Suoratoista Suomessa
Selaa laajaa elokuvien ja tv-sarjojen kirjastoa eri genreissä.
Epic story about two families and their friendship and common destiny in Sweden's Gothenburg in the 1940s and 1950s. Told from the perspective of young Simon Larsson, who learns that he's an adopted child who has a Jewish father from Germany. After WWII Simon travels to explore his roots - a journey that leads to the basic mysteries of the human life. After the bestselling novel by Marianne Fredriksson.
Simon & the Oaks (2011 )
- Ilmainen
Ansioitunut brittidokumentaristi Nick Broomfield on ohjannut draamaelokuvan yhdestä Irakin sodan järkyttävimmistä yksittäisistä verilöylyistä. - 19. marraskuuta 2005 tienvarsipommi surmaa partiotehtävissä olleen amerikkalaisen sotilaan. Hänen joukkueensa kostaa tapahtuman teurastamalla 24 irakilaista siviiliä: miehiä, naisia ja lapsia. Battle for Haditha rekonstruoi tapahtumat sotilaiden, pommin asettajien sekä yhden tavallisen irakilaisperheen näkökulmasta. Broomfield tuo taidokkaasti esille kaikkien osapuolien motivaatiot siten, että katsoja voi ne helposti ymmärtää. Läsnäolon tunne, pelottavat taistelukohtaukset ja raaka realismi tuovat sodan todelliset kasvot esiin ennennäkemättömällä tavalla. Tapahtumasta tuli tragedia, josta USA:n armeija mieluiten vaikenisi. Elokuvaa on myös verrattu Vietnamin sodan raakuuksia käsittelevään Ilmestyskirja. Nyt -elokuvaan.
Hadithan taistelu (2007 )
Kiinan sisällissota puhkesi talvella 1948 ja siitä tuli yksi verisimmistä taisteluista Kiinan historiassa. Kapteeni Guzidin, 9:n komppanian komentajan ja hänen 46 sotilaan tehtävänä oli puolustaa Wen-joen etelärantaa kunnes he saisivat käskyn perääntyä. Puolustustaistelun pitkittyessä ja ammusten vähetessä, Guzidi alkoi menettää miehiään. Sotilaat epäilivät, että perääntymiskäsky ei ollut saavuttanut komppaniaa. Guzidi ei ollut saanut käskyä perääntyä ja vaati miehiään edelleen taistelemaan hinnalla millä hyvänsä. Guzidi haavottui ja heräsi sairaalassa uuteen sotilasjärjestelmään. Hän ja miehistönsä olivat menettäneet sotilasarvonsa ja identiteettinsä, heidät oli kaikki merkitty kadonneksi. Aivan kuin 9:ttä komppaniaa ei olisi koskaan edes ollut olemassa, saati taistelua ja uhrauksia joita Guzidi mieheneen teki. Guzidi päättää palauttaa 46 miehen kunnian ja todistaa heidän olemassaolon - hän lähtee matkaan etsiäkseen joukkonsa.
Assembly (2007 )
A drama following a French platoon during Algeria's war of independence.
Intimate Enemies (2007 )
The heart of this dramatic story based on the novel by Leopold Lahola is the search for the principle of humanism. The story plays in a single day towards the end of World War II in a rough, snow-covered landscape where a German soldier escorts his prisoner with orders to shoot him. The background of the story is formed by the flashbacks of the partisan soldier being interrogated by a Russian commissar who wants to know all about him being taken prisoner. The German soldier Helmut Kampen escorts the captive partisan who is condemned to death but finally manages to flee. The commissar wants to know why the Germans did not kill him and accuses the partisan soldier of collaboration
Rozhovor s nepriateľom (2007 )
A story set against the Mountain Meadows Massacre, the film is based upon the tragedy which occurred in Utah in 1857. A group of settlers, traveling on wagons, was murdered by the Mormons. All together, about 140 souls of men, women and children, were taken.
September Dawn (2007 )
An extravagant, exotic and moving look at Rembrandt's romantic and professional life, and the controversy he created by the identification of a murderer in the painting The Night Watch.
Nightwatching (2007 )
On September 1st, 1939, Nazi Germany invades Poland, unleashing World War II. On September 17th, the Soviet Red Army crosses the border. The Polish army, unable to fight on two fronts, is defeated. Thousands of Polish men, both military and government officials, are captured by the invaders. Their fate will only be known several years later.
