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A documentary examining what the Tyrannosaurus Rex was really like - both appearance and behaviour - using the recent palaeontological and zoological research.
The Real T Rex with Chris Packham (2018 )
At war since 1914, a depleted Europe lay in ruins. Only American intervention in 1917 would turn the tide for the Allies against the Central Powers. A century after the US entered the fray, explore the reasons behind the delayed response by the US, and the impact the US Army had on the war.
America's World War I Centennial (2017 )
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Technology, love it or hate it, its effects are shaping our lives and our futures.
Curious Minds: Technology (2015 )
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Creativity and creative insights power our society and empower us as individuals.
Curious Minds: Creativity (2015 )
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What makes a successful entrepreneur?
Curious Minds: Entrepreneurs (2015 )
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Dark matter, particle physics and supersymmetry make our universe a fascinating and complex challenge to understand.
Curious Minds: The Universe (2015 )
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How is the internet shaping our lives in the 21st Century?
Curious Minds: The Internet (2015 )
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What makes a spy successful? What mindset drives a covert operative?
Curious Minds: Espionage (2015 )
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How has fast food and sedentary lifestyles changed our patterns of health? What can we do to reverse the trend to obesity?
Curious Minds: Health (2015 )
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How does the global community deal with the increasing terrorist activity on large and small scales?
Curious Minds: Terrorism (2015 )
The nightmare dramatized in the movie "Gravity" is now a sad reality: fragments of missiles or satellites that threaten to damage and destroy our space infrastructure. With the amount of debris in space rising over the past two decades, the danger keeps getting worse. To clean up the mess, engineers are now devising innovative schemes using magnetic nets, lasers, and robotic trash collectors.
Space Smash (2020 )
The faint red glow of Mars has intrigued those watching it from Earth for centuries. Now space exploration has begun to lift the veil on "The Red Planet", and upcoming missions to Mars are looking at Mars as a potential habitat for humans. Can we move to Mars in the next decade?
Mars: The Journey (2015 )
Amanda Knox served four years in an Italian prison for the murder of her British flatmate Meredith Kercher in Perugia in 2007, always insisting on her innocence. In 2011, she was acquitted on the basis of DNA evidence but prosecutors successfully appealed and her acquittal was struck down. In 2014 she was again found guilty in absentia after a retrial and sentenced to 28 years and six months in jail. The saga came to and end when Italy's highest court overturned the convictions of Ms Knox and her former boyfriend, Italian student Raffaele Sollecito in March 2015. Known burglar Rudy Guede was arrested a short time later following the discovery of his bloodstained fingerprints on Kercher's possessions. He was later found guilty of murder in a fast-track trial and is currently (as of 2019) serving a 16-year prison sentence.
The Amanda Knox Saga (2014 )
A remote community in Africa, led by a woman chief, attempts to break the stranglehold of absolute poverty by waging a war on wildlife poaching. For decades illegal wildlife poaching by both subsistence and bush meat gangs has led to the government declaring this community’s homeland “depleted” of wildlife. The chief finds help in the form of a safari operator and they work together to bring stability to the community. But all was not well. Disease, food stability, and rampant alcoholism hamper basic needs like health care and education. Even young girls, just after reaching puberty, are sold by their parents as child brides in order to feed their family for one year. Dark forces including South African land speculators, criminal poaching gangs, and her own people conspire against the chief. Even elements from the modern world work against the chief’s wishes. Will the chief and her community see success?
Killing the Shepherd (2021 )
Trapped behind enemy lines and presumed dead, the Sarge and Tex desperately fight for survival. Meanwhile Pvt. Washington and Pvt. Harris are being redeployed into the Nam Nung territory, in search of their lost squad mates. The squad must reunite and capture a key vantage point if they hope to escape the Nam Nung.
Rendezvous II: No Man Left Behind (2012 )
Today, more people learn English as a second language than any other in the world. The formation of modern English is paved by warfare and the fall-and-rise of ancient tribes and civilizations. This is the saga of a language that wouldn’t quit—responding to invasion after invasion by snagging the conquerors’ most useful words, streamlining their grammar, and turning their tongue into today’s linguistic superpower. The result is a language that has double the vocabulary of any other language. Today, more people learn English as a second language than any other.
