Transmite en México
Atrapa las últimas y mejores películas y series de televisión de 1996.
- Gratis
Urmel (1996 )
- Gratis
Programa de TV
Crímenes reales, brotes de enfermedades y accidentes en todo el mundo son resueltos por expertos utilizando análisis de laboratorio científicos que les ayudan a encontrar pruebas que antes eran indetectables. Un brillante trabajo científico ayuda a condenar a los culpables y liberar a los inocentes
Crímenes Imperfectos (1996 )
- Gratis
Programa de TV
The New Detectives: Case Studies in Forensic Science is a documentary true crime television show that aired two to three different cases in forensic science per episode.
The New Detectives (1996 )
- Gratis
Programa de TV
From the Battle of Britain to the Dresden bombings, some of the most intense combat of World War II occurred in the airspaces over Europe. This multi-volume box set offers a comprehensive account of the aircraft that helped bring the Allies to victory, including the B-17 Flying Fortress, the B-24 Liberator, the P-51 Mustang, and many more.
Warbirds of World War II (1996 )
- Gratis
Otra adaptación sobre El Jorobado de Notre Dame, esta vez adaptada por Golden Films
Cuentos encantados: El Jorobado de Notre Dame (1996 )
- Gratis
En el mundo de la Gran Pradera, la diminuta Pulgarcita vivía muy ocupada con sus numerosos asuntos. Entre tanto y sin saberlo, Pulgarcito, el caballero favorito del poderoso rey Richard, vivía en un castillo cercano. Cuando Medwin, el malvado hijo del rey, planea derribar el Gran Prado, Pulgarcito y Pulgarcita finalmente se conocen.Ahora con los temibles caballeros negros de Medwin galopando tras ellos, su única esperanza de salvar la pradera, será una cómica y animada corte de hadas encantadas y un insólito animal.
Pulgarcito y Pulgarcita (1996 )
- Gratis
Un grupo de adolescentes libera accidentalmente un espíritu que comienza a poseerles uno por uno.
Black Mask (1996 )
- Gratis
In the alien-western world of Oblivion, a suave, yet lethal bounty hunter named Sweeney arrives to arrest the seductive outlaw Lash on multiple charges, including murder. Lash, who just "inherited" a mine of Derconium (the most valuable mineral in the universe) from Crowley in a game of cards, meets up with Redeye's brother, Jaggar, who wants the mine for himself to rule the galaxy. It's a fight over Lash between the sheriff of Oblivion, Jaggar, and Sweeney. But who will emerge victorious?
Oblivion 2: Backlash (1996 )
Acabats els estudis universitaris, Tom Thompson no és capaç de trobar una feina, una núvia o una casa lluny de la seva mare, que viu a Brooklyn. Envoltat pels millors amics de la seva joventut, Tom descobreix de cop i volta el seu amor per Julie DeMarco, una companya d'estudis. Quan sembla que la sort comença a canviar, rep la misteriosa trucada telefònica d'una dona, que li pregunta si vol portar el taüt al funeral d'un dels seus amics de la infància.
Un amic desconegut (1996 )
- Gratis
Un recluso mantiene correspondencia con Elaine. Ambos tienen en común la soledad. Ella, que permanece soltera, ha entregado su vida al cuidado de su padre enfermo y no es feliz. Dentro de unos días, Charles saldrá de la carcel.
La liberación de Elaine (1996 )
Isaac Geldhart is a Holocaust survivor who, overcome by grief at the recent death of his wife, seems determined to run his publishing firm into the ground by printing books that have no hope of financial success. His son Aaron, who also works at the company, grows frustrated with Isaac's emotional decline and attempts to take over the firm. The resulting crisis involves Isaac's other two children, his daughter Sarah and his dying son Martin.
L’essència del foc (1996 )
- Gratis
Programa de TV
Los protagonistas pertenecen a un cuerpo de élite encargados de velar por la seguridad de estos circuitos. Para ello deberán enfrentarse a robos, extorsiones, fugitivos y todo tipo de delincuentes que huyen de las ciudades.
