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Programa de TV
Two-part documentary which deals with two of the deepest questions there are - what is everything, and what is nothing? Professor Jim Al-Khalili searches for an answer to these questions as he explores the true size and shape of the universe and delves into the amazing science behind apparent nothingness.
Everything and Nothing (2011 )
Programa de TV
The delicious documentary gives exclusive access to the world class shop in Brighton which produces over 7,500 cakes per year, charges up to £9,000 a piece and boasts Madonna, Davina McCall, Hugh Grant, Bob Geldoff, Kylie Minogue, Katie Price and the Scissor Sisters amongst its clientele. Choccywoccydoodah was even responsible for all the chocolate in Tim Burton’s movies including Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Alice in Wonderland.
Choccywoccydoodah (2011 )
Programa de TV
Series looking at the life-saving work of the Yorkshire Air Ambulance.
Helicopter ER (2016 )
- Gratis
Programa de TV
Cameras mounted on paramedics and inside their vehicles get closer than ever to the work of Britain's frontline life-savers.
Inside the Ambulance (2016 )
Programa de TV
És una batalla per la supervivència i la pressa per estar un pas endavant, un pas que pot ser la diferència entre la vida i la mort. I a mesura que surt el sol, la raça comença de nou, des dels depredadors més poderosos fins a les petites criatures que corren sota els peus. Tots i cadascun tenen l'instint de supervivència. Totes i cadascuna de les criatures han de córrer més de pressa i avançar-se al joc. Si no, les conseqüències poden ser fatals. A la Cursa de la Vida, no hi ha premis per estar en segon lloc.
La cursa de la vida (2016 )
Programa de TV
Climb into the cockpits of historic planes, and meet the craftsmen who dedicate their time to bring these aviation icons back to life.
Plane Resurrection (2016 )
Programa de TV
Diez casos de diez asesinos en serie que tenían todos la particularidad de que eran enfermeros y trabajaban en centros de salud de reconocido prestigio. Se ignora, en la mayoría de los casos, el número total de pacientes a los que asesinaron utilizando fármacos o venenos, conscientemente. No se trataba de casos de eutanasia, ni de mala praxis, sino, simplemente, de asesinos que habían elegido un lugar en el que podían fácilmente ocultar sus crímenes: un centro hospitalario en donde, inevitablemente, algunos pacientes morían.
Nurses Who Kill (2016 )
Programa de TV
Joann Fletcher presents the extraordinary story of Ancient Egypt, from its beginnings to the great pyramid builders and on, to the last of the pharaohs.
The Story of Egypt (2016 )
Programa de TV
Four-part series in which Waldemar Januszczak challenges the traditional view of art's most important epoch - the Renaissance.
The Renaissance Unchained (2016 )
Programa de TV
May 1945: With the end of the war and the surrender of the Third Reich, the world discovered the full horror of a genocidal system on a scale never before seen in the history of humanity. The elimination of millions of individuals had been meticulously planned by a regime whose organization and methods were just beginning to be understood.
Inside Hitler's Killing Machine (2016 )
Programa de TV
Monarchy is a Channel 4 British TV series, 2004-2006, by British academic David Starkey, charting the political and ideological history of the English monarchy from the Saxon period to modern times. The show also aired on PBS stations throughout the United States, courtesy of PBS-member station WNET. In Australia, all four seasons were broadcast on ABC1 from May 2005 onwards.
Monarchy (2004 )
- Gratis
Programa de TV
A look at some of the biggest enterprises in construction, civil engineering and manufacturing, showcasing man's continued ingenuity.
Supersize Structures (2016 )
Programa de TV
Serie que analiza todas las fabulosas obras de ingeniería realizadas con un inmenso esfuerzo económico y tecnológico, como el Eurotúnel, el Canal de Panamá, las plataformas petrolíferas del Mar del Norte, el metro londinense, etc. La serie muestra el lado de los visionarios y pioneros que emprendieron tales obras y las dificultades que tuvieron para superar todos los obstáculos.
