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Explora una amplia biblioteca de películas y series de diversos géneros.
Programa de TV
Jericho is an American action/drama series that centers on the residents of the fictional town of Jericho, Kansas, in the aftermath of nuclear attacks on 23 major cities in the contiguous United States.
Jericho (2006 )
Després de lluitar perquè Califòrnia es converteixi en un estat de la Unió, el Zorro ha de complir la promesa que li va fer a la seva dona Elena: abandonar la seva identitat secreta i portar una vida normal amb ella.
La llegenda del Zorro (2005 )
Un grupo de proscritos se une para intentar acabar con el magnate local del pueblo, Driscoll, un hombre que tiene bajo su control a la gente del pueblo, a los bancos y al alcalde. Cuando la banda decide robarle el dinero que tiene guardado en el banco, Driscoll contrata a un grupo de cazadores de recompensas para intentar expulsar a los proscritos. (FILMAFFINITY)
Justicia y venganza (2005 )
Programa de TV
There’s a claw-fisted, genocidal maniac terrorizing the planet of endless illusion, and only Van, a tight-lipped loner in a jet black tuxedo, can bring the scoundrel to justice. Armed with his shape-shifting sword and a mechanized suit of armor, Van hunts the villain who murdered his one true love. With any luck, he’ll find the man he seeks before the sun sets on civilization.
Gun x Sword (2005 )
When her sister is killed by a band of outlaws, Mei Ling must gather an all-new group of sexy, female gunslingers to avenge the death of one of their own. As the tension hits a fever pitch, the girls will do WHATEVER IT TAKES to right the wrong that has been done. War has been declared and with their backs up against the wall, it's Ride or Die! Written by Gregory Louis Carter
Ride Sweet Die Slow (2005 )
Año 1890. A Frank T. Hopkins (Viggo Mortensen), un legendario soldado de caballería, se le considera el mejor jinete del Far West, a pesar de lo cual se ve obligado a trabajar en el circo de Buffalo Bill. Un día recibe una oferta de un jeque árabe (Omar Sharif), propietario de caballos de pura raza, que puede ayudarle a recuperar su dignidad y prestigio: Frank y su caballo Hidalgo son invitados a participar en una carrera conocida como el Océano de Fuego, una prueba de supervivencia de 3.000 millas a través del desierto de Arabia. Basada en un hecho real.
Océanos de fuego (Hidalgo) (2004 )
A Nou Mèxic, a finals del segle XIX, la Maggie és una dona lluitadora que viu sola amb dues filles, la Lilly i la Dot. Samuel Jones, el pare de la Maggie, va abandonar-la quan ella era una nena i ha viscut més de vint anys integrat en una tribu d'indis apatxes. Jones torna i busca reconciliar-se amb la seva família, però la Maggie no en vol saber res. Al cap de poc, la Lilly desapareix, segrestada per un grup d'homes que rapten nenes i les venen com a esclaves a Mèxic. Aleshores la Maggie demanarà ajuda al seu pare i tots dos faran l'impossible per rescatar la Lilly.
Desaparicions (2003 )
Seqüela de les aventures viscudes al salvatge oest per la peculiar parella formada per Chon Wang (Jackie Chan) i Roy O'Bannon (Owen Wilson). Corre l'any 1887 quan un xinès rebel assassina el pare de Chong i escapa a Anglaterra, Chon i Roy s'encaminen a Londres a la recerca de venjança. Mentrestant, la germana de Chon, que també vol venjar-se, ensopega amb el que sembla una conspiració contra la família reial.
Els rebels de Shanghai (2003 )
Basada en hechos reales, narra cómo el general revolucionario Pancho Villa (Antonio Banderas), necesitado de dinero para financiar la revolución, tiene una curiosa idea: ofrece a un grupo de cineastas norteamericanos acceso para filmar a su ejército.
Presentando a Pancho Villa (2003 )
“A Pioneer Miracle” tells the story of 8-year-old Belle Richards, who, after disobeying her father’s counsel, finds herself and her brother in serious danger. With divine intervention, the pair survive a terrible rockslide, imprinting on Belle a lifelong lesson of faith, prayer, and the importance of obedience.
A Pioneer Miracle: In The Arms of Angels (2003 )
Se buscan II, el tesoro de la hacienda (2003 )
A gang of women wreak vengeance upon the society that failed them.
Hooded Angels (2002 )
The exciting tale of Don Diego Vega, a lazy young aristocrat in early California living a secret life as Zorro, the mysterious masked avenger and, defender of the oppressed. Zorro appears when least expected by the authorities, always bearing a sure sword, a swift horse, and a wicked sense of humor. Based on "The Curse of Capistrano," the story that established Zorro as an international hero.
The Amazing Zorro (2002 )
J.T. Hope, a former police officer and marine, owner of a ranch called "Circle Hope Ranch" decides to start a program for troubled teens on his ranch to help rehabilitate them and help them get out of the life of crime, drugs and other bad things. Hope starts the program and 3 boys are brought in to the new program. J.T. has 2 good friends who work with him on the ranch, Shorty, and Colt Webb, a former juvenile delinquent who was given a second chance with the help of J.T. Hope.
Hope Ranch (2002 )
En medio de una acalorada batalla durante la Guerra Civil americana, tres soldados de la Unión y tres soldados Confederados se separan de sus unidades y vagan solos por el páramo hasta que se encuentran poco antes del anochecer. Inconscientes de sus diferencias políticas, los seis soldados agotados empiezan a forjar una amistad, compartiendo el alimento, la conversación. No es hasta el amanecer que los soldados ven los uniformes y comprenden que son enemigos.
