Transmite en México
Explora una amplia biblioteca de películas y series de diversos géneros.
The film tells the story of Raquel, Rodolfo and Hernán, members of a brigade at the UNAM during the student movement in Mexico in 1968. Through their photographs, films and writings, we will know the history of the day that the army took the university and how their students united, shouted and never forgot.
Olimpia (2018 )
An ambitious young journalist uncovers the horrific slaughter of 22,000 Polish officers during World War II, a secret kept hidden for far too many years.
The Last Witness (2018 )
An Indian spy is married to a Pakistani military officer during the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971.
Raazi (2018 )
The true story of the most decorated dog in American military history -- Sgt. Stubby -- and the enduring bonds he forged with his brothers-in-arms in the trenches of World War I.
Sgt. Stubby: An American Hero (2018 )
Uruguay, 1973. Having been crushed by the military dictatorship, surviving members of the Tupamaro guerillas are imprisoned and tortured. They must find a way to endure the coming 12 years.
A Twelve-Year Night (2018 )
In one fell swoop, nine-year old David Van de Steen lost his mother, his father and his sister in an attack by the Brabant Killers in Aalst. His grandfather, Albert, has the well-nigh impossible task of giving David a new perspective on life, a future.
Don't Shoot (2018 )
This fascinating historical drama looks at the life of "the Czech Schindler," Zdenek Toman, a controversial figure who was an unsavory politician and dubious entrepreneur, but also the savior of hundreds of Eastern European Jews.
Toman (2018 )
Spain, June 2014. King Juan Carlos I abdicates after forty years on the throne. The historical cycle that began in 1978 has ended. It is the beginning of a new era. Felipe VI is the new king and the future is uncertain.
El rey (2018 )
El 20 de diciembre de 1989, pocos días después de la sangrienta represión de Ceausescu en Timisoara, la tarde tranquila de un padre, se convierte en una verdadera prueba cuando descubre que su pequeño hijo le ha enviado una carta a Santa Claus. Para el niño, el deseo de su padre era ver a Ceausescu muerto.
El regalo de Navidad (2018 )
1918 Ucrania. Estudiantes patrióticos, protagonistas de la película, se preparan para defender a Kiev y luchar heroicamente en la Batalla de Kruty. En este contexto histórico, se revela la historia de la familia Savytskyi, el general de la contrainteligencia de Ucrania y sus dos hijos, Andrii y Oleksa
1918: La batalla de Kruty (2018 )
The Voice of the Martyrs presents the inspiring new movie Tortured for Christ, a cinematic retelling of the testimony of VOM founder Pastor Richard Wurmbrand as written in his international bestseller Tortured for Christ. This movie was produced to honor the 50th anniversary of the book’s 1967 release. Filmed entirely in Romania, including in the very prison where Pastor Wurmbrand endured torture and solitary confinement, this powerful film uniquely presents the story with live action rather than interviews. The dialogue is presented in English, Romanian and Russian (with English subtitles) to hold to the authenticity of this true story.
Tortured for Christ (2018 )
In 1949, Alice Mitchell works as a prostitute on the street. After her situation worsens, she unsuccessfully attempts to reconcile with her estranged family over her homosexuality. She grows infatuated the daughter of a Christian household, Annabel. But she ultimately decides to give up the relationship in order to make peace with her parents.
Nothing Like The Sun (2018 )
Basado en hechos reales y trágicos en la vida de Vitaly Kaloyev, arquitecto y hombre de familia. En 2002, su esposa e hijos mueren en una colisión en el aire junto con otras 70 personas, en su mayoría niños. Vitaly es una de las primeras personas en descubrir los cuerpos de su familia en el lugar del accidente. Se culpa a la empresa responsable de monitorear el espacio aéreo, así como al único controlador de tráfico aéreo que estaba de servicio en ese momento. Dos años más tarde, después de muchos esfuerzos obstruidos para obtener disculpas y respuestas, Vitaly vuela a Suiza para obtener justicia.