Alerta Cobra (1996 )
- Gratis
Tres desesperados delincuentes, Doctor, Treintaidós y Bisturí, llevan a cabo un precipitado robo matando a varías personas, pero su vehículo queda destrozado en un encontronazo con la policía. En su desesperación, huyen a un garaje para apropiarse de otro coche y toman como rehén a María, una inocente transeúnte. Pese a que la policía les permite huir, los criminales saben que no tardarán en atraparlos. Es por esta razón, que al llegar a un semáforo en rojo secuestran un nuevo vehículo. Su conductor, Ricardo, es obligado a servirles de chófer. Él tiene que llevar a su hijo enfermo al hospital, pero los asesinos no se lo van a permitir.
Semáforo rojo (1996 )
Phil Collins, with members of his band, together with conductor Quincy Jones and special guests including Tony Bennett, David Sanborn and members of the WDR Big Band, play several of Collins' songs in jazz arrangements, both as a solo artist and with Genesis, as well as jazz standards and covers.
The Phil Collins Big Band - Live at Montreux 1996 (1996 )
- Gratis
Still unaware that her new friend is Prince Charles, Cinderella must help him uncover the evil Duke Zaral's plot to overthrow the Kingdom. In order to seize power, the Duke plans to have Charles marry his daughter. When Charles refuses, the Duke hopes to ultimately eliminate the Prince by creating a double of him. Cinderella and Charles rush to thwart the Duke's evil plans before it's too late!
Cinderella: Conspiracy at the Emerald Castle (1996 )
One by One, the musicians climb on stage and take their places: B.B. king, Eric Clapton, Buddy guy, Robert Cray, Bonnie Raitt, Jimmie Vaughan, Dr, john and Art Neville. Vaughan, standing at center stage, launches into "Six Strings Down," A moving tribute to his late brother, Stevie Ray, whose memory has drawn this group together. The guitarists fall in, each finding a corner of the song to call their own; King plays fills to Clapton's solo, Cray fires off economical, chiming counterpoint to Raitt's stinging slide, and Guy unleashes piercing single-notes bends to answer Vaughan, who's finger-picking the main theme on his battered Stratocaster. Suddenly, the song blasts into the stratosphere, a gorgeous mosaic of clarion guitar tones.
A Tribute to Stevie Ray Vaughan (1996 )
Santiago wakes up like any other morning. He goes down to the kitchen and his whole family is waiting for him: it's his birthday. They all sing "Happy Birthday to You" and give him presents. But when he opens the present of his youngest son, he gets angry and says he doesn't like it. The boy starts crying and saying that he loves him, but Santiago answers that he doesn't believe him and he tells the boy that he is fired and that he wants another son, who is thinner, who doesn't need glasses and who resembles him more. Written by Pablo Montoya
Family (1996 )
- Gratis
Her name conjures up beauty, grace, talent and style. One of the greatest actresses of her time, she is best remembered for a natural and vulnerable persona which was so genuine and alluring. Her cinematic contributions produced such classics as "Casablanca," "Gaslight" and "Anastasia." But Ingrid's story goes deeper than the triumphs of her movie career.
Ingrid Bergman Remembered (1996 )
Programa de TV
The Cybersix Live-Action Television Series is the first adaptation of the comic book series. It is loosely based on the comics. It debuted in Argentina on 1996.
Cybersix (1996 )
Gabriela, ja des de petita, estava fascinada per tot allò que era prohibit i que terroritzava als altres. Ara mostra desitjos no només d'entendre la mort, sinó també de sentir la seva presència, notar la seva essència i experimentar el seu horror. Però la fascinació de Gabriela es tornarà una obsessió quan segueixi la pista de l'assassí en sèrie "Sang Blava", al que la policia encara no ha aconseguit detenir. Gabriela intentarà per tots els mitjans trobar la manera d'estar a prop del seu crim més recent... Violenta extensió d'un curtmetratge realitzat pel mateix director. Quentin Tarantino va veure curt el seu treball del 1991 i va finançar el rodatge del llargmetratge.
Tu assassina que nosaltres netejarem la sang (1996 )
Any 1872. Isabel Archer és una jove nord-americana que viu a Anglaterra amb uns parents. No vol comprometre's amb cap home fins haver conegut totes les possibilitats que la vida li pot oferir. Després de la mort del seu oncle, hereta una gran fortuna que us permetrà viatjar i tenir noves experiències.
Retrat d'una dama (1996 )
A spoiled young rich girl rebels against her parents by becoming a call girl. However, one night she arrives at a hotel for a "rendezvous" with a client and discovers to her horror that he is none other than her father.