Katyn (2007 )
Keisari Tiberiusta hämmentävät erikoiset ilmiöt, maanjäristys sekä taivaan tummuminen lähes mustaksi. Hän kutsuu Rooman etevimmän tutkijan Tito Valerio Tauron avukseen. Taurolle annetaan tehtäväksi selvittää totuus kuolemaantuomitusta Jeesus Nasaretilaisesta, joka on kuuleman mukaan noussut kuolleista.Tiberius uskoo, että tapahtumilla on jokin yhteys kuukausia aiemmin esiintyneisiin luonnonilmiöihin ja tietäjien antamiin varoituksiin. Tauro ei usko samoin, vaan seuraa mieluummin järkeään. Mutta mitä ihmeellisimmät mysteerit odottavat häntä Judeassa.
Inkvisitio (2007 )
Katariina Aleksandrialainen kasvoi ja eli autiomaassa. Keisari Maxentius sai pakkomielteen hänen kauneudestaan ja viisaudestaan ja ryösti tytön. Katariinan ystävä Konstantinus, josta tuli myöhemmin Länsi-Rooman keisari, ei koskaan luopunut toivosta löytää häntä. Kun Konstantinus sai tietää, että Katariina oli Maxentiuksen vankina, hän lähti armeijan kanssa pelastamaan tätä.
Katherine of Alexandria (2014 )
Miehitetty Varsova vuonna 1944. Raskaita tappioita kärsineet saksalaiset ovat alkaneet vetäytyä länteen. Kun puolalaisten vastarinta-armeija päättää käyttää tilaisuuden hyväkseen ja hyökätä, myös 18-vuotias Stefan liittyy kapinaan. Saksan armeijan lähettäessä kaupunkiin lisää joukkoja osoittautuu kansannousun paikallisissa herättämä toivon kipinä kuitenkin kohtalokkaan ennenaikaiseksi.
Warsaw 1944 (2014 )
- Ilmainen
The small Belgian army held up the German advance, the British Expeditionary Force fought its first battle and the invincible German army was brought to a standstill in Belgium. This film traces that first month, the battles of Liège, Antwerp and Mons. In reconstruction it uses the words of those who took part and looks at the remains of the battlefields and the fortifications that still exist.
1914 Invasion of Belgium (2014 )
Inspired by real-life Elsa Andersson, this mostly fictional movie tells the story of her upbringing as a farmer's daughter, in the early 1900s, who dreams of getting away from the farm and becoming an aviatrix.
As White as in Snow (2001 )
To be defeated and not be - a victory. This is the motto that life is guided by three young friends: Alek, Sophy and Rudy. Scouts, high school graduates high school in Warsaw drifting ambitious plans for the future broken through September 1939. Entering adulthood in a very dramatic times, which puts them a choice - to survive at any cost, or to join the fighting for a free homeland, risking everything. The boys brought up in patriotic homes, shaped by the ideals of scouting, they decide to fight. They become soldiers, and although every scrape with death, they can live a full life.
Stones for the Rampart (2014 )
Explore how one man's relentless drive and invention of the atomic bomb changed the nature of war forever, led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people and unleashed mass hysteria.
To End All War: Oppenheimer & the Atomic Bomb (2023 )
- Ilmainen
María Margarita is the youngest of four siblings in a family living in a mining town in the Atacama Desert (Chile). The most special time of the week for this family is Sunday, when they all go to the movies to enjoy stories that let them escape their everyday lives by transporting them to other worlds. The girl’s parents soon realise that the little girl has a very special gift: an almost uncanny ability to recount movies. The girl’s extraordinary talent will spread throughout the village, changing the fortunes of her family as the country is transformed forever.
The Movie Teller (2023 )
A speculative biopic about Swedish UN Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjöld, the anti-colonialist, allegedly queer diplomat who died under mysterious circumstances during the Cold War while trying to bring peace to the Congo.
Hammarskjöld: Fight for Peace (2023 )
The artist behind the sensation of a $10 million, 22-city tour, and the international media storm that ensued.
Levitated Mass (2013 )
- Ilmainen
The graphic art of ancient Egypt is very familiar to us, since it was so widely used. We find extraordinary graphic representations on sarcophagi, papyrus scrolls, the walls of tombs and other buildings. They are testimony to a lasting taste for "the art of the contour", and allow us to understand this ancient civilization like no other.
Scribes of Ancient Egypt (2013 )
The film follows the journey of Kitty, the imaginary friend to whom Anne Frank dedicated her diary. A fiery teenager, Kitty wakes up in the near future in Anne Frank's house in Amsterdam and embarks on a journey to find Anne, who she believes is still alive, in today's Europe. While the young girl is shocked by the modern world, she also comes across Anne's legacy.
Where Is Anne Frank (2021 )
This harrowing war film is an epic dramatization of the first battle of World War II. The Battle of Westerplatte that began on 1 September 1939 will forever be remembered as the one that announced the beginning of the Second World War in Europe. Over one week, fewer than 200 Polish soldiers fought against heavy German bombardment and in the process came to symbolize the power of resistance. As the violence rages, a complex battle of a more personal nature plays out between two Polish commanders over how to best lead their men. Amid the bloodshed, they must ask themselves – should they fight until the last man standing or surrender in the face of overwhelming odds? What unfolds is a stirring exploration of the fight against the forces of tyranny.
