Transmite en México
Explora una amplia biblioteca de películas y series de diversos géneros.
Película que narra la evolucion de la "Teoría de la Relatividad" de Albert Einstein, así como la relacion de éste con el cientifíco británico Sir Arthur Eddington, el primer físico en entender sus ideas.
Einstein (2008 )
Narra la historia sobre el polémico recuento de votos en Florida tras las elecciones presidenciales americanas del año 2000, asunto que resolvió el Tribunal Supremo, otorgando la victoria al candidato republicano George W. Bush, que se enfrentaba al demócrata Al Gore.
Recuento (2008 )
Richard Nixon (Frank Langella) va romandre en silenci durant tres anys després de renunciar a la presidència dels Estats Units. El 1977 va accedir a una entrevista per tal d'aclarir alguns punts foscos de l'època en què era al govern i utilitzar-la per a un possible retorn a la política. L'entrevistador va ser el jove David Frost (Michael Sheen), a qui Nixon creia que doblegaria. Però el resultat va ser una gran batalla dialèctica entre tots dos, vista per 45 milions de persones en quatre nits.
El desafiament: Frost contra Nixon (2008 )
- Gratis
How much should you negotiate with the enemy? In Israel, the debate over that question evoked fury to the point of assassination. Such was the case of Kasztner. Dr Israel (Rezso) Kasztner, a Hungarian Jew who tried to rescue the last million Jews of Europe by negotiating face to face with Nazi leader Adolf Eichmann, was gunned down by another Jew who never set foot in Nazi Europe. After 50 years, his assassin Ze'ev Eckstein breaks his silence on the fateful night he shot and killed Kasztner. (Storyville)
Killing Kasztner (2008 )
- Gratis
Archival footage, animation and music are used to look back at the eight anti-war protesters who were put on trial following the 1968 Democratic National Convention.
Chicago 10 (2008 )
- Gratis
Before her death, Emma reflects on her life; beginning with her childhood, up through her final years in Nauvoo.
Emma Smith: My Story (2008 )
“The Soviet Story” is a story of an Allied power, which helped the Nazis to fight Jews and which slaughtered its own people on an industrial scale. Assisted by the West, this power triumphed on May 9th, 1945. Its crimes were made taboo, and the complete story of Europe’s most murderous regime has never been told. Until now...
The Soviet Story (2008 )
As intense battles rage between Indian and Pakistani forces in the Kargil district of Kashmir, Indian Col. Mahadeva (Mohanlal) leads his brave troops on a dangerous mission to capture the rocky Kargil territory. This Malayalam-language war drama -- directed by Major Ravi, a former Indian Army officer -- also stars Cochin Hanifa, Bineesh Kodiyeri, Manikuttan, Biju Menon and Siddique, and features songs by Sidhharth Bipin.
Kurukshetra (2008 )
Professor David Reynolds applies fresh thinking to the now-familiar story of the 1918 armistice that effectively brought World War I to an end.
Armistice (2008 )
Pancho Villa: Here and There (2008 )
16th century ruler King Philip II of Spain maneuvers within a court of deceit and betrayal
La conjura de El Escorial (2008 )
- Gratis
King Henry V of England is manipulated by the clergy into invading France to claim the crown; He finds that it is more difficult than he imagines, and must rely on his ability to lead his ragtag army to victory in the face of terrible odds.
Henry V (2007 )
- Gratis
Golda's Balcony is based on the stage play about the rise of Golda Meir from schoolgirl to Israel's Prime Minister.
Golda's Balcony (2007 )
This historical drama takes us back to one of the great battles in naval history. It took place in 1805 during the great Napoleonic Wars and pitted the British Royal Navy against the combined fleets of Spain and France. In one of the most decisive engagements ever, the Royal Navy lost only one ship while sinking 22 French and Spanish warships. It put an end to Napoleon's plan to invade England.
Trafalgar: The Greatest Naval Battle in History (2007 )
La reina Isabel I d'Anglaterra ha d'enfrontar-se a una traïció en el si de la seva pròpia família i també amb el poderós rei espanyol Felip II, que està decidit a restaurar el catolicisme a Anglaterra amb l'ajuda del seu exèrcit.
Elizabeth: L’edat d’or (2007 )
- Gratis
In 1993, Canadian Lieutenant General Roméo Dallaire was sent by the United Nations to Rwanda as commander of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda (UNAMIR). Its mission, to ensure the ceasefire, is underfunded, excessively bureaucratized and made up of military units which come from dozens of countries and which each have a very different program... These are Lt Gen Dallaire's efforts to stop the madness of the Rwandan Genocide, despite the complete indifference of his superiors.
Shake Hands with the Devil (2007 )
- Gratis
Ambientada en 1860, Warlords es una historia épica sobre tres hermanos de sangre que luchan en las legendarias contiendas bélicas y políticas hacia al final de la dinastía Quing (1644-1911).