Sin perdón (2018 )
Park Jae-sang, un geomántico real, ayuda a la gente a designar un sitio propicio para casas, tiendas e incluso tumbas bajo la creencia de que una tumba en un buen sitio traerá futura fortuna para los descendientes. Este perderá a su familia al exponer una conspiración sobre la tumba del Príncipe Heredero, pero planeará venganza, aunque esto le hará darse cuenta de que hay una conspiración mucho más grande detrás.
Feng Shui (2018 )
The story of the Serbian army, led by the King Peter, through the World War I.
King Petar the First (2018 )
Hardly anyone would have predicted that Žanis Lipke would miraculously become a hero. He was a completely ordinary Latvian blue-collar worker. In order to be able to support his family under wartime conditions, he worked at the German military aviation warehouses and supplemented his income by smuggling at night. This film attempts to answer the question whether Žanis’ courage stems from his adventurous and daring spirit, stubbornness, or a sense of responsibility towards people in need.
The Mover (2018 )
Una película biográfica indonesia sobre el controvertido exgobernador de Yakarta, Ahok.
Ahok - Camino al Poder (2018 )
Story of Porfirio Rubirosa, the Dominican playboy and suspected spy.
Rubirosa (2018 )
With the Peronist government overthrown, with General Perón in exile and the Liberating Revolution in power, four renowned Peronist leaders are confined in the distant and cold Unit 15 of the Río Gallegos prison. Faced with the imminent execution to which the political prisoners will be assigned, they decide that the only option to survive is escape. Leaving aside their personal and ideological differences, they plan one of the most spectacular escapes in Argentine history.
Unidad XV (2018 )
Barents Sea, August 12th, 2000. During a Russian naval exercise, and after suffering a serious accident, the K-141 Kursk submarine sinks with 118 crew members on board. While the few sailors who are still alive barely manage to survive, their families push for accurate information and a British officer struggles to obtain from the Russian government a permit to attempt a rescue before it is late. But general incompetence are against all their efforts.
Kursk (2018 )
In Brussels, Belgium, the Royal Museum of Central Africa is undertaking a radical renovation, both physical and ethical, to show with sincerity, crudeness and open-mindedness the reality of the atrocities perpetrated against the inhabitants of the Belgian colonies in Africa, still haunted and traumatized by the ghost of King Leopold II of Belgium, a racist and genocidal tyrant.
Totems and Taboos (2018 )
Narra la història de Mark Felt, que en 1974 i amb el sobrenom de "Gola profunda", va ajudar als periodistes Bob Woodward i Carl Bernstein, del Washington Post, a destapar l'escàndol del Watergate, que finalitzaria amb la carrera del president Nixon.
Mark Felt, l’home que va fer caure la Casa Blanca (2017 )
Antigua Corea, siglo XVII. El poderoso khan de la tribu Jurchen de Manchuria, que lucha contra la dinastía Ming para hacerse con China, se convierte en el primer emperador de la dinastía Qing y exige al rey In-jo de Joseon que se incline ante él, pero In-jo se niega, pues es leal a los Ming. El 14 de diciembre de 1636, la horda Qing invade Joseon. El rey y su corte se refugian en la fortaleza de la montaña de Namhan y se preparan para defender el reino.
The Fortress (2017 )
Unió Soviètica, 1965. En plena cursa espacial entre l'URSS i els Estats Units, els cosmonautes Aleksei Leónov i Pàvel Beliàiev han rebut la missió de dur a terme la primera sortida d'un humà a l'espai exterior. El govern soviètic exigeix que la missió s'acompleixi com més aviat millor per poder avançar-se als nord-americans. Aquesta precipitació provocarà greus disfuncions en l'estat de la nau, en els sistemes i la tecnologia de bord i en els protocols d'aterratge i d'emergències, i convertirà la tasca dels dos tripulants en un viatge perillosíssim, gairebé suïcida. Només gràcies a l'habilitat dels pilots, i en gran part també gràcies a l'atzar, aconseguiran sortir a l'espai i completar la missió, mentre les cadenes de televisió ho retransmeten en directe.
