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Explora una amplia biblioteca de películas y series de diversos géneros.
Cyrano es un brillante poeta y un hábil espadachín que expresa su amor por la bella Roxane a través de Christian, el apuesto soldado a quien ella ama. Cyrano es jactancioso y fanfarrón, de genio vivo pero a la vez ingenioso e irónico, noble y orgulloso. Pero esconde una herida secreta que le atormenta: su agudo sentido del ridículo, su fealdad y su susceptibilidad le han impedido ser amado por Roxane. Sin embargo, ya que su amada ama a otro, él ayudará a su rival escribiendo en su nombre apasionadas cartas de amor.
Cyrano de Bergerac (1990 )
Un pequeño pueblo de Australia se revoluciona al ser el encargado de que su telescopio retransmita la llegada del hombre a la Luna.
La luna en directo (The Dish) (2000 )
- Gratis
Crownsville Hospital: From Lunacy to Legacy is a feature-length documentary film highlighting the history of the Crownsville State Mental Hospital in Crownsville, MD.
Crownsville Hospital: From Lunacy to Legacy (2018 )
Henrik Kauffmann és l'ambaixador danès a Washington el 1939. En començar la II Guerra Mundial la situació és crítica, sobretot després que les tropes alemanyes envaeixin i ocupin Dinamarca. En aquest moment, Kauffmann pren una decisió crucial en la història: declarar-se l'únic representant veritable d'una Dinamarca lliure en oposició als nazis.
The good traitor (L'ambaixador Kauffmann) (2020 )
- Gratis
Lyudmila és membre del partit comunista local i una gran defensora dels ideals del règim. Durant una vaga laboral en una fàbrica de motors, veu com l'exèrcit, enviat pel Govern, dispara als manifestants i es produeix així una massacre. Aquest succés canviarà els seus ideals i els seus valors polítics per sempre. Amb la ciutat destruïda i agitada per les revoltes, molta gent resulta ferida o desapareguda, entre elles la filla de Lyudmila, cosa que l'obligarà a buscar-la entre el caos de la ciutat.
Benvolguts camarades (2020 )
El documental ofrece una visión sin tapujos del trabajo como actor infantil en la industria del entretenimiento, un negocio de alto riesgo y alta remuneración. La película describe el coste personal y profesional de la fama y el fracaso de un niño. Los que conocen mejor la industria, incluidos varios famosos actores infantiles y dos aspirantes, desgranan sus propias experiencias mientras se reconcilian con las dificultades que han enfrentado y los sacrificios que han hecho para alcanzar el éxito en el mundo del espectáculo.
Los niños de Hollywood (2020 )
A confessional, cautionary, and occasionally humorous tale of Robbie Robertson's young life and the creation of one of the most enduring groups in the history of popular music, The Band.
Once Were Brothers: Robbie Robertson and The Band (2020 )
Archaeologists have just uncovered entirely new areas and villas in ancient Pompeii… the first excavation there in 70 years. Get exclusive access to the dig and see how new artifacts and new DNA science are changing history. And through the use of sophisticated Hollywood production techniques and reenactments, discover the real stories of what happened to the unfortunate souls who didn’t escape to the city gates. This is the devastating account of the final hours of that fateful day in October 79AD.
Pompeii: Disaster Street (2020 )
La pel·lícula narra la història de David Carr, un treballador a l'atur i membre del Partit Comunista de la Gran Bretanya. L'any 1936, quan a conseqüència d'un aixecament feixista, s'inicia la Guerra Civil Espanyola, David Carr decideix lluitar en el bàndol republicà, una coalició de lliberals, socialdemòcrates, comunistes i anarquistes. S'uneix a les milícies del POUM (Partit Obrer d'Unificació Marxista) i és testimoni directe de la traïció a la revolució per part de la facció contrarevolucionària dins de la coalició de republicana.
Terra i llibertat (1995 )
Espanya, estiu de 1936. Miguel de Unamuno decideix donar suport públicament a la sublevació militar que promet posar ordre a la convulsa situació del país. Immediatament és destituït com a rector de la Universitat de Salamanca pel govern republicà. Mentrestant el general Franco inicia una campanya amb la secreta esperança de fer-se amb el comandament únic de la guerra. Veient la deriva sanguinària del conflicte Unamuno comença a qüestionar-se la seva posició inicial.
Mentre duri la guerra (2019 )
Winston Churchill y su mujer Clementine se mantuvieron muy unidos durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), pero algunos años antes habían atravesado una situación muy delicada. La causa fue la profunda depresión en la que cayó el político conservador al verse amenazado por la ruina económica
Amenaza de tormenta (2002 )
A documentary on how British double-dealing during the First World War ignited the conflict between Arab and Jew in the Middle East. The bitter struggle between Arab and Jew for control of the Holy Land has caused untold suffering in the Middle East for generations. It is often claimed that the crisis originated with Jewish emigration to Palestine and the foundation of the state of Israel. Yet the roots of the conflict are to be found much earlier – in British double-dealing during the First World War. This is a story of intrigue among rival empires; of misguided strategies; and of how conflicting promises to Arab and Jew created a legacy of bloodshed which determined the fate of the Middle East.
Promises & Betrayals: Britain and the Struggle for the Holy Land (2002 )
Paris, June 1940. The de Gaulle couple is confronted with the military and political collapse of France. Charles de Gaulle joins London while Yvonne, his wife, finds herself with her three children on the road of the exodus.
