Transmite en México
Atrapa lo último y lo mejor en películas y programas de televisión en MUBI.
A tribute to the controversial black activist and leader of the struggle for black liberation. He hit bottom during his imprisonment in the '50s, he became a Black Muslim and then a leader in the Nation of Islam. His assassination in 1965 left a legacy of self-determination and racial pride.
Malcolm X (1992 )
Narra la amistad y desventuras de tres curiosos artistas sin blanca en el París bohemio. Marcel, un escritor sin trabajo que se dedica a recoger botellas vacías, Rodolfo, un pintor albanés sin papeles, y Schaunard, un compositor irlandés. Los tres intentan sobrevivir a su mala situación económica ayudándose mutuamente.
La vida de bohemia (1992 )
- Gratis
Uns delinqüents professionals que no es coneixen entre ells i que es mantenen a l'anonimat darrere de noms de colors (senyor Rosa, senyor Blanc, senyor Taronja...) han preparat minuciosament el robatori a una joieria. En el moment de l'atracament apareix inesperadament la policia i es produeix una massacre. Tot fa sospitar que hi ha un traïdor infiltrat. Reunits a porta tancada dins d'un vell magatzem abandonat, els supervivents s'enfrontaran entre ells decidits a descobrir qui els ha conduït a aquesta situació límit.
Reservoir dogs (1992 )
Un antic cantant de rock ha estat brutalment assassinat. L'última vegada que se'l va veure estava acompanyat per la seva novia. A la comissaria, al departament d'Afers Interns, Nick Curran rep l'encàrrec de vigilar Catherine Tromell, la suposada núvia assassina.
Instint bàsic (1992 )
In an outer-world night, creatures that live beneath human consciousness emerge and take hold of the narrator, dissecting his spirit and dismembering his thoughts. He beholds a mythical eternity filled with shadowy industrial scenes and monochrome textures—a heavenly hell of unending life and death.
Visitation (2013 )
Dahai, minero exasperado por la corrupción de los dirigentes de su pueblo, decide pasar a la acción. San'er, un trabajador emigrante, descubre las infinitas posibilidades que le ofrece su arma. Xiaoyu, recepcionista en una sauna, no soporta más el acoso de un cliente rico. Xiaohui pasa de un trabajo a otro en condiciones cada vez más degradantes. Cuatro personajes, cuatro provincias, una reflexión sobre China contemporánea: una sociedad con un desarrollo económico colosal poco a poco erosionado por la violencia. (FILMAFFINITY)
Un toque de violencia (2013 )
Brent Magna, un piloto de coches de carreras, tiene que afrontar una difícil misión cuando su mujer es secuestrada. Solo cuenta con la ayuda de una joven hacker, y su única esperanza de salvar a su mujer es seguir las órdenes de la voz misteriosa que vigila todos sus movimientos mediante cámaras montadas en el coche que conduce Brent.
Tiempo en Contra (2013 )
An aspiring dancer moves to New York City and becomes caught up in a whirlwind of flighty fair-weather friends, diminishing fortunes and career setbacks.
Frances Ha (2013 )
Two highway road workers spend the summer of 1988 away from their city lives. The isolated landscape becomes a place of misadventure as the men find themselves at odds with each other and the women they left behind.
Prince Avalanche (2013 )
In a torrid summer day in Bucharest, the priest Florin Florescu is called to a dying woman's side for saying a prayer.
Shadow of a Cloud (2013 )
A documentary about a group of pilgrims who travel to Nepal to worship at the legendary Manakamana temple.
Manakamana (2013 )
Isabella Rossellini is convinced that, in the maternal animal world, anything goes. 'Mammas,' a series of short videos, has Rossellini playing the role of nine different animals to show the viewer that some mothers lie, are polygamous, and walk out on their animal children all the time.
