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Narra la historia de Marie de Régnier, una mujer libre e independiente que experimentó con su sexualidad a su vez que cosechó una prolífica carrera en el mundo de la literatura y la poesía. Coetánea de la también escritora Colette, Marie de Régnier se convirtió en una de las autoras más influyentes de la Francia de principios de siglo. Para pagar las deudas de su padre, Marie de Heredia se casa con el poeta Henri de Regnier, pero ella es la amante de Pierre Lou, un poeta que también es un erotómano y un gran viajero. Es con él con el que vivirá una iniciación al amor y el erotismo a través del vínculo fotográfico y literario que inventan juntos.
Curiosa (2019 )
Durante un período de 4 días, se produce una feroz batalla entre las milicias independentistas de Corea y las fuerzas japonesas en Manchuria, China. La milicia incluye a Hwang Hae Cheol, que es un maestro con la espada, y Lee Jang Ha, que es un experto tirador.
Batalla por la victoria (2019 )
Una de les batalles més desconegudes del Front Oriental de la Segona Guerra Mundial pren vida en aquest sorprenent film bèl·lic basat en la premiada novel·la de Vyacheslav Kondratyev. Després de diversos mesos de feroços combats, l'Exèrcit Roig finalment expulsa a l'enemic del llogaret d'Ovsyannikovo, però ha de pagar un preu molt alt: només queda un terç del personal de la companyia. Esgotats, els soldats esperen reforços, però arriba una ordre de la caserna general: mantenir el llogaret costi el que costi, el què equival a una sentència de mort. El comandant de la companyia s'enfronta a una elecció difícil: perdre la resta de la companyia, seguint una ordre del comandament sense sentit, o retirar a la seva gent del foc de morter, deixant les seves posicions, i acudir al tribunal.
1942: La gran ofensiva (2019 )
Una historia bíblica de la crucifixión de Cristo relatado por la visión de Barrabás, un criminal condenado a la crucifixión y perdonado por Poncio Pilato en una festividad judía.
Barrabás (2019 )
A Javanese royal and half-Dutch woman fall in love as Indonesia rises to independence from colonial rule.
This Earth of Mankind (2019 )
On the day Hitler assumes power, the German-Jewish Glickstein family come together for dinner. Most of them—like many Germans at the time—do not take the Nazis seriously. When Leah announces her plans to emigrate to Palestine, her family talks her down. But when Michael indicates he’s actually an admirer of the National Socialist Movement, the family is on the brink of being torn apart.
The Last Supper (2019 )
Portrait of Marceline Loridan-Ivens, a writer and filmmaker who survived the Holocaust.
Marceline. A Woman. A Century (2019 )
Featuring never-before-seen footage, concert performances and intimate interviews, filmmaker Ron Howard examines the life and career of famed opera tenor Luciano Pavarotti.
Pavarotti (2019 )
Philip Glass’ opera “Akhnaten”, premiered in Stuttgart in 1984, forms the third part of the portrait opera trilogy about personalities who have influenced the course of human history. The conclusion of the trilogy deals with the ancient Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten, who attempted to establish a kind of monotheistic cult around the god Aton during his reign in the 14th century BC, but failed due to the resistance of the priesthood. The production presented here was undoubtedly one of the very great successes of the 2019/20 season at New York’s Metropolitan Opera, due not only to the outstanding cast of singers (led by countertenor Anthony Roth Costanzo) but also to Phelim McDermott’s imaginative staging, which captivates with sometimes breathtaking imagery.
The Metropolitan Opera: Akhnaten (2019 )
2019 es el año de Elton John, con la llegada del éxito 'Rocketman'; su autobiografía y su tour final de despedida han logrado que todos las miradas recaigan en este genio musical. Descubre qué es lo que se necesitó para convertir a este tímido joven en Rocketman
Elton John La historia de Rocketman (2019 )
Discovered by an unlikely team of amateur historians 45 feet beneath a Kansas cornfield, the Steamboat Arabia is one of the best-preserved shipwrecks in American history. The treasures contained within painting a vivid picture of western expansion and the treacherous frontier.
Cornfield Shipwreck (2019 )
A film about the feat of 17 soldiers of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (now the National Guard), who died on April 7, 1995 on the Tajik-Afghan border while protecting the external borders of the CIS.
The Kazbat Soldiers (2019 )
This is the story of a young nobleman and knight Błażeja Wronowski set in 17th-century Poland. Błażej begins military education with Jan Jerlicz, a veteran of the Moscow War. Jerlicz returns to his homeland to at the urging of his former companion, Jerzy Wronowski, to train the young Błażej. It is a story of honor, bravery and combat seen through the eyes of a young knight growing up in the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
Born for the Saber (2019 )
Havildar Ishar Singh participó en la Batalla de Saragarhi en la que un ejército de 21 Sikhs luchó contra 10.000 afganos en 1897 y al mismo tiempo intentaba ganarse el respeto de su hija.
Kesari (2019 )
Durante la ocupación japonesa de Corea, estaba prohibido tanto hablar como enseñar coreano. Sin embargo, un grupo de personas se proponen publicar clandestinamente un diccionario.
The Secret Mission (2019 )
A true historical drama about King Sejong, the greatest ruler in Joseon history who sought to enhance national prosperity and military power through astronomy, and Jang Yeong-sil, the most remarkable scientist.