De Gaulle (2020 )
In Northern Russia, a few dozen people still live in their traditional houses surrounded by water, stone, and sand. Cut off from vital infrastructure, almost forgotten by regional governance, these people have to cope with their everyday struggles.
Beyond the White (2021 )
La segunda parte, "Las prisiones", comienza con la coronación de Carlos VII y cubre los intentos inútiles de Juana por recuperar París.
Juana de Arco II - Las prisiones (1994 )
Edad Media. Guerra de los Cien Años (siglos XIV y XV). Tras abandonar su aldea natal, Juana de Arco convence a un oficial para que la conduzca ante el Delfín de Francia, el futuro Carlos VII.
Juana de Arco I - Las batallas (1994 )
- Gratis
Bring Us Your Women is an international anthology dedicated to women and the pursuit of divinity and freedom. The project seeks to tell existing and re-imagined stories of historic and mythical individuals, each presenting a message of humanity that transcends gender and religion.
Bring Us Your Women (2015 )
Set in the Golden Age of Aviation, Andrew Lancaster follows the life and times of his great uncle, Captain Bill Lancaster. Against his family's wishes, he uncovers a fascinating tale of high adventures, obsession, a love triangle and a sensational murder trial.
The Lost Aviator (2015 )
Numerous films deal with the American Civil War, which raged between the northern Union States and the southern Confederate States from 1861 to 1865. One general who rose to become a war icon and the 18th pres-ident of the United States was Ulysses S. Grant. Director Jim Finn uses board games to reconstruct the battles and documents a divided nation full of rebellious factions.
The Annotated Field Guide of Ulysses S. Grant (2020 )
Narrated by Oscar-winning actor Jeremy Irons, The Genius of George Boole assembles academics and industry leaders from across the globe to explore the life and importance of one of the world’s greatest unsung heroes.
The Genius of George Boole (2015 )
- Gratis
In 1943, Max Fronenberg spent one year digging a secret underground tunnel to escape out of a prison camp in Warsaw, Poland during the Holocaust while saving fifteen other prisoners in the process and forced to leave behind the love of his life, Rena, in the prison.
There Is Many Like Us (2015 )
A survey of Hans Holbein's career from his beginnings as a religious painter to his work for Henry VIII and beyond. The program also includes a close analysis of "The Ambassadors".
Holbein: Eye of the Tudors (2015 )
- Gratis
In 1941, Hong Kong was the Casablanca of the East, a city full of war refugees, profiteers and spies. With the sudden attack by Japanese troops, a Canadian soldier's Christmas promise is broken during the Battle of Hong Kong.
Christmas at the Royal Hotel (2019 )
"La Pasión de Bernadette" es la segunda parte de la película "Bernadette". Narra el resto de la historia de la vida de Bernadette, desde su ingreso en el convento de las hermanas de Nevers para dedicar su vida a Dios, hasta su muerte.
La pasión de Bernadette (1990 )
Federació de Rússia, 31 de desembre de 1999. Després de la inesperada dimissió del president Boris Ieltsin, el primer ministre Vladimir Putin es converteix en president interí del país. Des d'aquell dia i durant un any, la càmera de Vitaly Mansky va documentar l'ascens al poder de Putin. La història d'un testimoni privilegiat. La dura explicació de perquè la política és l'art de la possibilitat d'aconseguir el millor amb el suport de molts, però també de donar el pitjor a canvi.
Els testimonis de Putin (2018 )
A documentary examining what the Tyrannosaurus Rex was really like - both appearance and behaviour - using the recent palaeontological and zoological research.
The Real T Rex with Chris Packham (2018 )
Park Jae-sang, un geomántico real, ayuda a la gente a designar un sitio propicio para casas, tiendas e incluso tumbas bajo la creencia de que una tumba en un buen sitio traerá futura fortuna para los descendientes. Este perderá a su familia al exponer una conspiración sobre la tumba del Príncipe Heredero, pero planeará venganza, aunque esto le hará darse cuenta de que hay una conspiración mucho más grande detrás.
Feng Shui (2018 )
What might be revealed in the process of inviting strangers to act out and respond to 1970s feminism forty years later? Between 2015 and 2017, hundreds of strangers in communities all over the US were invited to read aloud and respond to letters from the 70s sent to the editor of Ms. Magazine–the first mainstream feminist magazine in the US. The intimate, provocative, and sometimes heartbreaking conversations that emerge from these spontaneous performances make us think critically about the past, present, and future of feminism.
Yours in Sisterhood (2018 )
- Gratis
An in-depth analysis on the 40th Anniversary of the life and untimely death of Arthur Lee McDuffie at the hands of Miami Dade police officers.
When Liberty Burns (2020 )
- Gratis
Was Christopher Columbus born in Genoa, Italy? Most definitely not, say an unlikely collection of experts from European royalty, DNA science, university scholars, even Columbus's own living family. This ground breaking documentary follows a trail of proof to show he might have been much more than we know.
Secrets and Mysteries of Christopher Columbus (2018 )
- Gratis
It was 1969 and America was embarking on the biggest adventure known to man - a voyage to the moon. Daniel too was pursuing the unknown; leaving the path of isolation he had traveled for so many years to embrace the love of another. The only question was would he be able maintain that road to glory or would he veer off course never to be seen again...
The Astronot (2018 )
The Man with the Lantern (2018 )