Battle of Westerplatte (2013 )
- Ilmainen
In an age when women were incapable of joining the artistic dialogue, Lilias Trotter managed to win the favour of celebrated critics.
Many Beautiful Things (2015 )
Kun brittiarmeija aikoo kukistaa Mussolinin italialaiset voimat, Hitler lähettää Mussolinille avuksi kenraali Rommelin johtamat Afrika Korps -joukot. Aavikkokettu on voittoisa, kunnes brittikomentaja Montgomery laatii suunnitelman vastustajansa päänmenoksi. Kun amerikkalaiset saapuvat Pohjois-Afrikkaan, akselivalloilla ei ole muuta vaihtoehtoa kuin antautua ja lopettaa aavikolla käyty sota.
Hitlerin katastrofaalinen aavikkosota (2021 )
In November 15, 2017, the painting Salvator Mundi, attributed to Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), was sold for an unprecedented $450 million. An examination of the dirty secrets of the art world and the surprising story of how a work of art is capable of upsetting both personal and geopolitical interests.
The Savior for Sale (2021 )
The untold story about wild rabbits which lived between the Berlin Walls. For 28 years Death Zone was their safest home. Full of grass, no predators, guards protecting them from human disturbance. They were closed but happy. When their population grew up to thousands, guards started to remove them. But rabbits survived and stayed there. Unfortunately one day the wall fell down. Rabbits had to abandon comfortable system. They moved to West Berlin and have been living there in a few colonies since then. They are still learning how to live in the free world, same as we - the citizens of Eastern Europe.
Rabbit à la Berlin (2009 )
In February 1945, Jules Ternes returns to Luxembourg. To escape conscription, he fled the country and joined the resistance movement in France. Back in his hometown, Jules hopes to find peace of mind and put the war behind him. But he returns to a country devastated by the Battle of the Bulge and deeply divided from four years of occupation. His sister Mathilde is now engaged to Armand, the leader of the local resistance and his girlfriend Leonie has another man in her life. Jules nevertheless resumes a relationship with her and accepts a post as an auxiliary policeman. When Leonie is assassinated along with the German farmers she works for, the life Jules was struggling to rebuild collapses. The ensuing investigation will reveal grey areas of the Occupation along with the efforts made in high places to cover them up.
Tomorrow, After the War (2015 )
Tanskassa eletään kevättä 1945. Sota on juuri loppunut ja joukko saksalaisia sotavankeja tuodaan Tanskaan purkamaan 2 miljoonaa maamiinaa, jotka Saksa on kylvänyt miehityksen aikana Tanskan maaperälle. Toimeksianto on yksinkertainen: jos raivaajat jäävät henkiin, he saavat palata kotiin. Mutta pian on selvää, että suurelta osin vielä teini-iässä olevat sotilaat, jotka eivät ole saaneet tarpeellista koulutusta, eivät todellakaan ole aivan tehtävänsä tasalla. Miinanpurkua Jyllannin hiekkadyyneillä johtaa kersantti Rasmussen, jolta ei saksalaispojille armoa heru. Miinanpurkajat ovat kuitenkin sodan uhreja itsekin; nuorukaisia, jotka ovat joutuneet elämänsä kovimman paikan eteen vasta sodan jälkeen. Traagiset tapahtumat saavat lujan Rasmusseninkin katsomaan vihollista uusin silmin. Joskin mahdollisesti liian myöhään.
Hiekan Alla (2015 )
In 1950s Ireland and New York, young Eilis Lacey has to choose between two men and two countries.
Brooklyn (2015 )
Inspired by the incredible events surrounding a treacherous attempt to reach the summit of the world's highest mountain, "Everest" documents the awe-inspiring journey of two different expeditions challenged beyond their limits by one of the fiercest snowstorms ever encountered by mankind. Their mettle tested by the harshest of elements found on the planet, the climbers will face nearly impossible obstacles as a lifelong obsession becomes a breathtaking struggle for survival.
Everest (2015 )
- Ilmainen
A coming of age drama following the life of Matt Hamill, the first deaf wrestler to win a National Collegiate Wrestling Championship.
The Hammer (2010 )
- Ilmainen
”Cornelis” is the unique chronicle about one of Sweden’s greatest music legends - Cornelis Vreeswijk. An honest and gripping account of an exceptionally talented, but self-destructive artist’s intense life both on and behind the stage. A man who during his whole life was searching for love and confirmation.
Cornelis (2010 )
A young woman's desperate search for her abducted boyfriend draws her into the infamous Colonia Dignidad, a sect nobody ever escaped from.
Colonia (2015 )