The Warlords: Los señores de la guerra (2007 )
Al aspirante a agente del FBI Eric O'Neill (Phillippe) le asignan como compañero al veterano Robert Hanssen (Cooper). La Agencia tiene evidencias de que está pasando información muy valiosa a los soviéticos. Para no levantar demasiadas sospechas, una de las supervisoras del caso (Linney) le dice a Eric que su misión será vigilar a Hanssen porque es un pervertido sexual. (FILMAFFINITY)
El espía (2007 )
Hank Deerfield, un veterà de guerra, investiga la desaparició del seu fill Mike, el qual, després de tornar de l'Iraq, inexplicablement s'ha absentat de la base sense permís. Amb l'ajuda de la detectiu Sanders, anirà revivint les experiències del noi a l'Iraq, però ensopega amb enormes dificultats per part de les autoritats militars.
A la vall d’Elah (2007 )
On a calm summer day in 1991, in the bustling Lokhandwala Complex, five criminals including Maya and Dilip were counting 70 lakhs in flat no. 32 B, when 286 policemen, headed by ACP Khan, took strategic positions around their building. A gunfire ensued and the entire nation witnessed the most talked about daylight encounter lasting 6 hours that transformed suburban Mumbai into a war zone.
Shootout at Lokhandwala (2007 )
A mitjan segle XV, al Japó, un guerrer anomenat Nanashi (que vol dir 'sense nom') salva el jove Kotarou i el seu gos, perseguits per una organització militar xinesa. Nanashi es converteix d'aquesta manera en el guardaespatlles del noi.
El samurai sense nom (2007 )
En Charlie Wilson és un congressista de Texas amb fama de vividor. La seva amant, a més, és una de les dones més riques de l'estat i té una ideologia marcadament anticomunista. Tots dos, juntament amb un agent de la CIA, ordeixen un pla per expulsar els soviètics instal·lats a l'Afganistan.
La guerra d’en Charlie Wilson (2007 )
Historia épica que presenta los últimos tiempos de los indios como pobladores autóctonos de Norteamérica.
Entierra mi corazón en Wounded Knee (2007 )
Controvertido documental que relaciona el Cristianismo, el 11-S y la Reserva Federal Americana. De distribución exclusiva por Internet pero disponible en algunos países ya en DVD, obtuvo excelentes críticas por parte de los internautas y otras muy negativas que ponían en liza la poca fiabilidad de algunas de las cosas que se contaban. No confundir con "American Zeitgeist", documental de Rob McGann del año 2006, estrenado en cines y que aborda un tema parecido.
Zeitgeist (2007 )
- Gratis
Jonestown: Paradise Lost is a documentary on the final days of Jonestown, the Peoples Temple, and Jim Jones. From eyewitness and survivor accounts, it recreates the last week before the mass murder-suicide on November 18, 1978.
Jonestown: Paradise Lost (2007 )
- Gratis
Six Jewish women, from different countries and different backgrounds, found themselves deported to the notorious concentration camp, Auschwitz-Birkenau, during the Holocaust. This film attempts to chronicle that experience through those same female eyes. While subject to the same physical hardships as men, these women do not dwell on that. Instead, they speak of camp families and faith, uplifting one another while trying to remain human. It was this path of spiritual resistance that, while not responsible for their direct survival, led to their ability to survive with healthy minds and spirits despite the constant barrage of their surroundings. Swimming in Auschwitz gives us a perspective of the camp, its surroundings and the Holocaust that we need to understand and remember, so that we never forget.
Swimming in Auschwitz (2007 )
A teenage boy rediscovers his courage and love of life after being reunited with an old flame in the most horrific place imaginable - a concentration camp.
The Violin (2007 )
- Gratis
La Revolución Rusa es el término colectivo para una serie de revoluciones en Rusia en 1917, que destruyó la autocracia zarista y condujo a la creación de la Unión Soviética. El zar fue depuesto y reemplazado por un gobierno provisional en la primera revolución de febrero de 1917 (marzo en el calendario gregoriano, el calendario juliano más antiguo estaba en uso en Rusia en ese momento). En la segunda revolución, durante octubre, el Gobierno Provisional fue removido y reemplazado por un gobierno bolchevique (comunista).
La revolucion Rusa en color (2007 )
En São Paulo, a finales de los años 1960, el convento de los frailes dominicos se convirtió en una trinchera de resistencia a la dictadura militar que gobierna Brasil. Movidos por los ideales cristianos, los trastes Betto, Oswaldo, Fernando, Ivo y Tito vinieron a apoyar al grupo guerrillero Ação Libertadora Nacional, comandado por Carlos Marighella.
Bautismo de sangre (2007 )
- Gratis
The chronicle of the revolutionary campaign of Che Guevara in Bolivia (1966-67), which has remained placed in his famous diary.
Che: The Last Days (2007 )
- Gratis
Ten years of war (1910-20), more than one million dead. The struggle for political freedom is gradually transformed into a struggle for land and resources with the appearance of mythical figures such as Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata. With the roar of the battlefields silenced, today's Mexico emerges from the ruins left by the first great popular revolution of the 20th century.
Mexican Revolution (2007 )
- Gratis
Arquivos da Morte - Guerra Civil (2007 )