Forbidden Dream (2019 )
When Huh Saek decides to become a male gisaeng, he captivates countless women with his looks and talents but doubts the existence of true love — until he meets a girl with progressive ideas.
Homme Fatale (2019 )
Poco después del final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, un estafador en fuga se encuentra en una apasionada historia de amor que bien puede costarle la vida.
Tall Tales (2019 )
The 2008 election of Barack Obama led many to believe we had entered a post-racial America, one in which the nation's traumatic and painful history of racism had finally been erased. In the years since, it's become increasingly clear that the deep roots of racism and white supremacy continue to run through our political, cultural, and religious institutions. Based on interviews and current research, the documentary film White Savior explores the historic relationship between racism and American Christianity, the ongoing segregation of the church in the US, and the complexities of racial reconciliation. Featuring interviews with Lenny Duncan, Soong Chan Rah, Jacqueline Woodson, Jim Bear Jacobs, Dominique Gilliard, and more.
White Savior: Racism in The American Church (2019 )
In the 15th century, despite so many accomplishments he has made for the people, King Sejong, his biggest goal is still remaining; the invention of original letters that can be read and written by all the people. But courtiers who want to dominate the knowledge and the power, are against his will and discourage his belief. Frustrated King Sejong hears about a bonze Sinmi a phonogram expert, and secretly brings him in the palace.
The King's Letters (2019 )
National Geographic's riveting effort recounts all 12 crewed missions using only archival footage, photos and audio.
Apollo: Missions to the Moon (2019 )
A movie company comes to Oklahoma to convince legendary lawmen Bill Tilghman to star in a bank robbery silent film featuring real outlaws. Tilghman reluctantly agrees, not realizing everyone's lives will never be the same.
Bill Tilghman and the Outlaws (2019 )
The ancients hid the secrets of their incredible knowledge of astronomy in their temples and palaces, built to align with the sun, on the same day, all over the world. Revealing our species' obsession with the sun, across thousands of years and every continent, this is architectural magic on a cosmic scale.
Chasing the Equinox (2019 )
Amidst the rugged Oregon territory, Rising Free is a visual masterpiece that showcases the harrowing journey of a young woman running from the throes of prejudice. Taken in by a gracious pioneer family, she learns to stand in newfound hope but is soon tested by unforeseen tragedies. In a vast and unforgiving wilderness, she must embrace this foreign hope within or surrender to shadows of darkness that loom over her.
Rising Free (2019 )
En Kurt Barnert és un jove estudiant d'art a l'Alemanya de l'Est. Està enamorat de la seva companya de classe Ellie. El pare d'ella, el professor Seeband, un famós metge, no aprova la relació de la seva filla i està decidit a destruir-la.
L'ombra del passat (2018 )
Una historia sobre el peor ataque terrorista en la historia de Noruega, en el que 70 personas perdieron la vida. 22 de Julio es una mirada al desastre en si, a los supervivientes, al sistema político noruego y a los abogados que trabajaron en este horrible suceso.
22 de julio (2018 )
Basada en una historia real narra el romance entre Bert Trautmann (David Kross) un prisionero de guerra alemán y la joven inglesa Margaret (Freya Mavor), que vivieron una historia de amor en la que tuvieron que luchar contra los prejuicios, la hostilidad pública y la tragedia.
El portero (Trautmann) (2018 )
El Escuadrón 303, compuesto mayormente por soldados polacos, luchó contra los nazis en la Segunda Guerra Mundial en la conocida batalla de Inglaterra.
Escuadrón 303 (2018 )
La Kaja és una jove de 18 anys que es troba al campament d'estiu de l'illa noruega d'Utoya el 22 de juliol del 2011, un dels pitjors dies de la història recent de Noruega. Els joves acampats coneixen la notícia de l'explosió d'una bomba posada per un terrorista a Oslo, però desconeixen que Anders Breivik es troba a l'illa amb la intenció de matar indiscriminadament.
Utøya, 22 de juliol (2018 )
After marrying a successful Parisian writer known commonly as Willy, Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette is transplanted from her childhood home in rural France to the intellectual and artistic splendor of Paris. Soon after, Willy convinces Colette to ghostwrite for him. She pens a semi-autobiographical novel about a witty and brazen country girl named Claudine, sparking a bestseller and a cultural sensation. After its success, Colette and Willy become the talk of Paris and their adventures inspire additional Claudine novels.
Colette (2018 )
L’any 754 Europa es troba dividida entre les diferents tribus del nord i els francs. Aquests volen conquerir tot Europa per mitjà del cristianisme però s’hauran d’enfrontar al rei frisó Aldegisel.
La llegenda de Redbad (2018 )
Francia, 1809. El capitán Neuville es un gran seductor. Acaba de pedir la mano de la joven Pauline bajo la desconfiada mirada de la hermana mayor de ésta, Elisabeth. Sin embargo, Neuville es llamado a filas y Pauline deja de recibir noticias suyas. La joven se marchita con cada día que pasa y Elisabeth decide tomar la pluma y empezar una correspondencia con Pauline haciéndose pasar por Neuville, al que convierte en sus relatos en un verdadero héroe de guerra. El capitán acabará reapareciendo, muy a pesar de la joven.
Un seductor a la francesa (2018 )