The Ultimate Lie (1996 )
Story about a runner whose bulimia and anorexia threatens both her dream of competing in the Olympics and her marriage to Denver's mayor.
Dying to Be Perfect: The Ellen Hart Pena Story (1996 )
Thanks to a roommate's practical joke, bookish college student Joanna Halbert finds herself signed up with a Malibu-based escort service which promises her big money and an easy ride. Instead, she becomes entangled in a web of corruption, sleaze, and violence.
Co-ed Call Girl (1996 )
When two sisters can no longer go on living with the painful memory of their baby sister being murdered 37 years ago by their stepmother, together they try to uncover the truth.
A Promise to Carolyn (1996 )
Beth Bradfield (Patty Duke) is a housewife with what appears to be a stable life in an American village. One day, her 24-year-old daughter Lori (Tracey Gold), who is married to Jesse Molina (Maurice Benard) and recently gave birth to his daughter Molly (Laura and Megan Jaime), unexpectedly collapses and is hospitalized. After several tests, she is diagnosed with leukemia. Her doctor (Erick Avari) reveals to Beth that Lori is in urgent need of a donor, though her rare blood type makes finding one a difficult task.
To Face Her Past (1996 )
Harry Gordini is on his way to Italy for a holiday with his family. On his way he accidentally picks up the wrong suitcase which holds in it hundreds of millions worth of new superdrug. Now the drugdealers want the drugs back and kidnap Harry's wife and son. But unfortunately Harry isn't just anyone, he's an ex-Navy SEAL and veteran of the Gulf war, code named "Wolverine". He successfully rescues his wife and kid from the drugdealers, but unfortunately their problems aren't yet over. Adolfo Jones, the head of the crime organisation, is still at large, and he's being helped by couple of dirty DEA-agents. Once again the drugdealer Jones is able to kidnap his son. So everything must come down to a final showdown between the "Wolverine" and Jones...
Code Name: Wolverine (1996 )
- Gratis
Dying doctor Jonathan Lyle's last wish is granted, to be young again and play baseball, but only for five days.
The Last Home Run (1996 )
Drama based on the life of Eva Peron, an obscure actress, who rose to become wife of Argentine strong-man President Juan Peron and one of the most powerful figures in Argentina until her death in 1952 at age 33.
Eva Perón (1996 )
- Gratis
El 1936, a Barcelona, en ple esclat de la Guerra Civil, les milicianes Pilar i Floren coneixen l'exprostituta Charo i la novícia María, que s'havia amagat en un bordell per fugir de la violència revolucionària contra el clero. Enmig de l'entusiasme general de la revolució, la Pilar i les seves companyes s'han d'enfrontar a la profunda desigualtat de gènere que els complica la participació en la guerra contra el bàndol nacional. Fins i tot troben resistència dins de la seva pròpia organització, Dones Lliures, on hi ha veus que les intenten convèncer perquè treballin a les fàbriques en comptes de combatre, mentre que els líders del bàndol republicà no les volen entre els soldats perquè les consideren una nosa. La Pilar i les seves companyes, però, persistiran en l'intent d'arribar al front i agafar les armes per defensar els seus ideals.
Llibertàries (1996 )
"Cilantro y perejil" is a comedy about couples from the same family, hit by the economic crisis in Mexico. The plot turns around the eternal question of whether it is worth it to live as a couple. The conclusions are fun, unpredictable and very human. After ending a ten-year marriage, Carlos and Susana try to fall in love with other people without success. As the days go by, Carlos realizes that without Susana he is unable to do many things, including distinguishing cilantro from parsley.
Recipes to Stay Together (1996 )
Cuando una pareja llega a su casa, Toyama y su mujer, Yoko, se encuentran que ha sido invadida por Gosekai, un teniente del jefe yakuza Aihara, y sus hombres, Toyana sólo puede mirar como los yakuza violan a su mujer, sin que pueda hacer nada al respecto. Incapaz de vivir con ello, Yoko se acaba ahorcando. Toyama se hace una espada y va en busca de Aihara y sus hombres, pero no sabe muy bien por donde empezar. Un robo en una joyería le dará las primeras pistas para encontrar a los culpables y conocerá a cinco mujeres que le ayudarán a encontrarlos.
Gonin 2 (1996 )