Superestructuras (2004 )
Programa de TV
Ciencia al Desnudo es una serie de televisión documental estadounidense que se estrenó en 2004 en el National Geographic Channel y se extendió hasta noviembre de 2011. El programa presentó varios temas relacionados con la ciencia y la tecnología. Algunos de los puntos de vista expresados pueden considerarse marginales o pseudocientíficos, y algunos de los científicos pueden presentar opiniones que no han sido debidamente revisadas por pares o que no son ampliamente aceptadas en sus comunidades científicas, en particular sobre temas como el Triángulo de las Bermudas o la Atlántida. por ejemplo.
Ciencia al Desnudo (2004 )
This documentary explores the phenomenon of a one punch kill, by examining three different assaults: single hits with dire consequences, often in innocuous locations and circumstances
One Killer Punch (2016 )
An exhibit of Da Vinci's works traces the pathways of the great artist's mind.
Leonardo da Vinci: The Genius in Milan (2016 )
Programa de TV
Filmed around the world over a period of six months, Todd will take on some of the biggest challenges of his life as he embarks on an epic exploration, investigating some of the world’s most extraordinary people. He deconstructs and decodes how these incredible people live, what they do differently from the rest of us and how this impacts the human body.
Todd Sampson's Body Hack (2016 )
- Gratis
Planète chefs (2018 )
To escape the pressures of growing up, magic-obsessed kids congregate at the one place they can be themselves. They want to prove their worth on the same stage where superstar magicians like Blaine & Copperfield once performed. But to get there, they need to learn more than sleight of hand & tricks of the trade. They have to find the magic inside.
Magic Camp (2012 )
- Gratis
Erwin Rommel fue el general más famoso de Alemania y el único oficial del Ejército de Hitler que tuvo el honor de ser un militar admirado y respetado en todo el planeta. Por si fuera poco, gracias a sus habilidades de estratega, su valor personal y una ambivalente posición con respecto al régimen nazi, Rommel terminó convirtiéndose en un mito del capítulo más oscuro de la historia reciente de Alemania. En el film se muestra al famoso militar como un hombre débil, desgarrado por su lealtad a Hitler y consciente de que, al mismo tiempo, estaba sacrificando la vida de sus soldados para servir a un demonio que había perdido todo el contacto con la realidad que vivía su país y su ejército
Rommel (2012 )
- Gratis
In his lifetime Haydn achieved a degree of fame that easily surpassed that of Mozart and Beethoven. In Search of Haydn is an intricate portrait of Haydn's life told through performances and interviews from today's most admired classical musicians.
In Search of Haydn (2012 )
- Gratis
There is one vibratory field that connects all things. It has been called Akasha, Logos, the primordial OM, the music of the spheres, the Higgs field, dark energy, and a thousand other names throughout history. The vibratory field is at the root of all true spiritual experience and scientific investigation. It is the same field of energy that saints, Buddhas, yogis, mystics, priests, shamans and seers, have observed by looking within themselves. Many of history's monumental thinkers, such a Pythagoras, Kepler, Leonardo DaVinci, Tesla, and Einstein, have come to the threshold of this great mystery. It is the common link between all religions, all sciences, and the link between our inner worlds and our outer worlds.
Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds (2012 )
"Alan Turing: Trencant els codis" és un documental dramatitzat que fa servir emotives i atractives reconstruccions per recrear vívidament fragments de la trajectòria de Turing. Les seqüències dramatitzades se centren en les sessions de teràpia en què Turing va participar durant els últims 18 mesos de la seva vida. Turing es va sotmetre voluntàriament a psicoteràpia amb un analista jueu alemany. El Dr. Franz Greenbaum havia fugit de Berlín amb la seva jove família l'any 1939 escapant-se pels pèls dels nazis. A diferència de la majoria dels psiquiatres i psicoanalistes de l'època, el Dr. Greenbaum havia contribuït a aclarir algunes qüestions al voltant de l'homosexualitat. Greenbaum es va interessar també per la tasca matemàtica de Turing, de tal manera que la relació pacient-terapeuta va esdevenir finalment, amb el temps, una forta amistat.