Temps de pioners (2017 )
La història del famós guitarrista i compositor Django Reinhardt i la seua fugida de París el 1943 a causa de l'ocupació alemanya. La família del músic de jazz va ser perseguida i assetjada pels nazis a causa del seu origen gitano.
Django (2017 )
The Black Prince follows the story of the last Sikh Maharaja — the son of the powerful ruler Ranjit Singh — who was placed on the throne at the age of five, after the death of his father. In 1849, the young prince was removed from the throne and eventually sent off to England. His attempts to return to India and reclaim his kingdom were subsequently thwarted by the British.
The Black Prince (2017 )
The year 2017 marks the 500th anniversary of one on the most important events in Western civilization: the birth of an idea that continues to shape the life of every American today. In 1517, power was in the hands of the few, thought was controlled by the chosen, and common people lived lives without hope. On October 31 of that year, a penniless monk named Martin Luther sparked the revolution that would change everything. He had no army. In fact, he preached nonviolence so powerfully that — 400 years later — Michael King would change his name to Martin Luther King to show solidarity with the original movement. This movement, the Protestant Reformation, changed Western culture at its core, sparking the drive toward individualism, freedom of religion, women's rights, separation of church and state, and even free public education. Without the Reformation, there would have been no pilgrims, no Puritans, and no America in the way we know it.
Martin Luther: The Idea that Changed the World (2017 )
In 1976, Canadian stuntman Ken Carter declared his intention to jump a mile over the St. Lawrence Seaway in a rocket powered car. In 2008, Canadian musician Mark Haney declared his intention to pay tribute to Ken Carter in the form of a concept album for solo double bass. In 2011, Canadian filmmaker John Bolton declared his intention to make a "musical docudrama" about both men. Aim for the Roses is a one-of-a-kind film, about a one-of-a-kind album, about a one-of-a-kind stunt, all three of which could only happen in Canada.
Aim for the Roses (2017 )
Basado en hechos reales. Jussi Ketola, regresa a Finlandia desde la gran depresión golpeará a Estados Unidos solo para enfrentar una creciente agitación política en su país. Una noche de verano de 1930, matones nacionalistas secuestraron violentamente a Ketola de su casa. Golpeado y obligado a caminar por el Camino Eterno hacia la Rusia soviética, donde la crueldad parece no tener fin, su único sueño es volver a toda costa con su familia.
The Eternal Road (2017 )
Durante la dinastía Joseon, cada vez hay más descontento y menos confianza en la capacidad del rey para gobernar el país. Un grupo de rebeldes desea deponer al rey Yeongjo (Ryu Tae Joon), pero primero deben rescatar de la cárcel al líder del grupo, Lee In Jwa (Kim Ji Hoon). Kim Ho (Jung Hae In), un antiguo guardián del rey, ha sido degradado a trabajar como un guardián de prisión. Aún así, sigue siendo considerado el mejor espadachín de todo Joseon. ¿Podrán In Jwa y sus hombres pelear contra Kim Ho y vencerle para triunfar en sus planes? “La edad de la sangre” es una película surcoreana de 2017, dirigida por Kim Hong Seon.
La Era de la Sangre (2017 )
Young Kim Chang-soo is placed behind bars, charged with murdering a Japanese person who took part in Empress Myeongseong's assassination. In prison, Kim Chang-soo sees how Koreans are persecuted and grows into a fighter for Korean independence.
Man of Will (2017 )
El anarquista Park Yeol llegó a Tokio como estudiante, en la década de los años 20 y pronto se convirtió en activista político. Creó varios grupos con otros antiimperialistas coreanos, participando en la traducción de textos políticos y filosóficos que conllevaron una agitación política y vandalismo.
Anarchist from Colony (2017 )