Mammas (2013 )
En Mumbai, cada día, miles de amas de casa envían la comida a sus maridos a su lugar de trabajo a través de un eficiente y específico sistema de transporte. Un error en una de estas entregas pone en contacto a una joven con un hombre anodino. Juntos van construyendo un mundo de fantasía a través de notas que acompañan a la comida, lo que supone una amenaza para la vida real de cada uno. Esta película habla de la diferencia entre la vida que soñamos y la que vivimos, y del coraje que hace falta para convertir en realidad nuestras fantasías.
The Lunchbox (2013 )
After murdering his wife, Horacio runs away with his lover, Lucrecia. Hidden in a cabin in the country, they try to maintain their love, which is impossible to sustain. Desperation and guilt force them to face their own limits.
January (2013 )
El Dover i els Birch són dues famílies veïnes que es reuneixen per celebrar el dia d'Acció de Gràcies. Després de dinar, descobreixen amb horror que les filles petites dels dos matrimonis han desaparegut després d'haver estat jugant al carrer a prop d'una misteriosa autocaravana. L'inspector de policia encarregat del cas trobarà estranys vincles entre la desaparició de les menors i altres casos de segrestos de nens i haurà de fer front a la incomprensió del pare d'una de les nenes, un home profundament religiós que decidirà actuar pel seu compte caient en una espiral d'autodestrucció.
Presoners (2013 )
B For Boy is a contemporary drama set in Nigeria, about one woman's desperate need for a male child; which reveals the discrimination of women in the names of culture and religion.
B for Boy (2013 )
The film opens in October 2007 with Aurélien Bouvier, known as "Mouton" (Sheep), who is 17 years old. It was his destiny that the young Mouton would live his simple life as a seaside restaurant employee for three years and that he would be torn away from this life after a tragic night at the Sainte-Anne ball.
Sheep (2013 )
Marina, 23, is growing up with her architect father in a prototype factory town by the sea. Finding the human species strange and repellent, she keeps her distance...that is until a stranger comes to town and challenges her to a foosball duel, on her own table. Her father, meanwhile, ritualistically prepares for his exit from the 20th century, which he considers to be "overrated."
Attenberg (2010 )
L'oncle Boonmee, agricultor tailandès dedicat a l'apicultura, pateix una greu insuficiència renal crònica. Conscient que li resta poc temps de vida, reuneix al seu voltant els familiars més propers: la seva cunyada Jen i el seu nebot Tong. L'acompanya també Jaai, immigrant provinent de Laos que ha esdevingut el seu home de confiança i infermer.
L’oncle Boonmee recorda les seves vides anteriors (2010 )
Isabella Rossellini’s follow-up to her one-of-a-kind GREEN PORNO delves further into the surprising, eccentric mating rituals of the animal, marine, and insect worlds. From the anything-goes free love practiced by the creatively kinky dolphin to the startlingly violent reproductive methods of the humble bedbug, Rossellini—aided by colorful costumes and imaginative puppetry—invites us to see sex, our fellow creatures, and perhaps ourselves in a whole new way.
Seduce Me (2010 )
- Gratis
La historia gira en torno a la relación entre una criada y el marido de la familia que la ha contratado, creando un ambiente malsano en la casa. Remake de la considerada una de las mejores películas surcoreanas de la historia, aclamada por críticos y cineastas como Martin Scorsese, "The Housemaid" (Kim Ki-young, 1960).
La criada (Hanyo) (2010 )
In the eyes of a foreigner practically any street of Mexico City’s Centro Histórico holds potential for a film. Life on the street deserves more than just the natural condition of observer anyone could have, it demands an extra attention. In a 100-meter radius, the sociological exuberance of the events going on is simply impossible to ignore. The street is a mise en scène in itself.
