, known as Moonface, one of the few female war reporters in the seventies, also a writer and surrealist painter, who worked in Chad, Northern Ireland, Vietnam, Cambodia, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Iran, Iraq and other places where unfortunately war and death prevailed for years.
Moonface: A Woman in the War (2019 )
La madrugada del 5 de septiembre de 1936 en Manacor fueron ejecutadas por los fascistas cinco milicianas. La existencia de un diario escrito por una de ellas, dónde se relata los días de la campaña en Mallorca, y una foto del grupo hecha poco después de ser detenidas son el punto de partida de la investigación.
Milicianas (2019 )
Donostia-San Sebastián, País Vasco, España, 2011. Maider, una cineasta, se muda al mismo piso donde la pedagoga Elbira Zipitria Irastorza (1906-1982) estableció clandestinamente la primera ikastola, una escuela vasca, bajo el duro régimen del dictador Francisco Franco. A pesar de su trabajo pionero, desarrollado a lo largo de treinta años, su historia no es muy conocida, así que Maider, intrigada, comienza a investigar…
Paso al límite (2019 )
Barents Sea, August 12th, 2000. During a Russian naval exercise, and after suffering a serious accident, the K-141 Kursk submarine sinks with 118 crew members on board. While the few sailors who are still alive barely manage to survive, their families push for accurate information and a British officer struggles to obtain from the Russian government a permit to attempt a rescue before it is late. But general incompetence are against all their efforts.
Kursk (2018 )
En Kurt Barnert és un jove estudiant d'art a l'Alemanya de l'Est. Està enamorat de la seva companya de classe Ellie. El pare d'ella, el professor Seeband, un famós metge, no aprova la relació de la seva filla i està decidit a destruir-la.
L'ombra del passat (2018 )
Una historia sobre el peor ataque terrorista en la historia de Noruega, en el que 70 personas perdieron la vida. 22 de Julio es una mirada al desastre en si, a los supervivientes, al sistema político noruego y a los abogados que trabajaron en este horrible suceso.
22 de julio (2018 )
- Gratis
Basada en una historia real narra el romance entre Bert Trautmann (David Kross) un prisionero de guerra alemán y la joven inglesa Margaret (Freya Mavor), que vivieron una historia de amor en la que tuvieron que luchar contra los prejuicios, la hostilidad pública y la tragedia.
El portero (Trautmann) (2018 )
El Escuadrón 303, compuesto mayormente por soldados polacos, luchó contra los nazis en la Segunda Guerra Mundial en la conocida batalla de Inglaterra.
Escuadrón 303 (2018 )
D'origen humil, la joventut de l'Astrid Lindgren, la coneguda autora de contes infantils i creadora del personatge Pippi Långstrump (o Pippi Calcesllargues), va tenir una infància feliç: va créixer al camp, a la granja dels seus pares, envoltada de germans i germanes, cavalls i vaques, però després va estar marcat pels nombrosos esculls que va trobar per tirar endavant com a mare soltera en una societat eminentment masclista.
Coneixent l’Astrid (2018 )
After marrying a successful Parisian writer known commonly as Willy, Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette is transplanted from her childhood home in rural France to the intellectual and artistic splendor of Paris. Soon after, Willy convinces Colette to ghostwrite for him. She pens a semi-autobiographical novel about a witty and brazen country girl named Claudine, sparking a bestseller and a cultural sensation. After its success, Colette and Willy become the talk of Paris and their adventures inspire additional Claudine novels.
Colette (2018 )
- Gratis
L’any 754 Europa es troba dividida entre les diferents tribus del nord i els francs. Aquests volen conquerir tot Europa per mitjà del cristianisme però s’hauran d’enfrontar al rei frisó Aldegisel.
La llegenda de Redbad (2018 )
Francia, 1809. El capitán Neuville es un gran seductor. Acaba de pedir la mano de la joven Pauline bajo la desconfiada mirada de la hermana mayor de ésta, Elisabeth. Sin embargo, Neuville es llamado a filas y Pauline deja de recibir noticias suyas. La joven se marchita con cada día que pasa y Elisabeth decide tomar la pluma y empezar una correspondencia con Pauline haciéndose pasar por Neuville, al que convierte en sus relatos en un verdadero héroe de guerra. El capitán acabará reapareciendo, muy a pesar de la joven.
Un seductor a la francesa (2018 )
- Gratis
A principios del siglo XX, la espeluznante verdad que se esconde tras un orfanato sale a la luz cuando sus niños comienzan a rebelarse.
El Orfanato (2018 )
L'estiu de 1969, dos dies abans que els astronautes nord-americans arribessin a la Lluna, el senador Ted Kennedy, germà de John i de Robert Fitzgerald Kennedy, assassinats quan el primer era president i quan el segon estava fent campanya per ser president dels Estats Units, va tenir un accident de cotxe. El seu vehicle va caure daltabaix d'un pont i va quedar submergit. Ell es va poder salvar, però la dona que l'acompanyava, Mary Jo Kopechne, una jove de 28 anys que havia treballat amb Robert Kennedy, va quedar atrapada a dins del cotxe i hi va perdre la vida. Després de la mort dels seus germans, semblava que li tocava a Ted Kennedy intentar arribar a la presidència dels Estats Units, però aquell incident ho va impedir.
L’escàndol Ted Kennedy (2018 )
Explora el tema de la memoria histórica en España, centrándose en la represión de las lesbianas y los gays bajo el franquismo. ¿Qué pasó con los homosexuales durante el régimen de Franco? Este documental revela sus historias y rompe el silencio por primera vez.
Pero que todos sepan que no he muerto (2018 )
Gary Hart, former Senator of Colorado, becomes the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1987. Hart's intelligence, charisma and idealism makes him popular with young voters, leaving him with a seemingly clear path to the White House. All that comes crashing down when allegations of an extramarital affair surface in the media, forcing the candidate to address a scandal that threatens to derail his campaign and personal life.
The Front Runner (2018 )
The true story of punks, queers, & criminals on a ride with two men who accidentally changed music along the way.
Industrial Accident: The Story of Wax Trax! Records (2018 )