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Explora una amplia biblioteca de películas y series de diversos géneros.
Programa de TV
Two friends in the past were victims of serious school bulling. One could not resist his trauma, and becomes a serial killer, walking in the path of revenge. Another one tries his best to overcome the trauma and becomes a police detective. He now faces tragic fate to risk his life to capture the serial killer.
The King of Pigs (2022 )
The newly married Elizabeth arrives with her new husband, the scientist Henry, at a magnificent house. He tells her that she can do there anything she pleases, except to enter a certain closed room.
Elizabeth Harvest (2018 )
In Italy, a woman fears her sister has been kidnapped; Inspector Enzo Avolfi fears it's worse. They team up to rescue her from a sadistic killer known only as Yellow.
Giallo (2010 )
Convinced that his fiancee is cheating on him, a man follows her to a hotel and calls his best friend to help him avoid a calamity.
Across the Hall (2009 )
Programa de TV
The exploits of the Los Angeles–based Office of Special Projects (OSP), an elite division of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service that specializes in undercover assignments.
NCIS: Los Angeles (2009 )
Nancy (Sophia Lillis), una extraña que trata de encajar en el nuevo ambiente en el que se mueve, trata de resolver un misterio con la ayuda de sus amigos al mismo tiempo que busca su lugar en la comunidad donde ahora reside.
Nancy Drew y la Escalera Escondida (2019 )
Quan una professora universitària afligida s'enfronta a dos caçadors que atrapa envaint la seva propietat, es veu embolicada en una batalla de voluntats cada vegada més gran amb conseqüències catastròfiques.
Terra sense llei (2022 )
One morning, Jessica Holland, a Scottish orchid farmer visiting her sister in Bogotá, is woken by a loud ‘bang’. This haunting sound dispels her sleep for days, calling into question her identity and guiding her from recording studios to secluded jungle villages in an attempt to find its source.
Memoria (2021 )
La nit del 17 de juny de 1972 cinc lladres són enxampats a l'Hotel Watergate, seu nacional del Partit Demòcrata. Tots ells disposaven de bitllets nous de cent dòlars amb numeració consecutiva, duien material d’escolta i de punxat de telèfons a dojo i, encara més misteriós, advocats de renom els defensen al judici. Dos periodistes, Bob Woodward i Carl Bernstein, cobreixen la notícia per encàrrec del diari The Washington Post. En les seves investigacions, assistits per l'enigmàtic confident Veu Profunda, arribaran cada cop més lluny i cada cop més i més amunt...
Tots els homes del president (1976 )
La investigadora de l'Oficina del Fiscal Jess Cobb, l'investigador de l'FBI Ray Kaster i la fiscal auxiliar Claire Sloan, són destacats professionals que han estat seleccionats per participar en un grup especial antiterrorista a Los Angeles després de l'11 de setembre. En Ray i la Jess reben una trucada per investigar l'escenari d'un crim. La víctima és la Caroline, filla de la Jess.
El secret d’una obsessió (2015 )
Durante años, el matrimonio formado por Marie y Jean ha pasado unas felices vacaciones en la región de las Landas, al oeste de Francia. Pero este verano, durante una siesta de Marie en la playa, su marido desaparece sin dejar rastro.
Bajo la arena (2000 )
Nick Parsons i la seva dona Libby viuen aparentment una vida idíl·lica amb el seu fill Matty. Però una nit navegant Nick desapareix, i Libby és acusada del seu assassinat i enviada a la presó. Allí s'assabenta que el seu marit segueix viu, i també que una vegada jutjada i sentenciada per un crim, una persona no pot tornar a ser jutjada pel mateix delicte.
Doble risc (1999 )
England, 1969. The fascinating Abbie and the troubled Lydia are great friends. After an unexpected tragedy occurs in the strict girls' school they attend, a mysterious epidemic of fainting breaks out that threatens the mental sanity and beliefs of the tormented people involved, both teachers and students.
The Falling (2015 )
Explica la història d'un home armat que pren com a ostatges els clients d'un bar de carretera remot. No obstant això, descobriran que un pot ser encara més perillós que el seu captor.
La trampa de l’assassí (2010 )
Basat en un best-seller de l'autor de "Mystic River", explica la història de dos joves detectius privats, Patrick Kenzie i Angela Gennaro que busquen una nena de quatre anys, filla d'una drogoaddicta, que ha estat segrestada en un dels barris més sòrdids de Boston.
Adeu, nena, adeu (2007 )
En esta ocasión el inspector Tibbs deberá ayudar a unos jóvenes que por venganza han robado una importante cantidad de droga a unos temibles narcotraficantes.