Lopez Street (2013 )
Paolo es un borrachín infeliz deseoso de recuperar a su esposa, que ahora está con otro. De repente irrumpe en su vida Zoran, de 15 años, pariente que proviene de una tía lejana eslovena. “Pero, ¿es tonto?”, pregunta Paolo al notario mirando al joven. La principal cualidad de Zoran es que es infalible con los dardos. Tras una prueba en un club de dardos esloveno, Paolo ve en ese talento una oportunidad de negocio que podría cambiar su vida. Este insoportable chaval medio autista del Este, que él sigue llamando Zagor, podría hacerle rico si ganase los 60.000 euros del premio principal del campeonato mundial de dardos de Glasgow. (FILMAFFINITY)
Zoran, mi sobrino tonto (2013 )
As George Antheil's avant-garde composition "Ballet Mecanique (1952 revision)" plays, a dizzying array of abstract paintings are captured in close-up, spun around, and rapidly edited together. Grotesque and frightening creatures start to emerge through the flickering shapes and patterns.
Pinball (2013 )
Erasmo Chambi is a Bolivian immigrant who survives on the outskirts of Buenos Aires, giving wrestling shows at local clubs. In his home country, he was a legendary wrestler: there were trading cards, posters and action figures of his character, El Ciclón (The Cyclone), which today are only relics in a forgotten drawer. Nowadays he trains his son to be his successor.
La Paz in Buenos Aires (2013 )
En una aldea remota en el noroeste de Rusia, un asilo mental está situado en una antigua casa de madera. El lugar y sus habitantes parecen ser intocables por la civilización. En este entorno prístino ninguna voz humana articulada se oye, y el dolor se silencia. Visualmente poética y muy inquietante, la narrativa opta por una exploración psicológica de la Rusia rural antes de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Letter (2013 )
En el Vietnam rural del siglo XIX, la joven May, de 14 años, se convierte en la tercera esposa del adinerado hacendado Hung. Pronto aprenderá que solo puede mejorar su posición reafirmándose como una mujer capaz de dar a luz a un varón. Cuando se queda embarazada, las esperanzas que tiene May de ascender en la escala social se convierten en una tentadora posibilidad. Enfrentada al amor prohibido y a sus devastadoras consecuencias, May finalmente comienza a aceptar la brutal verdad: sus opciones son escasas y limitadas.
La tercera esposa (2019 )
- Gratis
Seventeen-year-old Carlos doesn't fit in anywhere, not in his family nor with the friends he has chosen in school. But everything changes when he is invited to a mythical nightclub where he discovers the underground LGBTQ nightlife scene: punk, sexual liberty and drugs.
This Is Not Berlin (2019 )
Trinh, a mercenary, must complete a series of organized crime jobs for her boss in order to win the release of her kidnapped daughter. She hires several mercenaries to help, including Quan, who she becomes attracted to. Trinh and Quan's relationship becomes complicated as it becomes evident that their motivations are not the same.
Clash (2009 )
Federico, in his mid-20s, lives alone in Buenos Aires. The day his grandmother dies, he decides to part with his girlfriend. He fears hurting her. However, she is laid-back, feisty and not even close to feeling hurt. He begins obsessing over her unexpected reaction—but then he meets someone else.
Shakti (2019 )
An adaptation of Michelangelo Antonioni’s notes on un-made films published in “That Bowling Alley on the Tiber.” Starring French film critic Philippe Azoury in the role of “The Critic.”
The Makes (2009 )
- Gratis
A television switches on. A mind snaps. A man discovers his murdered wife. As he stares at her lifeless body, the events leading to her death play before him, like in a movie. HERE follows the journey of He Zhiyuan, a middle-aged man who struggles to make sense of his reality. Reeling from the sudden death of his wife, he loses the will to speak and is interned at Island Hospital. There, he meets strident kleptomaniac Beatrice with whom he forms an inexplicable bond. As He adjusts to life within, he is selected for an experimental treatment, which forces him to confront the devastating truth behind his past, present, and future. Meanwhile, a filmmaker visits Island Hospital to document the lives of the staff and patients.
Here (2009 )