Alan Turing. trencant els codis (2012 )
- Gratis
“La realidad supera a la ficción”, reflexiona un entrevistado en este increíble relato de tiempos de guerra. Cuando la Segunda Guerra Mundial estaba llegando a su fin, la Oficina de Servicios Estratégicos de EEUU entrenó y lanzó en paracaídas a dos refugiados judíos y un desertor alemán en la Austria ocupada por los nazis. A través de vívidos relatos en primera persona, representaciones, imágenes de archivo y comentarios aprendidos, la película revela cómo sus esfuerzos interrumpieron una ruta vital de suministro entre Alemania y el frente italiano para lograr la rendición de Innsbruck a las Fuerzas Aliadas. Su increíble aventura tiene un final que supera a cualquier película de Hollywood... una historia tan poderosa que se convirtió en la base del mega éxito de Quentin Tarantino.
Los auténticos malditos bastardos (2012 )
- Gratis
In 1921, in the Danish town of Egtved, on the Jutland peninsula, was discovered one of the most important Bronze Age burial sites: the tomb of a girl who lived around 1370 BCE. Who was that girl and what was her daily life like?
The Egtved Girl (2018 )
Una serie de reconocidos expertos analizarán el uso generalizado de drogas y los efectos que pudieron tener sobre Hitler, sus soldados y la propia guerra.
Las drogas de la Alemania nazi (2018 )
Programa de TV
Four kings from the House of Stuart sat on the English throne from 1603 to 1688. It was a time of great religious struggle and political instability. The Gunpowder Plot nearly wiped out King James I. The Thirty Years War broke out on the continent. A civil war erupted which led to the public beheading of King Charles I and the birth of a commonwealth headed by Oliver Cromwell. London was ravaged by the plague and the Great Fire of London. Throughout this series we look at the reign of the Stuarts through the powerful Wynn family at Gwydir Castle in North Wales, one of the best time capsules from that era. The story of the Wynn family reflects the turbulent history of this Stuart era. They had close connections with this new royal house and their status would rise and fall with the successes and failures of Stuart rule.
The Stuarts: A Bloody Reign (2018 )
Programa de TV
Amb el pas del temps, el coneixement que tenim del passat es va definint i també evoluciona. Tot i això, per saber la veritat, de vegades, cal fer trontollar certeses i interpretar els fets proposant i posant sobre la taula altres perspectives i visions. Per això, aquesta sèrie documental revisa els prejudicis que nodreixen la visió que s'ha format sobre personalitats, esdeveniments clau o períodes concrets de la història. La finalitat d'aquesta producció és aportar més informació, recordar elements oblidats o ocults i oferir una perspectiva diferent per tal de revisar la veracitat dels nostres coneixements.
La història entre bastidors (2019 )
Programa de TV
These are the stories of those who lived through Hitler's Germany. They are the lucky who survived to tell their stories, whether they were persecuted Jews or the Reich's harassed opeposition. Told only with archival documents, this series is a deeply moving account of Germany and the Third Reich through the eyes of the oppressed, as they watched their country as it was crushed by dictatorship.
My Life in Hitler's Germany (2017 )
Sex Revolutions (2018 )
Hasta hoy, la física solo puede explicar el 5% del universo, por estar éste compuesto de átomos, como todo lo que conocemos. Del resto, esa llamada materia oscura, invisible o fantasma, solo se sabe que existe por los efectos que provoca en el universo pero se desconoce su origen y naturaleza.
El misterio de la materia oscura (2012 )
- Gratis
Wall Street is being occupied. Europe is collapsing in on itself. Around the world, people are consumed by fear and anger, and one question is on everyone's lips: Is the financial crisis over, or are we headed towards economic disaster? documentary that chronicles the global financial collapse. Told in an entertaining and easy to follow style, the film tells the story of how the world came to be in such a state, from the seeds sown after WW2, to the current troubles facing us today, and to the possible future that may await us all. Also asks influential members of the finance and investment communities for their predictions on the world's financial future.
End of the Road: How Money Became Worthless (2012 )