El inspector Tibbs contra la organización (1971 )
Los habitantes de un remoto pueblo del interior de California, entre los que se encuentran los propietarios de un rancho, James y Jill Haywood, realizan un descubrimiento tan insólito como estremecedor.
¡Nop! (2022 )
About to embark on a new world tour, global pop sensation Skye Riley begins experiencing increasingly terrifying and inexplicable events. Overwhelmed by the escalating horrors and the pressures of fame, Skye is forced to face her dark past to regain control of her life before it spirals out of control.
Smile 2 (2024 )
Programa de TV
A successful and renowned novelist — haunted by trauma and a mysterious blackmailer — returns to his hometown to reckon with his unresolved past.
Hound's Hill (2025 )
The story of a husband who suspects his wife of adultery, and sets out to track down the other man in her life.
Crònica d’un engany (2008 )
Garden gnomes Gnomeo & Juliet recruit renown detective Sherlock Gnomes to investigate the mysterious disappearance of other garden ornaments.
Sherlock Gnomes (2018 )
Una niña se despierta en un enorme laboratorio secreto. luego, accidentalmente conoce a otra chica que está tratando de proteger su casa de una pandilla. La chica misteriosa derroca a la pandilla con sus poderes inesperados y el personal del laboratorio se dispuso a encontrarla.
The Witch: Part 2. The Other One (2022 )
Doc McCoy is put in prison because his partners chickened out and flew off without him after exchanging a prisoner with a lot of money. Doc knows Jack Benyon, a rich "business"-man, is up to something big, so he tells his wife (Carol McCoy) to tell him that he's for sale if Benyon can get him out of prison. Benyon pulls some strings and Doc McCoy is released again. Unfortunately he has to cooperate with the same person that got him to prison.
The Getaway (1994 )
After a Black Friday riot ends in tragedy, a mysterious Thanksgiving-inspired killer terrorizes Plymouth, Massachusetts - the birthplace of the holiday. Picking off residents one by one, what begins as random revenge killings are soon revealed to be part of a larger, sinister holiday plan.
Thanksgiving (2023 )
A mentally disturbed man takes residence in a halfway house. His mind gradually slips back into the realm created by his illness, where he replays a key part of his childhood.
Spider (2002 )
El tinent Somerset, del departament d'homicidis, és a punt de jubilar-se i ser reemplaçat per l'ambiciós i brillant detectiu David Mills. Tots dos hauran de col·laborar en la resolució d'una sèrie d'assassinats comesos per un psicòpata que pren com a base la relació dels set pecats capitals: gola, mandra, supèrbia, avarícia, enveja, luxúria i ira. Els cossos de les víctimes, sobre els quals l'assassí s'acarnissa de manera impúdica, es convertiran per als policies en un enigma que els obligarà a viatjar a l'horror i la barbàrie més absoluta.
Seven (1995 )
A young couple travelling down the freeway seem to be unable to get off the road after being hunted by someone intent on keeping them on the road.
The Fearway (2023 )
Una diseñadora de moda sufre una enfermedad misteriosa que desconcierta a sus médicos y frustra a su esposo, hasta que llega la ayuda de un cuidador filipino, que usa la curación popular tradicional para revelar una verdad horrible.
Efecto nocebo (2022 )
On National day, Sheng Liming, a junior high school teacher, is bored and sits around in his single-room dormitory. Meanwhile, his former student Dong Jie plans to take a documentary about Sheng's life. During the filming, one of Dong and Sheng' friends tells them about the news that Dong's former classmate Li Yanwu is missing for quite a while. It seems to infuse some fresh excitement into Sheng's difficult holiday. Sheng‘s desire to find Li Yanwu is getting intenser with the hidden aches and pains of life and work. Dong Jie's attitude towards the expression of his film also turns different during the week.
Break (2019 )
Res és el que sembla a la mansió anglesa de Godsford Park, i el que comença com una tranquil·la reunió de cap de setmana per a una partida de caça convocada per Sir William McCordle i la seva esposa es transforma en un niu d'escurçons on algú serà assassinat. El grup de sospitosos és tan eclèctic com la reunió, i tant els nobles del pis de dalt com els plebeus de la part de baix semblen tenir alguna cosa a amagar.
Gosford Park (2001 )
A seemingly chance encounter with an estranged childhood friend draws a bookstore clerk into a plot to steal a time machine.
A Promise of Time Travel (2016 )
Sarah returns with her father and uncle to fix up the family's longtime summerhouse after it was violated by squatters in the off-season. As they work in the dark, Sarah begins to hear sounds from within the walls of the boarded-up building. Although she barely remembers the place, Sarah senses the past may still haunt the home.
Silent House (2011 )