Wicked Spring (2002 )
Ten years after the Civil War has ended, the Governor of Texas asks Leander McNelly to form a company of Rangers to help uphold the law along the Mexican border. With a few veterans of the war, most of the recruits are young men who have little or no experience with guns or policing crime.
Texas Rangers (2001 )
Cinco amigos sureños vuelven a casa después de la guerra en 1865, y encuentran que soldados yanquis están ayudando a un barón del ferrocarril a hacerse con las tierras de sus vecinos.
Forajidos (2001 )
John Grady Colle y su mejor amigo Lacey Rawlings abandonan Texas y cruzan la frontera en busca de aventuras. Ambos encuentran trabajo en un rancho, pero cuando Colle comienza un romance apasionado (y prohibido) con la bella hija del propietario del rancho, se desencadenará una serie de acontecimientos que cambiará para siempre la vida de todos.
Todos los caballos bellos (2000 )
Corre l'any 1881 i Chon Wang (Jackie Chan) és un guardià de l'emperador xinès. Quan la princesa Pei Pei (Lucy Liu) és segrestada i retinguda a l'oest de Nevada als Estats Units d'Amèrica, ell decideix anar a la seva recerca juntament amb altres guàrdies imperials. Un cop allà, es troba amb una banda de pistolers liderats per Roy O'Bannon (Owen Wilson), que es mostra molt interessat per la princesa i en la seva recompensa, per la qual cosa decideix ajudar Chon en la seva àrdua tasca de recerca.
Shangai Kid (2000 )
A hooker, a bank robber and an innocent young woman clash over love and loot from a robbery.
The Rowdy Girls (2000 )
When a sixteen year-old boy and his two young siblings set off on a quest to find their missing parents, their search leads them to a ghost town in the middle of the desert. They soon discover that this is no ordinary tourist spot. In fact, according to the maps, it doesn't exist at all! Finding their way into this mysterious place, the kids must confront the sinister force that dwells beneath it in order to rescue their parents - and save themselves.
Phantom Town (1999 )
Jim West és un vell heroi de la guerra de Secessió (1861-1865). Artemus Gordon és un imaginatiu xèrif que el supera a l'art de la disfressa. Quan els Estats Units es veuen amenaçats per Arliss Loveless, un llunàtic confederat, el president Ulysses Grant encarrega a aquesta excèntrica parella que se n'ocupi. En un mogut viatge des de Washington a Utah, els nostres herois s'hauran d'enfrontar als diabòlics artefactes de Loveless.
Wild wild West (1999 )
When a UFO crash lands nearby, it's up to a couple of kids to save the aliens from the local townspeople.
Aliens in the Wild, Wild West (1999 )
A principios de siglo, en México, un forajido a punto de ser ejecutado huye secuestrando a la hija del verdugo.
Abierto hasta el amanecer 3: La hija del verdugo (1999 )
Myrl Redding es un honrado tratante de caballos de Wyoming que tiene problemas con el cacique local. Éste, abusando de su poder, le obliga a entregarle dos valiosos sementales como peaje para pasar por sus tierras. Cuando Redding, después de recurrir a los cauces legales, no obtiene justicia, intentará tomársela por su propia mano.
Sin piedad (1999 )
Two hapless explorers lead an ill-fated 1804 expedition through the Pacific Northwest in a hopeless, doomed effort to reach the Pacific Ocean before Lewis and Clark.
Almost Heroes (1998 )
An intimate story of the enduring bond of friendship between two hard-living men, set against a sweeping backdrop: the American West, post-World War II, in its twilight. Pete and Big Boy are masters of the prairie, but ultimately face trickier terrain: the human heart.
The Hi-Lo Country (1998 )
Programa de TV
In 2071, roughly fifty years after an accident with a hyperspace gateway made the Earth almost uninhabitable, humanity has colonized most of the rocky planets and moons of the Solar System. Amid a rising crime rate, the Inter Solar System Police (ISSP) set up a legalized contract system, in which registered bounty hunters, also referred to as "Cowboys", chase criminals and bring them in alive in return for a reward.
Cowboy Bebop (1998 )
Programa de TV
Slow drawls, quick draws, heroes and outlaws all have one thing in common -- "The Legend of Calamity Jane." Fast with the whip, and even faster with a smile, Jane rides the trails and backwoods in search of truth and justice, showing what real heroes are made of in this animated western adventure series.
The Legend of Calamity Jane (1997 )
Colorado, siglo XIX. En un juicio se acusa a un hombre de canibalismo y asesinato de seis compañeros que viajaban con él hacia el Oeste.
Musical Caníbal (1996 )
Isaih Turner didn’t want to be a hero-all he wanted was revenge. Orphaned when both his parents were cruelly murdered by the wealthy and powerful Cyrus Bloomington, the young Isaiah grew up with one air in mind: to find the man who killed his folks and take him down.
The Cherokee Kid (1996 )
In the alien-western world of Oblivion, a suave, yet lethal bounty hunter named Sweeney arrives to arrest the seductive outlaw Lash on multiple charges, including murder. Lash, who just "inherited" a mine of Derconium (the most valuable mineral in the universe) from Crowley in a game of cards, meets up with Redeye's brother, Jaggar, who wants the mine for himself to rule the galaxy. It's a fight over Lash between the sheriff of Oblivion, Jaggar, and Sweeney. But who will emerge victorious?
Oblivion 2: Backlash (1996 )