The History of English (2018 )
The remarkable story of the engineers behind the revolutionary technologies developed for the Apollo missions. In the face of epic challenges, and with a fraction of today’s technology, these are the people who navigated us to the moon and back.
Hack the Moon: Unsung Heroes of Apollo (2019 )
Pan Am - Aufstieg und Absturz einer Luftfahrt-Ikone (2022 )
Over the past few years, technology has improved our lives in so many ways. Now, some people, called trans-humanists, are taking the next logical step - they are fusing their bodies with digital implants to increase their abilities and expand their senses - they are becoming, in effect, real life cyborgs. How is life going to change for us all if some people have supernatural powers?
Cyborgs: Human Machines (2017 )
What is a virus? How does it affect humans and how does it spread? Doctors, virologists and scientists examine the spread of the Zika virus, what effect this growing epidemic may have on large populations, and possible next steps to stop the illness.
Viruses: Destruction And Creation (2016 )
Whoops! After an unintentional button pressing incident alerting Earth of its impending demise, Gail must find a way to reverse this misunderstanding and save the world!
Imminent Danger! (2011 )
Ten years after the nuclear disaster at Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant following the 3.11 megaquake and megatsunami, the once beautiful ‘satoyama’ landscape is now replaced by haphazardly spreading wilderness. The most conspicuous change may be in the local ecosystem.
Radioactive Forest: 10 Years After (2022 )
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Calling on historians and economists, William Karel conducts a detailed analysis of the 1929 crash of Wall Street and the Great Depression.
1929 (2009 )
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The stories of iconic Australian animals and the biological and evolutionary factors that link them.
Wild Tales (2023 )
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Humanity's drive to push the bounds of the known world sometimes results in tragedy - but science still remembers the breakthroughs.
Deadly Science (2023 )
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Endurance is an American reality television children's program, previously shown on the Discovery Kids cable network in the United States and also on networks in other countries. The show's format is somewhat similar to the CBS television series Survivor, though with a teenaged cast. Endurance contestants live in a remote location and participate in various mental and physical challenges, although Endurance contestants compete as pairs, and the outcome of the competitions determines which pair of players is eliminated. In its six-year run between 2002–2008, each season began with a new slate of contestants, who were gradually eliminated as the season progressed until the remaining two teams competed to get all of the Endurance Pyramid pieces. The winning boy and girl received an all-expenses paid vacation package with their parents to an exotic location as the prize. Production ended with the final episode of the sixth season, first aired on March 8, 2008. Reruns of Endurance continue to be televised in the U.S., on Hub Network, Discovery Kids's successor until July 22, 2013. Reruns on the Hub ended on October 14, 2011, until the show was brought back for reruns on April 2, 2012 but was once again cancelled. Spanish-dubbed reruns also air on weekends on Azteca America. Three seasons of Endurance were each nominated for a Daytime Emmy Award in the category of "Outstanding Children's Series", however the show never won.
Endurance (2002 )
Whales features the most majestic creatures in the ocean. This wild window contains spectacular images of Humpback Whales, Sperm Whales and Blue Whales. There is no narration, just ambient sounds of whales and water along with a calming and relaxing soundtrack.
Wild Window: Whales (2015 )
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Quantum physics? Theoretical physicist Brian Greene helps you understand its origins and its impact on today's world.
Exploring Quantum History With Brian Greene (2015 )
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Investigating the time-saving inventions we depend on and explores their impact on the world at large.
Faster! (2021 )
The Dutch water polo men's team has not qualified for the Olympic Games since 2000. The team will get a new chance during the 2021 Olympic Qualifying Tournament in Rotterdam. This documentary follows Bilal, Eelco, and Robin during the preparations. The chance that they will succeed is small, they all know that. But imagine that it will work.
The Underdogs (2021 )
Enter the microscopic world of ants guided by Sir David Attenborough, and expert filmmaker Martin Dohrn. Get an exclusive look at the one-of-a-kind camera, that has allowed us to view the world of the ant and follow the lives of the worlds hardest working insects.
The Making of David Attenborough's Ant Mountain (2018 )
The Power of Fire: Our Earth is Burning (2019 )